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Pablo Picasso

Pablo Picasso was one of the most influential artists of the 20th century. Born in Malaga, Spain in
1881, Picasso began painting at a young age and went on to become one of the founders of the
Cubist movement. His work had a significant impact on modern art, and his influence can still be
seen in art today. This article will explore the life and works of Pablo Picasso.
Early Life and Education:
Pablo Picasso was born in Malaga, Spain, on October 25, 1881. His father was a painter and art
teacher, and Picasso showed an early interest in art. He began painting at a young age, and by the
time he was a teenager, he was producing highly skilled paintings and drawings.
In 1895, Picasso moved with his family to Barcelona, where he attended the School of Fine Arts.
He was an exceptional student and quickly outshone his peers. In 1900, Picasso moved to Paris,
where he would spend most of his life.
Early Works:
In Paris, Picasso began to experiment with different styles of art. He was heavily influenced by the
Post-Impressionist and Symbolist movements and produced works in these styles. However, it was
not until he met Georges Braque in 1907 that Picasso would create his most significant works.
The Cubist Movement:
Picasso and Braque worked together to develop a new style of art known as Cubism. The
movement was characterized by its geometric shapes and the fragmentation of form. The two
artists used this new style to depict objects in a way that was both abstract and realistic.
Picasso's most famous work from this period is probably Les Demoiselles d'Avignon. The painting,
completed in 1907, depicts five women in a brothel. The women are shown from multiple
perspectives, and their faces and bodies are fragmented into geometric shapes. The painting was
controversial when it was first exhibited, but it is now considered one of the most important works
of the 20th century.
Later Works:
After the Cubist movement, Picasso continued to experiment with different styles. He was heavily
influenced by African and Oceanic art and incorporated elements of these styles into his work. He
also experimented with Surrealism, producing works that were dreamlike and fantastical.
One of his most famous works from this period is Guernica. The painting was completed in 1937
and depicts the bombing of the Spanish town of Guernica during the Spanish Civil War. The
painting is a powerful anti-war statement and is considered one of Picasso's greatest works.
Pablo Picasso was one of the most influential artists of the 20th century. He was a pioneer of the
Cubist movement and continued to experiment with different styles throughout his career. His
work had a significant impact on modern art, and his influence can still be seen in art today.

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