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Fareha Ghaffar

University of Agriculture, Faisalabad

My work stays faithfully to surrounding things, either from cityscape (which includes
people, buildings, and pools) or nature. Likewise, I think every “Individual” has own stories……but who
is the witness of these stories? My answer is……..these things are the silence witness of these stories,
that’s why I painted them as individual in one thing. The philosophy of individual is so deep because it
emphasizes the moral worth of individual. Although the concept of an individual may seem
straightforward, there are many ways of understanding it, yet the philosophy relates to stories.

1.5x 3 inch
Oil on Canvas
This paintig is abot “Individual Personality”. Evert one has different indivual personality. Although we
are individual yet we are living artificial life, which has been described to pain flower in exaggirated
florance color.

2.5x 3 inch
Acrylics on Canvas
Every individual has boundless imagination but at the same time a particular vision to perceive
the surroundings. Only an artist can dare to paint the immeasurable beauty of an object or vision on the
canvas. The show is an attempt to frame the boundless and infinite. The exaggerated tones give my
paintings a strong presence and revival of culture. Because these Chobara of city is also a silence
witnesses and though they are together but they are individual. .“I try to reach beyond the borders and
frames” These individual traditions have description of cultural perspective of nation and civilizations
which keep various facets and aesthetic balance.

2.5x 3 inch
Acrylics on Canvas
2.5x 3 inch
Acrylics on Canvas

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