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Terrorism is an activity that involves violence and induces harmful effects on life by violating
all forms of law (Ali, 2012). In short term Indonesia Indonesia always create regulations
about terrorism mitigation until established the national counterterrorism agency (BNPT).
But, digital era the most dangerous forms of threats are often spread on the internet. The
internet is a forum for terrorist activities in raising funds, disseminating information, or
committing acts of violence. Cyber-terrorism is a topic that Indonesia is still developing in
coming up with prevention and countermeasures strategies and policies. Policy advice can
be formulated:
1) Hard power through law enforcement
2) Soft power that constantly discusses deradicalization and counter-radicalization
3) Community involvement and empowerment as a form of preventing acts of terrorism
4) Strengthening cyber security
5) Technological approach,
6) Increasing the community literacy index through strengthening internet infrastructure
2. Use OSINT? No, I just knew OSINT in general but maybe in the future I’ll use OSINT
3. How would you assess the overall situation and security aspects in Langkat
Regency? /Bagaimana anda menilai situasi dan aspek keamanan secara keseluruhan di
Kabupaten Langkat
From Humanity and social welfare, Langkat Regency lacks adequate security where some
citizen renders become detainees who were forced to work more than 10 hours without pay
on the plantation of the district governor. They were then kept in iron cages, malnourished,
unable to communicate and often subjected to physical abuse. In addition to illegal prisons,
we knew that unresponsible people kept protected animals as pets, including Sumatran
orangutans. There is no guarantee and strong control of the central government over
regional governments. The case highlights the many links between modern slavery and
corruption. Perpetrators of modern slavery and human trafficking often get away with
bribing or influencing government officials, a practice often referred to in Indonesia by the
broad term "judicial mafia". This has long been the case in East Nusa Tenggara, where
human trafficking remains widespread.
4. What will be your assessment process or methodology? / Apa yang akan menjadi
proses atau metodologi penilaian Anda? Metodologi penilaian data pemerintah
kabupaten langkat terutama transaksi keuangan daerah. Penggunaan OSINT sangat
berguna sebagai deteksi awal kasus korupsi ataupun perbudakan modern. Penilaian
OSINT bisa dimulai dari riset pada framework public records untuk mengetahui data
audit keuangan daerah kabupaten langkat. Ketidak rincian data yang tersedia
menjadi implikasi dalam berbagai kasus.
The methodology of assessing district government data is especially regional financial
transactions. The use of OSINT is very useful as an early detection of cases of corruption or
modern slavery. OSINT assessment can be started from research in the public records
framework to find out the financial audit data of the Langkat area. The lack of details of
available data is an implication in many cases.
5. How will you filter the source and find the most relevant risk? Where will you go to
gather data and sources? /
Pertama dimulai dengan audit pada laporan APBD, big data milik perbankan yang
digunakan oleh bupati langkat dan wawancara langsung dengan penduduk langkat
serta terakhir menggunakan OSINT framework seperti IP Adress milik bupati langkat
melalui Wigle dan jejaring social bupati langkat. The first starts with an audit of the
APBD report, big data belonging to the bank used by the Langkat regent and direct
interviews with Langkat residents and finally using the OSINT framework such as the
langkat regent's IP Adress through Wigle and his social network. To get some proof
OSINT framework using camera trace etc can be useful to collect information about
how Langkat regent spend his time
6. Would you consider animal trespassing as a security threat? Yes
7. What keywords would you use for a research on terrorism in Indonesia? (in Bahasa
and English. Terror, violence, force, bulldozing, threat, crime, bombing, victim,
murder, sabotage, genocide, radicalism, attacks, vandalism, isis, public, suicide,
communism, criminality, injuries,
8. What keywords would you use for a research on ‘preman’ involvement in Indonesia’s
politics? Nepotisme, kolusi, korupsi, Internasional, netral, dialek, dinamika,
keabsahan, mandiri, transparan, ideologi, Pancasila, actual, struktur, pemerintah,
peraturan, kontrol, legislative, eksekutif, yudikatif, pembangunan, birokrasi, kritik
9. What keywords would you use for a research on Indonesian defense industry
leadership? (in Bahasa and English)
Tentara, polisi, senjata, keamanan, kapal, pasukan, pertahanan, laut, darat,
udara, tank, ancaman, pembajakan, konflik, perdamaian, diplomasi, operasi,
pesawat, misi,
10. What keywords would you use for a research on security threats in Karo Regency?
(in Bahasa and English) kebakaran, penebangan liar, peredaran narkoba, terorisme,
Sumatera Utara, geografi pertahanan, instalasi militer, perbatasan, budaya,
agrowisata, perkebunan, pengalihan lahan, erosi, konflik pertanahan, imigran gelap,
perdagangan manusia, bencana, Karo, transaksi dagang illegal,
11. Please copy the URL of the 3 more relevant articles in Bahasa Indonesia in the latest
month related to terrorism occurring outside of Indonesia

12. Please copy the URL of the 3 more relevant articles in Bahasa Indonesia in the last
two months related to airport security issues/concerns outside of Indonesia

13. Please copy the URL of the 3 more relevant articles in Bahasa Indonesia in the last 3
months related evolution of regulation on bottle water business in Indonesia
14. 1)
15. 2)
16. 3)
17. Please copy the URL of the 3 more relevant articles in Bahasa Indonesia in the last
two months related to criminality in Bali island
18. Please copy the URL of the 3 more relevant articles in Bahasa Indonesia in the last
month related to natural disasters occurring outside of Indonesia
20. Please copy the URL of the 3 more relevant articles in Bahasa Indonesia in the last
month related to cybersecurity in Indonesia

RUU kesejahteraan lansia dikeluarkan dari Prolegnas Prioritas

Rancangan Undang-Undang (RUU) Tentang Kesejahteraan Lanjut Usia dikeluarkan dari daftar Program
Legislasi Nasional (Prolegnas) Prioritas 2021

Hal tersebut diketahui dalam rapat panitia kerja (Panja) Prolegnas Priority 2021 yang digelas pada Selasa
(24/11). RUU kesejahteraan Lansia sebelumnya masih diusulkan masuk dalam daftar Prolegnas Prioritas
dalam rapat pembahasan di Baleg DPR pekan lalu. Selasa (17/11) Kenyataanya, itu tak masuk Prolegnas
Prioritas 2021 yang diterima CNN pada Selasa (24/11). Badan Legislasi (Baleg) DPR RI
tidak menjelaskan alasan tidak mengusulkan RUU Kesejahteraan Lansia masuk dalam Prolegnas Prioritas

Wakil Ketua Baleg DPR Willy Aditya hanya berkata sebanyak 26 dari 38 RUU tersebut merupakan
rancangan regulasi yang diusulkan pihaknya


Indonesia's defense industry was at its peak during B.J. Habibie tenture. The government established
several major players in Indonesia's defense industry such as aircraft manufacturer IPTN. However, the
1997 Asian financial crisis devastated the industry but, started to recover due to the allocation of 18
billion funds for defense development.

The government hopes the local arms industry can increase output for defense system modernization.
Supported by the Ministry of Defense has moved to increase the role of domestic players in developing
the national defense industry local companies in the defense sector will focus on pioneering products
and be supported with the submission of resilience asset investment plans. Bureaucratic obstacles and
the pandemic have hampered the modernization of security systems, so a big financial push is needed to
improve air resilience with the aim of designing several systems such as flight control systems, warheads
and jet engines. Development of long-duration unmanned aircraft at medium altitude

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