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SSUES Ti) Ce eg on m tole 3 14 CONTENTS INTRODUCTION CONTROLS BUTTON FUNCTIONS FIGHTER DESCRIPTIONS FIGHTER EQUIPMENT PACKAGE DETAILS FEATURES HOW TO START AND PLAY THE GAME MISSIONS SUMMARY MISSIONS SYSTEM 3 ARCADE SOFTWARE LTD OPERATION 'DESERT FIGHTER’ The despotic ruler of Zarak, a usually well behaved Middle-Eastern country, mobilised his forces and invaded the nearest neighbouring country. Because of the superior forces of Zarak, they quickly overcame resistance and took control of all the major oil and chemical production facilities. Little time passed before Zarak had completely subjugated the latest edition to their empire. In particular, the elite forces captured the gulf harbour facilities from which they would launch the next stage of their invasion plans. Not able fo ignore the aggressive actions of the Zaraks, the UN security council earnestly tried to negotiate a withdrawal from the occupied territories. Frustration grew as the negotiations were going no where; an ultimatum was issued. If the Zarak forces did not withdraw immediately retribution. would be swift and deadly. The Zarak forces did not withdraw. In fact, they reinforced the original invasion force with some of the latest military hardware and crack troops. The time limit for the ultimatum came and passed, the UN marshalled its forces and went to war. You are the leader of the UN Air squadron and responsible for the combat in the front line. Your mission is to reach into the enemy's territory and attack their key military facilities and weapon bases, and finally destroy the tyrants headquarters. This war must be ended as quickly as possible, your abilities are all there is that separates victory from defeat. LAND R BUTTONS 2» SUPERNINTENDD. (0 DIRECTIONAL PAD START BUTTON CONTROLS START BUTTON Activates the selection highlighted by the cursor and also pauses the game during play. SELECT BUTTON Allows the selection of different-options at the start of the game. DIRECTIONAL PAD AND L & R BUTTON FUNCTIONS Cockpit control type A Up Increase flying speed Down Decrease flying speed Left/Right Change direction of flight L.& R Buttons No function in this mode Cockpit control type B Up/Down and Left/Right ~»Change direction of flight L Button Increase flying speed R Button Decrease flying speed BUTTON FUNCTIONS Control option A:- Fires main. gun Engages after burner Launches a-missile Sets ofa flare rox < Control option B:- Y Launches o missile x Engages after burner. B Firessmain gun A Sets of.a'flare Control option C:- Sets of a flare Engages after. burner Fires main.gun Launches a missile rax< Control option D:- Sets of a flare Engages after burner Launches a-missile Fires main gun DW meK FIGHTER DESCRIPTIONS F-15 STRIKE EAGLE - DUALROLE FIGHTER Spec: Maximum Speed : M2.5 (2658km/h) Flying Range: 6745Km Engine: P&W F100 Maximum Thrust: 10.637tx 2 Data: Total Length: 19.43m Total Breadth: 13.05m Weight: 30.945t A-10 THUNDERBOLT II - CLOSE SUPPORT PLANE Spec: Maximum Speed: 767km/h Flying Range: 6745km Engine: GE-1F34 Maximum Thrust: 4.851 x2 Data: Total Length: 16.28m Total Breadth: 17.53m Weight: 20.883t FIGHTER EQUIPMENT PACKAGE DETAILS M61 20m/m VULCAN - the air-to-air cannon installed in the F-15 Not applicable for air-to-ground attack. Although destructive power is not so great, continuous shooting ability is superior. With several hits, an enemy aircraft is easily sot down. GAU-8 30m/m AVENGER - the air-to-ground cannon installed in the A-10 This weapon is designed primarily to destroy ground vehicles. It can not be used to attack other aircraft or building facilities. AIM-9 SIDEWINDER - the main air-to-air missile installed in F-15 Cannot be used in any ground attacks. The missile homes-in on enemy aircraft and destroys one hit. FLARE Flares launch from the rear of the fuselage. The flare itself does not have any destructive power, however, if a flare is launched at the right time it can lure away an approaching enemy missile. AGM-65 MAVERICK - the air to ground missiles installed in the F-15 & A-10 Once the sight is locked -on to a ground target it will be destroyed. MK.82 500Ib BOMB - a general purpose bomb installed in the F-15 & A-10 It is only suitable for attacking ground targets. MK.20 LOCKEYE - the air-to-ground cluster bomb installed in the A-10 Once dropped, it breaks up into many smaller bomblets, this gives a broad damage pattern to the target. It is best suited to attacking military bases. AFTER BURNER - only on the F-15 Accelerates aircraft and is mainly used when avoiding enemy missile attacks or when a rapid evacuation is necessary from a combat area. It does have the downside of consuming a lot of fuel. 6 HEADQUARTERS Battle headquarters is the place where you can check all the tactical information and current conditions of engagement. Also, it is where you can make you plane selection and choose the appropriate equipment for a mission. PRIMARY FUNCTIONS SELECTION The multiway control allows you to select areas of engagement, fighter type and equipment package, and maps. You cannot choose items which-are displayed darkened - these items will be available in other missions. DATE AND TIME This tells you the date and time in the game. Every mission has a maximum allowed time. Keeping a close eye on the time left is important. MAIN SCREEN This screen displays a lot of information. Normally it displays the main map but when you enter various other sections it displays appropriate information like: fighter selection, news broadcasts etc. C-IN-C SCREEN This screen shows your main operations or hangar. The main function of this screen is to give you a briefing from your commanding officer. Much useful information can be obtained from the mission briefing notes so it is worth paying close attention. MESSAGE. SCREENS The messages supply you with command information, communication with operator or hanger, information of area for battlefield or equipment for fighter and detailed news reports. CESS aa a Bett ame > ~ -# es a a ee all AREA SELECTION . You can choose the area which you wish to operate in. The choices of areas are limited according to which mission you are on. By pressing the directional pad up or down, you can choose an area. Press the A button to select that area. When you have chosen an area, the screen displays the expanded area map. AREA. MAP The expanded area map shows you where the enemy targets are for this current mission you are in. Also shown is the required Minimum Destruction Ratio (MDR) Also in this map display mode, you will be asked if you want to retrieve information about the enemy. Answering ‘Yes’ will give you a more detailed breakdown about the enemies status, placement of weapons etc. Choose either a F-15 or A-10. Each fighter has three different equipment options. By pressing the directional pad up or down you can move from item to item. Pressing button A makes the selection. F-15 Type/AAM AIM-9 Sidewinder antiaircraft missile F-15 Type/AGM-AAGM-65 Maverick air-to-surface guided missile F-15 Type/AGM-B Mk.82 500|b. Bomb A-10 Type/AGM-A Mk.82 500pd. Bomb A-10 Type/AGM-BAGM-65 Maverick air-to surface guided missile ‘A-10 Type/AGM-G Mk.20 Rockeye TIP The main objectives in any mission are to meet the minimum destruction ratio required and to do it in the least possible time. Strategic selection of the right aircraft will maximise you effectiveness for example, if you know there are enemy fighters in an area then it is pointless trying to attack any installations until the enemy airborne threat has been removed. HOW TO START THE GAME TITLE SCREEN Insert the game pak into the console and turn on the power, the demonstration screen begins. During the demonstration screen, press any button to show the title screen. GAME START In the title screen, choose the way how to start the game with (+) button, either START from the beginning or CONTINUE from the stage you finished last. Press start button to start the game. PLAYING THE GAME The game consists of eight missions with each one becoming progressively harder and more intricate. The aim of the game is to defeat the enemy forces while keeping a balance of your government's spending, political power and popularity. If any of these factors become too low then you will be forced to retreat and you will lose the war. Each mission has a time limit and violation of these will also force you to retreat. To start the game press the A button from anywhere in the introduction sequence, this will place you on the start screen. From here you can select the game difficulty level and choose which control options you prefer. SKILL LEVEL These skill levels are provided in the game. Please note that the level cannot be changed once a game mission begins. The three levels are: NORMAL — - Standard level for the general player EASY - The level for the novice player HARD - The level for the skillful player 1 SELECTING THE CONTROLLER\CONFIGURATION After pressing the start button, the screen for controller configuration appears. You highlight the option wanted and then press the select button. After selecting the desired configuration , press the start button to commence the mission. After pressing the'start button the screen will display the first mission briefing; to page through the briefing use the A button. Once the message has finished you will enter the main command screen. From the main.command screen you can view the satellite information about the mission you are about to undertake. Once you have a clear idea of what the mission objectives are you should. then:select the appropriate aircraft best suited for that mission. Don't forget to check your political and financial status. Please read the following. sections for a detailed description of screen functions. AZ MISSIONS SUMMARY Number Objective 1 DESTROY RADAR SITES 2 DESTROY SCUD LAUNCHERS 3 DISABLE OIL SUPPLY DEPOTS 4 ATTACK ZARAK AIR BASES 5 REGAIN CONTROL OF THE GULF HARBOUR AND PORT 6 DESTROY N.B.C. WEAPONS FACTORIES 7 ELIMINATE. THE ELITE GUARD UNITS. 8 DESTROY THE ZARAK HQ 13 Your first mission is to open an avenue of approach for allied ground troops by destroying the enemy's radar sites. The radar bases are located in areas 1 & 3. Check satellite photos for exact locations, you will see the mission targets flashing. To ensure success you must destroy 80% or more of the targets, and you must complete the mission within 60 hours. INTELLIGENCE BRIEFING Area 4 Many radar sites are in this area to observe our forces. They are mostly located in the southern part of the area and are protected by a large number of ground troops. Area 3 This area also has.a large number radar. Their main concentration is in the southern part of the area. They are well protected by a.large number of ground forces. MISSION’ OVERVIEW. Areas: 1&3 Radar bases 60 hrs 80% m4 MISSION TWO This mission is of vital importance to the success of the allied forces. You must destroy the large number of Scud missile sites under control of the enemy . The scud launches are overwhelming the patriot defence perimeter and can only be taken out by you. The launcher's are not visible on satellite intel so you can only be given general information that the launcher's are somewhere in areas 4 & 6. To ensure success you must destroy 80% or more of the targets, and you must complete the mission within 48 hours. INTELLIGENCE BRIEFINGS Area 4 There are many enemy facilities in this area including: air fields, ground troops and munitions sites. There are 25 scud missile tracks, in groups of five, known to be in this area. Area 5 Further intelligence suggests that there is another 25 missile tracks in this area and are centrally located deep into enemy territory. However, use caution as the enemy has strategically positioned many anti-aircraft vehicles. MISSION OVERVIEW Areas: 4&6 Target: Scud missile launchers Time Limit: 48hrs M.D.R.: 80% or 40 launchers AS MISSION THREE The enemy is still inflicting massive damage on the allied forces because of their highly mobilised forces. This mission is to disrupt the enemy’s fuel supply lines by destroying the pumping depots and pipelines. Latest intelligence reports indicate that the areas are heavily guarded by T-80 tanks and crack anti-aircraft gun emplacements. The pipelines are located in area 1 & 4. To ensure success you must destroy 80% or more of the targets, and you must complete the mission within 48 hours and keep a close eye on your time. INTELLIGENCE BRIEFINGS Area 1 There are 5 fuel pipeline pumping stations in the area, and one leads directly to enemy facilities. Although the radar sites should have been destroyed you need to use caution as there are a lot of anti-aircraft units in the area. Area 4 This area also contains 5 fuel pipeline pumping stations and 4 lead to enemy military facilities. Also, there are heavily armed troops with ground- to-air weapons, and at least 5 Mig fighters . MISSION. OVERVIEW Area: 1&4 Targets: Fuel facilities, anti-aircraft defenses and troops Time limit: 48hrs M.D.R.: 80% 16 MISSION FOUR The Allied intelligence service cryptologists have deciphered coded information that the Zaraks are preparing to launch an air assault on the border town of Tafuji. Allied ground troops have been sent to defend the border region but they are under severe pressure from the more heavily armed enemy forces. Satellite intel shows that the biggest concentration of enemy troops are in areas 7 & 8. Also, these areas contain large quantities of reserve enemy hardware and aircraft support facilities. This mission is critical in order to stop the enemy forces from breaking through the border. You must wipe out the enemy troops, destroy the aircraft support buildings and wipe out the munitions and hardware stores. Because many of our forces are there defending the border, make sure there are no mistakes when selecting your targets. To ensure success you must destroy 80% or more of the targets, and you must complete the mission within only 60 hours, there is a lot to do so watch your time. ENTELLIGENCE BRIEFINGS Area 7 This area is extremely hazardous. Many of the enemy’s main military bases are located here. The mission is to destroy the air fields before the Zaraks launch their air attack on the border town of Tafuji. Area 8 The enemy air fields in this area must be totally destroyed but they are located near to important civilian oil facilities which must not be damaged, they are vital to our war effort MISSION OVERVIEW Areas: 7&8 Targets: Ground forces, aircraft facilities and munitions stores Time limit: 60 hrs M.D.R.: 80% 17 MISSION FIVE To compensate for the damage done to their own fuel production capabilities, the Zarak forces have taken control of the oil production facilities in the large Gulf harbour and port (areas 5 & 6). The port must be returned to allied control. Your mission is to completely destroy the enemy ground forces and their support bases There are many civilians in the port area, they must be liberated. The Zaraks are confident they can hold on to the ports areas and will put up a tremendous fight. If you fail in this mission there will be little to prevent the enemy from mounting a counter offensive. The latest secret intel suggests that if the Zarak forces have the opportunity to carryout an act of eco-terrorism they will, by releasing crude oil into the Gulf harbour. To ensure success you must destroy 80% or more of the targets, and you must complete the mission within only 60 hours. The threat of eco- terrorism is worrying so you must go all out for a swift victory INTELLIGENCE BRIEFINGS Area 5 This area has several military bases that act as support to the invasion of the harbour. The bases must be destroyed or it will impossible to clear the harbour of the enemy entrenched forces. Area 6 The extensive civilian oil facilities are totally under the control of the enemy. The enemy will make use of the resources to construct permanent bases in this area unless the enemy forces are wiped out. MISSION OVERVIEW Area: 5&6 Targets: Ground forces and support bases - Time: 60 hrs M.D.R.: 80% 18 MISSION SIX The high command of the Zarak forces are planning to use Nuclear, Bacteriological and Chemical (N.B.C.) weapons on civilians and allied forces. We know where the N.B.C. factories are and you must destroy them before the Zarak’s can carry out their plan of terror and destruction Your mission is to fly into area 3.and destroy the factories before distribution of these weapons commences. The facilities. must be destroyed completely, leave anything standing and the enemy will be able to quickly rebuild. To ensure success you-must destroy 100% of the targets, and you must complete the mission within only 36 hours. There is very little time and so much at stake. If you are not successful the scale of casualties is difficult to imagine. INTELLIGENCE BRIEFING Area 3 This area is the location of the enemy's N.B.C. weapons factories and as the importance of them grows in the final stages of this conflict the enemy will do anything to protect them. There are more mobile Scud launcher's in this area than was originally thought and our ground forces are under extreme pressure. MISSION OVERVIEW Area: 3 Targets: All chemical factories and troops Time Limit: 36 hrs M.D.R.: 100% 19 MISSION SEVEN Allied P.D.F. scouts have reached the city limits of the enemy's capital and have reported a massive military presence there. In particular, intel gathered by forward recon units believe the enemy forces to be an elite Zarak guard unit. Because of the typical cowardly nature of the enemy forces, they have blended in their facilities with those of civilian ones. You must be especially careful in acquiring your targets and only attack the military ones - do not hit any civilian facilities. To ensure success you must destroy 100% of the targets, and you must complete the mission within only 36 hours. Although there is very little time you must be very careful what you destroy. INTELLIGENCE ‘BRIEFING Area 2 The enemy is using the civilian population as a human shield, latest reports indicate that the civilian buildings near to military installations are full of people. It is absolutely essential that you only destroy legitimate military targets. MISSION-OVERVIEW. Area: Capital of Zarak Targets: Enemy ground forces and bases Time Limit: 36 hrs M.D.R.: 80% 20 MISSION EIGHT The allies have the Zarak forces on the run and they have retreated to their heavily fortified, headquarters. Satellite intel shows they have dug in and created a very well defended perimeter. Their troops have been equipped with their best weapons and they also havé nuclear strike capabilities: You must hit hard and fast before they strike at civilian and military targets and cause:massive destruction. You-will have to complete this\mission faster than any you have so far undertaken. You have only got 24 hrs in which to completely destroy the enemy forces and hardware. INTELLIGENCE BRIEFING Area 9 There\is a very tight security blanket covering this area and the intelligence gathered so far is minimal. All that is know for sure is that the enemy’s best troops are definitely guarding the area and do not intend to take any prisoners. MISSION-OVERVIEW. Area: Zarak Headquarters Target: Total-destruction of enemy HQ, forces and weapons Time limit: 24 hrs M.D.R.: 100% 21 SYSTEM 3 ARCADE SOFTWARE Thankyou for buying Desert Fighter. We have been producing quality entertainment software for over ten years and in that time we have created some of the most exciting and original games. By combining the talents of the programmers, graphic artists, musicians and game designers we strive to provide you with the highest-quality games and the maximum in entertainment value. We hope that you will enjoy playing Desert Fighter and look forward to entertaining you again with our other great games. Mark Cale Managing Director 22

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