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Nano Computer Design Based on Intra Body

Nanoscale Neuro-Spike Communication: a

Nanonetwork Paradigm

Partha Pratim Ray

Department of Computer Science and Applications
Sikkim University
6th Mile, Samdur, Tadong, Gangtok, Sikkim-737102

Abstract-To realize nano scale network functionalities, the Biological systems interact, due to maintain the continuity
underlying architecture of nano machines should be developed. and heal the diseased part of body. Though, the advent of
Human body is the nature created best realistic model of medicine has taken many push back policies by rectifying
nanonetworking. Intra neuron communication is the well different diseased part of human body, still unable to cure
designed nanonetwoking structure which leads to develop similar numerous critical diseases and understand its underneath
nano computer model that explores the diagnosis and remedial
reasons caused by molecular nano communication failure.
mechanisms for various critical diseases. In this paper, first,
Researchers have tried many techniques and strategies to
Moore machine model is adapted by comprehending biological
combat these discrepancies but only a limited amount of work
interactions between nano scale neuro-spike communications.
have been done based on the Information Communication and
Next, a novel nano computer model is devised based on Moore
Technological (lCT) approach on nano communication
machine. This research to paves a holistic path to overcome the
limitation of leT oriented medical diagnostic approach and
networks, in this area, so far. This paper models the neuro­
builds the foundation for pragmatic implementation by certain
spike communication channel by applying information
advancement in nanoelectronics.
theoretical approach and develops a nano computer, based on
Moore machine mechanism comprehended by biological
Keywords-Moore machine; finite state automata; neuro-spike theories obtained from intra-neuron communication. The
communication; nanonetwork; nano computer objective of this research is to identifY the communication
theory behind the axonal spike transmission through neurons
in human body and to design a basic nano computer model
which will be able to sort out the diseases caused by
Nanonetwork study and research have become an obvious miscommunication mechanism between intra cellular and
and desired area of computation, now-a-days. To realize the tissual in human body or similar kind of biological systems by
concepts of nanonetwork, the theoretical basis of existing nano implementing proper diagnosis and appropriate drug delivery.
scale communication techniques and the corresponding
development of nano devices should be practiced. A This paper, first, develops a Moore machine based on
nanonetwork or nanoscale network is a set of interconnected neuro-spike communication in intra neuron channel in human
nanomachines, i.e., devices in the order of a few hundred body. Next, devises a novel nano computer model which will
nanometers or a few micrometers at most, which are able to perform the required decision making and controlling jobs to
perform only very simple tasks such as computing, data sense the input spikes and generates actuator signal, by
storing, sensing and actuation [1]. Nanonetworking enhances completing the full bio cycle of neuro-spike communication.
the workability of a nano machine by expanding the This paper is organized as follows. Section II presents
complexity and range of operation by coordination between related work. Section ill presents Moore machine construction.
multiple nano devices [2]. Section IV presents nano computer architecture. Section V
Human body is the nature made best real life model of concludes this paper.
nanonetworks. It is juxtapose of heterogeneous communication
networks, such as, nervous, cardiovascular, and endocrine II. RELATED WORK
nanonetworks etc. Intra body nervous communication plays a
In [3], various elementary models for intra-body molecular
vital role to perform various functionalities in human body.
communication channels, such as, nanoscale neuro-spike
This can be an origin of inspiration to develop a nano computer
communication channel, action potential based cardiomyocyte
which will in turn be able to control similar tasks in body,
molecular communication channel, and hormonal molecular
when implemented.
communication channel and their multi-terminal extensions are
discussed. In [4], a physical channel for molecular

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Input lVeuron OutPUt Neuron

Axonal Noise ,--_-----:=:::-:::=-:c==::::-:-_--=-;Syn aptic Noise

�----�I �I __���
Axonal Spike Synaptic
TranSl11ISS101l TronStnission Generation

Figure I. Realistic channel model for nanoscale neuro-spike communication.

communication is modeled by a linear time invariant (LTI) excitatory postsynaptic potential (EPSP) ( i.e., the excitation
system, and the channel transfer function is derived. In [5], an due to the vesicle release). Here in the communication channel
analytical framework that incorporates the effect of mobility two major sources of noise are present, such as, axonal and
into the performance of electrochemical communication among synaptic noises.
nanomachines is presented. Literature [6] proposes a stochastic
dynamical model of noisy neural networks with complex B. Basics ofAutomata theory and Moore machine
architectures and discuss activation of neural networks by a A deterministic finite state automaton is a system D =
stimulus, pacemakers and spontaneous activity. In [7][8], a {Q , I, 15, qo, F}, where Q is afinite set of the possible
molecular communication channel as a binary symmetric internal states of the automaton D, I is a finite
channel is modeled and its mutual information and capacity is alphabet, qo is the initial state, 15 is the transition
analyzed. In [9], an information theoretical model is proposed function (15: QxI�Q) and F is a subset ofQ, the set of
to understand the signaling mechanism of the molecular final or acceptance states.
communication medium. Thesis [10], represents the modeling
of Finite State Automata (FSA) of Quorum Sensing A Moore machine is a six-tuple A = {Q, E, A, 15, r, qo},
mechanism in Bacteria and designs a nanomachine to where Q is afinite set of the possible internal states of
implement Quorum Sensing. In [11], nanoscale neuro-spike the automaton A, I and A arefinite alphabets for the
communication characteristics through developing a realistic input and the output, respectively, qo is the initial state,
physical channel model between two terminals is investigated. 15 is the transition function (15: QxI�Q) and r is the
[12] investigates synaptic Gaussian interference channel along output function (r : Q� A).
with the characterization of power or firing rate of achievable Moore machine is a deterministic finite state automaton in
rate region for the channel . which each state is bound to an output. The model for the
neuro-spike communication channel will be based in a
III. MOORE MACHINE CONSTRUCTION Moore machine, since all the transitions are fixed, and an
This section constructs a Moore machine based on realistic output has to be defined.
channel model of point to point nano scale neuro-spike
communication [3]. C. Design ofMoore machine
Fig. 2 presents the Moore machine corresponding to the
A. Basics ofneuro-spike communication channel model of neuro-spike communication. The Moore
As per Fig. 1, when a spike arrives at pre-synaptic terminal an machine contains six different states such as, S, VS, D, EG,
influx of calcium ions through voltage-dependent calcium ion TT, and GS; each representing the particular stage of channel
channels is occurred [3]. Then, the calcium ions bind to the modeling. S stands for starting stage, VS represents vesicle
proteins situated within the membranes of the synaptic release stage, D presents diffusion stage, EG stands for EPSP
vesicles. Later on, the vesicles release their contents: waveform generation stage, TT corresponds to trial to trial
neurotransmitters (information molecules) to the synaptic cleft variability of EPSP generation and GS represents the spike
[l3]. This release is actually triggered by the arrival of a nerve generation stage.
impulse (action potential). Hence, neuro-spike communication Various input values and their assumptions with threshold
channel can be considered as series of electrical and molecular values are represented in the Table I. 01 represents Release of
channels. The neuro-spike communication between single neuro transmeter, O2 presents EPSP waveform generation and
presynaptic neuron and single postsynaptic (i.e., point to point) 03 stands for actuator spike generation. Table II provides the
neuron includes the axonal, synaptic and spike generation resultant values of corresponding input values and their
phases. Synaptic transmission is composed of vesicle release,
threshold values presented in Table I (i,e., alphabets I).
diffusion, and generation and trial-to-trial variability of

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Figure 2. Moore machine representation.


States S VS o EG TT GS
Input Input
Assumption Assumption Output 0, 03
Value Value
T, Ca++ concentration T, Ca++ concentration threshold
T, T, Moore machine start state: The Moore machine start
Axotic nosie Axotic noise threshold
T3 Td state is: qo= S.
Diffusivity Diffusivity threshold
T, T, Final state: The Moore machine final state is: F= GS.
Vasicle excitatory Vesicle excitatory threshold
T, T, Table IV represents the state chart of the Moore machine.
Synaptic noise Synaptic noise threshold
Where, dx / E: means: if dx is action, then E: is the event. --­

T6 Tp
Action potential Action potential threshold represents impossible transition.


S d21 E: d,/ O,
I Resultants I Resultants VS d,IO, d31 E:
d, T,>T, d, T,<=T, 0 d61 E: d,IO,
EG d8/ 0, d,l E:
d3 T,>T, d, T,<=T,
TT d,al E: d9/ 03
ds d6
T3>Td T3<=Td GS dll IE: d,d03

d, T,>T, ds T,<=T,
d9 d,o
Ts>T, Ts<=T,
dll T6>Tp dl2 T6<=Tp
The purpose of this section is to design a nanomachine
capable of performing Axonal sensing and neuro-spike
generation. The hypothetical construction of this nanomachine
Moore machine states: The Moore machine presented
would be done through the bio-hybrid or bio-inspired
in Fig. 2 has six states:
manufacturing approach, such as: Self-continence: usually cells
Q={S, VS, D, EG, IT, GS} have their set of instructions completely specified in the DNA
of its nucleus or nucleotide, Self-replication: is the property
Moore machine alphabets: The Moore machine has through which nanomachines autonomously replicate
twelve alphabets shown in Table II. themselves and its set of instructions, and Self-assembly: is
I= {d" d2, d3, c4, ds, d6, d7, ds, d9, dlo, dll, d,2} defined as the process in which several disordered elements
form an organized structure without external intervention, as a
Moore machine output alphabets: The Moore result of local interactions between them [10]. Fig. 3 and 4
machine has three output alphabets: represent the nano computer architecture and processing unit,
A= {Ol, 02> 03} respectively. Nano computer contains Input, Storage Unit,
Processing Unit, Control Unit and Output.
Moore machine output function: The Moore machine
output function is presented in Table III.

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tttttt Axonal Spikes Processing Unit: it does the main computation of decision
making by incorporating different sensed and predetermined
values shown in Table I and Table II. Clock signal and wait
(w) are used to synchronize the input values related operations
and to control the rate with which the nano computer changes
of state and generates actuator signal, respectively. Electrical
power might be needed, some solutions using zinc oxide
nanowires have been proposed [14].
I Ca++ Concentration
Tempora Inf. m13tion I_�f�m�o!:.._
Processing V. CONCLUSION
Unit OutpO( Signal
This paper models the neuro-spike communication
channel through corresponding Moore machine and designs a
novel nano computer to perform neuro communication in
human body through bio-hybrid mechanism. Limitations of
Control Unit
this work can be as follows: single input single output neuron
communication design can be modeled into multi input-output
model, efficiency of proposed nano computer should be
Figure 3. Nano computer architecture. measured, and a simulator for obtaining similar realistic
environment should be developed.
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