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My name is Oswald Rabelo, a Brazilian student with 33 years old studying the last year of

Languages bachelor’s degree at Federal University of Minas Gerais, in the southeast of Brazil. I
am a serious person, honest and have lived abroad for 5 years in France, during my childhood
and my youth adulthood for studying reasons. When I was 18 years old, I passed the exam for
Architectural studies at Catholic University from my city Belo Horizonte at first place and I had
always dreamed to be an architect. I love taking pictures of building, city and parks, nature
include. I used to play with Lego when I was a kid and, I love to record video online, that the
reason why I have a YouTube chancel past two years ago. My mother is a university professor
in the field of science education at one of the biggest universities of Brazil. Since I was kid, I
travel around Brazil, mainly in the southeast in capital city but also in beaches. Myself I suffer
from a mental disorder and to deal with this condition, I besides taking the corrects medication
and attending doctors and taking care of my body, I journal my thought on my blogs and, I
record videos about my feelings. On those videos, I talk about the life of a Middle classes urban
man in Brazil and discuss topic about quality of life in cities and psychological impacts of
mental health disease on life in general of a person who suffer similar condition as mine. I
think videomaking is a great tool to discover we and left a print of our unique experience for
the posterity. Also is a way to register your memories and is a amazing way to develop our
social skills and to improve our personal development. I think Brazilian Society need to
improve a lot regarding issues of quality of life, urbanism, and human rights in general, once
our Society is very violent and has a lot of o prejudice Against any kind of minority, such black
people, indigenous, homosexuals and people who differ their opinion from ours. Film
recording in urban space is a powerful way to impact those people once They can reveal the
best and worst of our personalities and cultural expression, and that’s the main reason I wish
to participate on the Frontier Zones International Winter school in Amazonia, a hot place for
current issue, such climate change, sustainability, and cultural tolerance.

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