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name: adel januarti saputri class : XI MIPA3 analytical exposition reasons for the importance of organization ¢ TESIS an organization is a group of people working together in a certain structure and coordination in achieving a certain set of goals * ¢ ORGANIZATION BENEFITS 1.organizaton can train discipline,courage and develop capabilities ¢ Discipline is the key to success, with discipline our ideals will be achieved. Many people succeed because they have high discipline,it is important for us to shape ourselves to have a discplined, loyalty, and orderliness,the values become an important part of life’s behavior 2. The organization can form confidence in social interaction at school and in the surrounding community + confidence is the ability to believe in the ability we have or the ability to develop positive judgements bota for our selves and the environment round us. Having self confidence is very important because it can reduce feat. especially during social interaction. confidence can make us always think positively and be calm when facing challenges because we feel capable and believe that we can overcome these challenges. by having self confidence, we can accept the short comings that exists within us and mayimize the sterengths we have. we can use these advantages to achieve our goals 3. Have to ability to speak and public ¢ with good public speaking skills , you can convey ideas, information or other things well in addition you. talking for humans becomes a means to communicate with others. as social beings, human need interaction with fellow humans asa cessity to fulfill their life needs. interaction can occut with the help of language as a means of communication cs e CONCLUSIONS ¢ The definition of an organization is a container for a group of individuals to interact withina certain authority . The organization formed consists of various groups that have common interest to achieve certain goals togethe. Anyone need experience in an organization,this is because humans are social beings who can definitely interact with others . By working with others,the work can feel lighter. in addition,work or assignments will be completed more quickly than we just work alone Aba thank you for reading !!

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