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Job application

Santiago Lopez Jimenez

Evidencia GA2-240202501-AA2-EV03


Servicio Nacional De Aprendizaje

Febrero 2023
Junior developer job application

Good morning, I introduce myself, my name is Santiago Lopez Jimenez, and

this email is to apply for the position that you are needing now, which is a junior
To start, I will describe the different skills that I have acquired over the years
through different studies, among these skills are the use of development
languages such as JavaScript, HTML and CSS, complementing it with different
tools such as React, Azure and J.S Node., to this is added the knowledge about
the implementation of SQL and NoSQL databases.
Apart from the technical knowledge that the position may require, I have a
series of soft skills that can benefit both the company and the work teams in
which I may be involved, such as teamwork skills, handling different tools Office
automation and a good level of English B2. I also have a great capacity for
adaptability and work under pressure, I am always looking for new challenges
that push my knowledge to the limit in order to find solutions to these problems
and to grow professionally and personally. Perhaps among my defects may be
my urgent need for perfectionism which can lead to frustration in me.
Finally, I hope you have an excellent day and I hope to be able to work with you

Santiago Lopez Jimenez


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