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Received: 6 June 2022    Revised: 5 November 2022    Accepted: 23 November 2022

DOI: 10.1111/jocd.15550


Various aspects of the relationship between vitiligo and the

COVID-­19 pandemic or SARS-­CoV-­2 vaccines: Clinical pearls
for dermatologists

Zeinab Aryanian MD1,2 | Kamran Balighi MD1,3 | Parvaneh Hatami MD1  |

Azadeh Goodarzi MD4,5  | Alireza Janbakhsh MD6 | Zeinab Mohseni Afshar MD6

Autoimmune Bullous Diseases Research
Center, Tehran University of Medical Abstract
Sciences, Tehran, Iran
Background: Coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-­19) has given rise to several new
Department of Dermatology, Babol
University of Medical Sciences, Babol, Iran
onset or exacerbated dermatologic disorders including vitiligo.
Department of Dermatology, School of Aim and Method: Here, we present different aspects of relationship between SARS-­
Medicine Razi Hospital, Tehran University CoV-­2 infection or its associated vaccines and vitiligo and aim to provide solutions to
of Medical Sciences, Tehran, Iran
4 overcome the potential challenges.
Department of Dermatology, Rasoul-­e-­
Akram Hospital, Iran University of Medical Results and Conclusion: In brief, as the benefits overweigh the risks and since vaccine-­
Sciences, Tehran, Iran
triggered de novo or flares of vitiligo are uncommon and benign, these patients are
Skin and Stem Cell Research Center,
Tehran University of Medical Sciences, recommended to get SARS-­CoV-­2 vaccines.
Tehran, Iran Moreover, in individuals with previously recognized vitiligo, who are at risk of devel-
Clinical Research Development Center,
oping SARS-­CoV-­2 infection or those who are currently infected, special dermatologic
Imam Reza Hospital, Kermanshah
University of Medical Sciences, consultation is needed in order to balance the immunosuppressive agents in their
Kermanshah, Iran
therapeutic regimen to prevent COVID-­related morbidity and mortality.
Zeinab Mohseni Afshar, Clinical Research KEYWORDS
Development Center, Imam Reza Hospital, biologic agents, COVID-­19 vaccine, immunosuppressant agents, SARS-­CoV-­2, vitiligo
Kermanshah University of Medical
Sciences, Kermanshah, Iran,

Parvaneh Hatami, Autoimmune Bullous

Diseases Research Center, Razi Hospital,
Tehran University of Medical Sciences,
Tehran, Iran.

1  |  I NTRO D U C TI O N (non-­s egmental) types.1 This condition occurs as a result of pro-

gressive destruction of skin melanocytes. There are different
Vitiligo is a pigmentary disorder that is manifested as the devel- opinions about the etiopathogenesis of vitiligo; however, no exact
opment of pale depigmented patches over any areas of the skin explanation has been found. Nevertheless, T-­cell autoimmunity
or mucous membrane. It affects 0.5%–­2% of the world popula- and prolonged cytokine release are believed to play an important
tion. Vitiligo is classified as localized (segmental) or generalized role. 2

This is an open access article under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution License, which permits use, distribution and reproduction in any medium,
provided the original work is properly cited.
© 2022 The Authors. Journal of Cosmetic Dermatology published by Wiley Periodicals LLC.

J Cosmet Dermatol. 2022;00:1–5.  |     1

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2      ARYANIAN et al.

Vitiligo is more common in the black people, those with genetic Moreover, the increased serum levels of pro-­inflammatory cyto-
predisposition and those with psychological distress. Other risk fac- kines such as TNF-­α and IL-­17 in autoimmune skin disorders such as
tors include sunburn, cutaneous trauma, use of some chemicals such vitiligo is a well-­established fact, which can affect the clinical course
as phenolic compounds, pregnancy, and autoimmunity.3 and severity of SARS-­CoV-­2 infection.17,18
On the other hand, the coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-­19) has
given rise to several new-­onset or exacerbated dermatologic disor-
ders.4 Moreover, medications used in the settings of SARS-­CoV-­2 1.3  |  SARS-­CoV-­2 infection-­associated vitiligo
infection, as well as various types of COVID vaccine, have also been
followed by cutaneous adverse events.5,6 The incidence and preva- Vitiligo is seldom associated with infectious pathogens unless in
lence of vitiligo have increased considerably since the beginning of the settings of autoimmune reactions. Previously, vitiligo had been
the COVID-­19 pandemic. The reason could be the viral infection it- reported in individuals with human immunodeficiency virus (HIV),
self, medications used for the treatment, and vaccines introduced to hepatitis B virus (HBV), hepatitis C virus (HCV), Epstein–­Barr virus
prevent the disease as well as psychologic distress of pandemics.7–­9 (EBV), cytomegalovirus (CMV), smallpox, and helicobacter pylori
There are many aspects and conflicts on this issue that we want to infection.19–­24
discuss in this article. The effect of SARS-­CoV2 infection on the development of vit-
iligo could either be through direct invasion of melanocytes or ac-
tivating the immune system and shifting it toward adaptive type
1.1  |  The impact of the COVID pandemic on 1 immunity. In fact, immune activation during COVID-­19 disease
patients with vitiligo might increase vitiligo disease activity through a shift toward adap-
tive type 1 immunity (CD8 T cells and IFNγ).16
In general, medical treatment of vitiligo is aimed to stop disease pro- Not only vitiligo results in a devastating psychological distress
gression and achieve repigmentation. Phototherapy, topical agents, but also it can occur as a result of stressful conditions including lock-
and immunosuppressive agents, such as glucocorticoids, methotrex- down and the quarantine due to COVID-­19 pandemic. 25–­28 In fact,
ate, mycophenolate mofetil (MMF), azathioprine, and apremilast, are stress can elevate serum levels of cortisol, catecholamines, and neu-
the basis of therapy.10 However, the decision to continue or cease ropeptides, and increased oxidative stress stimulates high-­mobility
any of the aforementioned options should be made cautiously so as group box 1 (HMGB1) release, a skin component that is essential
preventing vitiligo from getting out of control while minimizing the for melanogenesis. On the other hand, oxidative stress leads to a
risk of SARS-­CoV-­2 infection.11,12 For example, topical treatment, decrease in glutathione peroxidase level, which is related to the in-
due to lack of systemic immunosuppressive effects, had been rec- flammatory response of vitiligo. 25,29
ommended to be continued. In addition, replacing high-­dose steroids It has been shown that severe infection with SARS-­CoV-­2 can
by regimens with lower doses, such as oral mini-­pulse therapy, had cause transient immunosuppression and dysregulation of CD8+ lym-
been a good option to minimize the risk of infection.13 Methotrexate phocytes, leading to disruption of previously established tolerance
and azathioprine, which were second-­line therapeutic options for to self-­antigens.30 On the other hand, dysregulation of CD8+ T cells
cases of rapidly progressive vitiligo without response to high-­dose has also been described in the pathogenesis of vitiligo. 24 Hence, this
steroids, were administered with caution during the peaks of SARS-­ post-­viral inappropriate immune reconstitution could be considered
CoV-­2 infection, as they increase the risk and severity of COVID-­19 as a logical mechanism for developing vitiligo following some viral
disease.14 Moreover, home phototherapy was proposed in order to infections, especially in HIV-­positive patients. 24,31
avoid frequent clinic visits during the quarantine.15 The COVID pandemic has also been related to vitiligo in another
interesting way; facial frictional dermatitis under skin areas covered
by face masks has led to vitiligo, called as “mask vitiligo.”32
1.2  |  The impact of vitiligo on the morbidity and
mortality of SARS-­CoV-­2 infection
1.4  |  COVID vaccine-­related vitiligo
The impact of some comorbidities on the severity of SARS-­CoV-­2
infection has been a well-­established issue. However, some autoim- In general, since vitiligo is a very common pigmentary disorder
mune underlying diseases are supposed to protect against COVID-­19 throughout the world, and because vaccination program is held uni-
or modulate the course. This condition is an issue of conflict for viti- versally with expectable adverse events, the onset of vitiligo after
ligo. Some authorities hypothesize that non-­segmental vitiligo (NSV) SARS-­CoV-­2 vaccination can be a mere incidence. Nonetheless, the
may protect against severe SARS-­CoV-­2 infection through having temporal relationship between vaccination and development of viti-
genes involved in immune activation and regulation, similar to pre- ligo and the reports of various autoimmune phenomena following
viously reported protective effects of NSV against melanoma and vaccination could raise the suspicion of the causal association be-
non-­melanoma skin cancer.16 tween SARS-­CoV-­2 vaccination and vitiligo.33

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ARYANIAN et al.       3

Besides the wide range of dermatologic manifestations and com- induced by vaccines can give rise to the onset of vitiligo. 39,49 The
plications following SARS-­CoV-­2 infection, COVID-­19 vaccines have secondary trauma imposed by vaccine injection can also be a trig-
also given rise to a variety of cutaneous reactions and disorders.34,35 ger for vaccine-­induced vitiligo. 50
Many post-­COVID vaccine cutaneous reactions are mild and tem-
porary and do not cause great morbidity or mortality; nevertheless,
some adverse events such as vitiligo pose significant concerns due 1.5  |  JAK inhibitors: a shared therapeutic option in
to their disfigurement and the subsequent stigma and psychological both vitiligo and COVID-­19
The incidence of COVID vaccine-­related cases of vitiligo has Janus kinases (JAKs) are a family of cytoplasmic tyrosine kinases,
been quite higher than the one following SARS-­C oV-­2 infec- acting through the JAK/STAT pathway.51 Medications inhibiting
tion. Several cases of hypo pigmentations have been reported this pathway have been recently shown to have a promising effect
after receiving COVID vaccines, resulting from cutaneous reac- in treating numerous Immune-­based disorders including vitiligo.52
tions such as toxic epidermal necrolysis (TEN), subacute cutane- Tofacitinib and baricitinib are the most commonly used JAK inhibi-
36–­3 8
ous lupus erythematosus (SCLE), and pityriasis lichenoides. tors in treating vitiligo in various ways such as topical application,
However, vitiligo that is presented as skin depigmentation has also systemic administration, or in combination with phototherapy.52 On
been common after SARS-­C oV-­2 vaccination including mRNA-­ the other hand, several JAK inhibitors including baricitinib and tofac-
1273 (Moderna) vaccine and mRNA BNT162/Comirnaty vaccine itinib have been suggested as alternative treatment in COVID-­1953
(Pfizer-­B ioNTech). 39–­41 and baricitinib is even recommended as a first-­line treatment in se-
Most cases of new-­onset COVID vaccine-­related vitiligo have vere cases of COVID-­19 by the WHO due to its proven effect in
been reported within 1 week following receiving the first vaccine reducing mortality54 which might be resulted from its direct antiviral
dose, with progression after the second dose. The probability of effect separated from its anti-­inflammatory effects.55 Considering
developing COVID vaccine-­related vitiligo is higher in patients with the therapeutic effect of JAK inhibitors in both vitiligo and COVID-­19,
pre-­existing autoimmune diseases, such as ulcerative colitis33 which continuing these agents for treating vitiligo in COVID era seems a
might reflect the advantage of maintaining a minimal treatment in wise choice. Moreover, JAK inhibitors seem to have the least ad-
those cases with an autoimmune background to prevent develop- verse effect regarding COVID vaccination, compared to other im-
ment of another autoimmune phenomenon following COVID vac- munosuppressing agents56 which make them a favorable choice for
cination. Since the COVID vaccination will continue after cession of treating intractable patients in COVID era.
pandemic, a rigid surveillance for development of new autoimmune
disorders including vitiligo in genetically predisposed patients and
early treatment of them (but not too early which interfere with im- 2  |  CO N C LU S I O N
munologic body response to vaccination) should be strongly consid-
ered by clinicians all over the world. The COVID-­19 pandemic has had a great impact on every field of
As a matter of fact, the immune system is stimulated by vaccines medicine, including dermatology. The SARS-­CoV-­2 infection and the
to produce antibodies. Some of these antibodies harm the host, associated vaccines have brought about several dermatologic ad-
rather than having benefit as they may trigger autoimmune disor- verse events, some of which are serious or disfiguring like vitiligo. On
ders in individuals with genetic susceptibility. The emerging of many the other hand, despite these complications, the benefits of getting
autoimmune diseases such as multiple sclerosis, Guillain–­Barré syn- vaccinated against SARS-­CoV-­2 frequently outweigh the risks since
drome, and immune thrombocytopenic purpura following COVID the incidence of these side effects is quite low in the whole popu-
vaccination are some examples.43–­45 lation. Moreover, in individuals with previously recognized vitiligo,
Molecular mimicry and bystander activation are the most who are at risk of developing SARS-­CoV-­2 infection or those who
probable pathophysiologic mechanisms proposed for vaccine-­ are currently infected, special dermatologic consultation is needed
induced autoimmunity. However, vaccine adjuvants may play a in order to balance the immunosuppressive agents in their thera-
role in bringing about autoimmune phenomena.42,46 On the other peutic regimen to prevent COVID-­related morbidity and mortality.
hand, upregulation of Th1 response by the vaccines leads to an Although it seems that the pandemic is ending, COVID vaccina-
increase in inflammatory cytokines such as IL-­2 , IFN-­γ, and TNF-­ tion will continue in future. Hence, a rigid surveillance for develop-
α, thereby predisposing to skin autoimmune disorders including ment of new autoimmune disorders including vitiligo in genetically
vitiligo.47 Moreover, epitope spreading, polyclonal activation of predisposed patients and early treatment of them (but not too early
B cells, and cytokine production might be other explanations for which interfere with immunologic body response to vaccination)
vaccine-­induced auto reactions which lead to autoimmune skin should be strongly considered by clinicians all over the world.
disorders. Melanocytes can be affected like any other body
component in vaccine-­
induced autoimmune phenomena, and AU T H O R C O N T R I B U T I O N S
since vitiligo results from destruction of melanocytes by T cells P.H, A.G., A.J., and Z.A. performed the research. K.B. designed
immune response, the robust cell-­
m ediated immune response the research. Z.A and K.B supervised the study. P.H, Z.M., and A.J.

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4      ARYANIAN et al.

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All the authors declare that there is no conflict of interest.
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