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(Textbook page 58) | @. Rub your palms against each other and put them on your cheeks. What do you |” feel? | ‘ | Ans. Heat is produced due to friction. {'% send - 1, Heat is a form of energy. It can flow from one place to another which is called transfer of heat. 2, Heat is transferred by modes called conduction, convection and radiation. 3, Conduction : Transfer of heat from a hot part of a solid substance to its cold part is called conduction. For conduction of heat a medium is required. It means heat cannot be conducted in vacuum, Conduction of heat takes place in solid substances. 4, Convection : In liquids, heat is transferred by means of convection. When heat is supplied at the bottom of a container, water at the bottom warms up first. As warm water has lower density it moves upwards and it is replaced by the surrounding cold water. Owing to difference in density currents are formed and heat is transferred. Such transfer of heat by means of currents is called convection. Convection of heat also requires a medium which may be in liquid or gaseous form. In liquids and gases heat is transferred by convection. 5, Radiation : Transfer of heat by means of electromagnetic waves is called radiation. It does not require solid or liquid medium. In space and vacuum heat is transferred by radiation. Radiation may occur even in the presence of solid or liquid medium. When heat waves fall on an object a part of it is absorbed and the rest is reflected. 6 Good conductors : Solids which conduct heat easily are called good conductors e.g. Copper, Iron. 7. Bad conductors : Those which do not conduct heat easily are called bad conductors of heat e.g. Wood, plastic. 8 Metals expand when heated and contract when heat is taken away. 9, Generally, liquids expand when heated and contract when cold. 10. Heat causes gases to expand and their volume reduces when heat is taken away. 11: In thermos flask hot substances remain hot and cold substances remains cold for long time. SUMMATIVE EVALUATION ‘1. QUESTIONS AND ANSWERS 1. Fill in the blanks with the proper word from the brackets : black, reflection) (radiation, white, conduction, blue, convection, bad conductor, absorb, good conductor, (1) Maximum heat is absorbed by a | .. coloured object. ees, ee #2) of heat does not require a medium. *(3) Conduction of heat takes place through a ..................... substance. (4) The shining surface in a thermos flask decreases the outgoing heat by +(5) Cooking utensils are made from metals due to their property of ... *(6) The earth receives heat from the sun by... : (7) Some heat is lost from a thermos flask by....... from the lid. (8) Dark clothes are used in winter because they .......0.---- heat. Ans. : (1) black (2) Radiation (8) good conductor (4) reflection (6) conductiog (6) radiation (7) conduction (8) absorb. Q. 2. Find the odd man out : (1) Copper, silver, iron, wood (2) Tea cup, plastic tumbler, silver vase, glass tumbler (3) Conduction, convection, expansion, radiation Ans. (1) Wood. Copper, silver and iron are good conductors of heat, while wood is a bad conductor of heat. (2) Silver vase. Silver vase being metallic is a good conductor of heat while the rest are bad conductors of heat. (3) Expansion The rest are methods of transfer of heat. Q. 3. Write whether the following statements are true or false. Rewrite the false statements after correcting them : (1) Mica is a good conductor of heat. (2) Plastic is a bad conductor of heat (3) Density of hot water is more than that of cold water. (4) For convection of heat medium is cold required. (5) Heat flows from cold place to hot place. (6) Enclosed air is a good conductor of heat. Ans. (1) False. Mica is a bad conductor of heat. (2) True. (3) False. Density of hot water is less than that of cold water. (4) False. For convection medium is required. (6) False. Heat flows from hot place to cold place. (6) False. Enclosed air is a bad conductor of heat. Q. 4, Answer the following questions in one sentence : *(1) How does a fever get lowered with cold compress on forehead of a patient? Ans. A cold compress absorbs some heat from the patient's forehead as water slowly evaporates from the cloth and lowers the body temperature. *(2) What are the modes of heat transfer? ' Ans. Heat is transferred by conduction, convection and radiation. ) (8) What are good conductors of heat? Give 2 examples. Ans. Substances capable of transferring heat easily are called good conductors e.g. Copper, Iron and metals. (4) What are bad conductors of heat? Give 2 examples. Ans. Those substances which are not capable of conducting heat are called bad * conductors. e.g., glass, wood. 92 NAVNEET DIGEST : STANDARD VII-GENERAL SCIENCE OO , eee (5) Why solar cookers ave painted black trom outside? Ans. Sol food. Since black objects absorb maximum heat, they are painted dark fon outelde, (6) Why cycle tube tyres are pumped tn with low aly in summer? Ans, In summer air in cyclo tyron heats up due to high tomporntane and frietion whiels ‘Therefore, oY Unies radiant heat energy fran the sunlight for ecole te expands and creates higher pressure on the tubes rewulting in burating af tyres tyres are filled in with less air in summer (7) Why are thermos flask (Dewar flank) used? Ans. Thermos flasks are used for kowping hot deinks like (on and coffee hot, and ehitled liquids and ice in cold condition, Q. 5. Answer the following questions In short t #(1) Why are the houses in Rajasthan painted white? Ans. In Rajasthan, atmospheric air temperature ia very high in summer White colour | reflects most of the sun's incident radiant heat, Moreover, abnorption of heat by white colour also is very little, as a result houses do not got hented up. ‘Therefore, hausew in Rajasthan are painted white. +(2) Explain which mode of heat transfer causos wea breoxox and land breexes? ‘Ans. During day time the land gots heated up by sun's radiant energy more quickly Jc air over tho Innd rinow up due to lower rolatively cold air with higher } than water in the sea, As a result hot atmoxph density and transfer of heat by convection currents, ‘The pressure (higher density) from tho sou blows towards land which i ented won brooxe At night land mass cools quickly while sea remains warmor. Again warmer air above the wen rises up due to convection and low pressure, as a result the winds blow from land to sen #(3) Why is the outer coat of penguins of Antarctica black? ‘Ans. Black colour absorbs radiant heat energy from sun readily. In Antaretica there is freezing cold temperature, Warm blooded animals struggle to keep their body warm Ponguins’ outer black coat colour absorbs radiant heat from sun and helps thom to keep their body temperature warm. «(4) Why heaters fitted near the floor and alr conditioners, near the coiling in @ room? ‘Ans. The air warmed by the heater near the and the cold air near the ceiling comes down and replaces it due to higher density. The density difference of air at upper and lower height sets in convection currents by transfer of heat, Similarly, air conditioners fitted near the coiling blow cold air that wottlex down due to its higher density while warm air near the floor rises up due to convection currenta. *(5) Which one of these will al sorb the heat? 1, iron griddle (tava), glass, wooden floor rises up easily due to its lower density Steel spoon, wooden board spoon, plastic plate, soll, water, wax. ‘Ans, All the above will take up heat depending on if it is a good or bad conductor of heat, Metal objects such as stocl spoon and iron griddle are good conductors of hent ind they will be hot, Water is a moderately good conductor and hence it will take up heat slowly and ‘become hot, Wooden board, wooden spoon and plastic plate are bad conductor of heat and 8. HEAT oa will not become hot but catch fire. Glass vessels, glass and soil are also bad conductors of heat and they may crack on heating. Wax is a bad conductor of heat but after taking up thy heat it will melt. (6) The side of a lantern is provided with holes on the lower side. Ans. Lantern requires fresh air with oxygen for burning. If holes are not provided neq, the wick, the same oxygen deficient air will circulate in the lantern glass by convection currents set by the hot air. Therefore, fresh supply of oxygen comes from the bottom and useg up hot air that goes out from the top vent. (D) Why do we feel warm near the bon-fire? ‘Ans, (1) The heat transferred near bonfire is by the process of radiation. (2) Every warm object continuously emits heat in all the directions around itself. Similarly, bonfire alsy radiates heat. (3) Some of this heat is absorbed by our body while some of this heat is reflected. (4) Therefore, by sitting near a bonfire, we feel warm. (8) Why are thin bottom copper vessels applied with a layer of mud from outside while cooking? Ans. Copper is a good conductor of heat which passes on heat from the stove to the raw food very easily, But when large amount of heat is applied suddenly, the food inside the vessel may get burnt. Mud is a bad conductor of heat therefore heat coming from the stove is slowly conducted by the copper vessel to the food. This allows steady and uniform cooking of the food. (9) What is an infra-red camera? What is it used for? Ans. In the absence of light at night usual camera with light images cannot be used. But most objects like trees, mountains and stones radiate heat on cool night. This radiated heat is captured by the infra-red camera to make surroundings visible. The IR camera is used for watching movements of enemy at night. (10) What happens to the radiated heat falling on an object? ‘Ans. Generally, radiated heat is reflected, absorbed and transferred by the object. If the object is bright and glossy the incident radiant heat is mostly reflected and some of it absorbed. But, when the object is dark and rough, it will absorb most of the heat and become warm and some heat will be transferred. (11) Why concrete roads have gaps filled with tar? ‘Ans. Concrete roads expand in summer and contract in winter due to heat. Tar on the other hand melts in hot summer and solidifies at normal temperatures. This property of t8! allows expansion and contraction of concrete roads and keeps the road in good condition. (12) What is meant by thermoware? (HOTS) Ans, Thermoware is made by placing two vessels, one inside the other. Outer vessel of plastic whereas the inner is made up of shiny metal. In between the two vessels there * air. Function of thermoware : (1) The enclosed air is a bad conductor of heat, Therefor the heat is not lost by conduction and convection, (2) ‘The inner surface of the vessels is shit! 80 heat is not Jost by radiation, (3) The plastic lid does not allow transmission of heat: Therefore food-ntuff remuins hot for a long period. 94 NAVNEKT DIGEAT | ATANDARD VIL-GENERAL SCIENCE g, 6 Answer the following questions with neat and well-labelled diagrams ! (1) Explain the construction and ction of the thermos flask. aed fur ‘Ans. Construction of thermos: qhermos flask is a double-walled. It has two ass tubes, one inside the other. There is a gealed gaP between these two tubes. The silver coating is applied on the surfaces of both the tubes due to which they appear shiny. A | Hot or cold vacuum is created between the two tubes by liquid removing all the air. The protective jar of metal or plastic is there outside these tubes. Pieces of sponge or rubber are fixed between the outer ae jar and the flask. They are protective in function and also act as bad conductors of heat. Function of the thermos flask : The hot substance maintain the temperature of this content. Due to the shining sui flected back. Hence, occur because of the vacuul Thermos flask e is kept in a thermos flask to face of the inner tube the heat is not radiated out. heat going out from a hot substance gets ref m. As a Conduction and convection of the heat both does not result, heat is not transferred to the outer cooler region. It is retained inside for a long time. Avery little heat is lost from around the lid and small amount of conduction through the glass. Therefore, the hot substance does not remain as hot after few hours. When any cold substance is kept in the flask, it does not get any heat from the outside, Thus it remains cold for some time. (2) Draw a well-labelle ‘Ans. For the answer refer d and neat diagram of thermos flask. to figure in Q. 6 (1) given above. Q 7. Explain the following = (1) Conduction of heat : ‘Ams. The transfer of heat from the hot part of an object to the cold part is called tion. Medium in the form of substance is required for conduction of heat, Conduction conduct Solid substances mainly show conduction. cannot take place through vacuum. (2) Convection of heat: Ans. The transfer of heat by means o} eat. When heat is given to the vessel, the water né to this, it moves upwards and is f currents ie. convection currents is called ear the bottom of the convection of bi comes warm. This decreases its density. Due vessel be in this way convection currents transmit the heat. replaced by cold water coming from above. I Convection requires medium. (3) Radiation : ‘Ans. The transfer of heat that takes place without a medium, Radiation does not need any medium. It is passed on in the form electromagnetic wavelengths. Earth receives heat and light due to radiation from the sun. is called radiation. 9, HEAT 95 Q. 8. Use your brain power! (1) Why do we wear woollen clothes in winter? (Textbook page 59) ‘Ans. Wool is the bad conductor of heat. We wear woolen clothes to maintain our bog, temperature and also for protecting ourself against cold air. (2) Why do we use white clothes in summer and dark or black clothes j, winter? (Textbook page 61, ‘Ans. White clothes reflect back the most of the falling radiations of the sun. Therefoy, we do not feel too hot during summer season. Therefore we wear white clothes in summey Dark or black clothes absorb most of the radiations of sun and hence we feel warm. Therefor, in winter we wear dark or black clothes (3) Why is there a gap at the joints of rails and of cement concrete bridges? (HOTS) (Textbook page 62) Ans. ‘The solids and especially metals expand due to heat. If there is no gap between the joints of rail tracks the tracks would bend. This can cause accidents. To avoid this space is kept between the rail tracks or cement concrete bridges while constructing them. (4) Why is mercury or alcohol used in a thermometer? (Textbook page 62) Ans. Mercury is used in the thermometer because : (1) There is much difference in the values of freezing point and boiling points of mercury. The freezing point is -39 °C and boiling point is 357 °C. (2) Being shiny, mercury can be immediately seen. (3) Mercury does not stick to the glass walll. (4) The expansion of mercury is uniform and regular. It is constant and permanent. The alcohol thermometers are used if temperature even lesser than -39 °C is to be measured Alcohol's freezing point is -115°C whereas mercury freezing point -39°C. Therefore, the lower temperatures can be measured only by alcohol thermometers. Q. 9. Give scientific reasons : *(1) An ordinary glass bottle cracks when boiling water is poured into it, but ¢ borosil glass bottle does not. Ans. When boiling water is poured in ordinary glass bottle, the surface on which hot water falls expands quickly. The heat is not conducted rapidly from this area, As compared to this part the adjacent part does not heat up and does not get expanded. Hence due to unequal expansion, there is a crack in the bottle. In borosil bottle, the heat conduction is uniform and is very quick. The expansion due to heat is also uniform. Therefore borosi! bottles do not crack. *(2) The telephone wires which sag in summer become straight in winter. Ans. In summer the temperature of the surrounding air is high. Therefore, the wires d| telephone expand and start sagging. In winter, the surrounding temperature is less aé hence the wires undergo contraction and become straight. +(3) Dew drops are formed on the grass, in winter. Ans. There is a water vapour in the air. The water holding capacity of the air depend upon the temperature. In winter, when the temperature falls down, the water holding capacit! also comes down. If temperature recedes much more, then the water vapour condenses at the dew drops are formed. 96 NAVNEET DIGEST : STANDARD VII-GENERAL SCIENCE +(4) In winter, why does an iron pillar feel colder than a wooden pole? Ans. Iron is a good conductor of heat. Wood is a bad conductor of heat. In winter, temperature is more than the surrounding temperature. At such time, if we touch the pillar, Therefore we feel ron pillar, there is a conduction of heat from our body to the iron the conduction of heat does not the that iron pillar is cold. But when we touch a wooden pole, take place and hence we do not feel that the wooden pole is cold. (5) We can feel the heat of a table lamp, under it. don. (2) This heat is radiated from ‘Ans. (1) The table lamp emits heat when it is turne efore, we can feel the the lamp from all sides. (3) The radiated heat is absorbed by us. There peat of a table lamp, under it. (6) The upper layers of water in a deep well are cool but those in a pond are warm. ‘Ans. (1) A deep well has a smaller surface. (2) Therefore, Jess heat which is radiated from the sun. (3) On the other hand, the pond surface being large absorbs more heat due to a larger surface area. (4) Therefore, this smaller surface absorbs the upper layers of water in a deep well are cool but those in a pond are warm. from melting for a longer time. (7) Ice is kept in sawdust to keep it w dust heat is not transferred Ans. (1) Sawdust is a bad conductor of heat. (2) Through sa’ ing the ice. (3) Ice, thus does not melt if dly. Therefore, this prevents heat from reachi dust to keep it from melting for a longer rapi kept in sawdust. (4) Therefore, ice is kept in saw¢ time. (8) An iron tyre is heated be ‘Ans. (1) Metals expand when heated and contract when cooled, (2) When the iron tyre is heated, it expands and becomes bigger than the wooden wheel. (8) When this expanded tyre is placed on the wheel, 1) When the cold water is poured on the iron tyre, it fits over it. (4) it contracts and fits over the fore it is fitted on a wheel. wheel. (5) Therefore, an iron tyre is heated before it is fitted on a wheel. (9) Two steel bowls stuck in each other can be separated by heating. ‘Ans. (1) Metals expand on heating. (2) Stainless steel too expands when heated up. (8) If the bowls are stuck, the heat given would help the outer bow! to expand, (4) The outer bowl gets heated but the inner bowl does not get much heat. (5) Because of this, the inner bowl can be separated out easily. OPEN-ENDED QUESTIONS Q. Answer the following Questions : (Q) For what different purposes do you use thermos flask? (2) What can be different uses of infrared camera? (8) Why does the halwai wrap up cloth around the end of his slotted spoon while stirring the boilding milk in his large kadhail (Can you tell? Textbook page 58) (4) Why do we hold a steel glass in a handkerchief while drinking hot milk from it? What are other examples of this kind? Make a note of them. (Students should write answers to these questions based on their own experiences.) 9, HEAT o 2. ORAL TEST | bates Q. Answer the following questions orally : (1) Name the modes of heat transfer. (2) What is the relation between density and convection? (3) Why thermos flask is called Dewar flask? FORMATIVE EVALUATIO. 1, ORAL WORK : © Observe and discuss : Various events 2. ACTIVITY / EXPERIMENT : Perform the experiments regarding tr issi i ae Bi g transmission of heat given on textbook pages 59, 60, 61 8. PROJECT : ¢ Make a note of the various examples of heat transfer seen in day-to-day life.

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