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Enrichment Units 341 sample Fase 21 2 Beaver b. MH leaves 0 © Hewes 2 [20199 + 26/0 even? 4104124 3/teaes3 re ays ter March 22. March 27 (The method above gives the date accurately except forthe years 1954 and 1981. These years it ives a date exacly 2 weck late, the comet Eaters hing Apri 18 and 19, spectively) POSTASSESSMENT 1. Have the students determine the dy ofthe week oftheir bi, 2. Have the students work ou several ven dates. October 12,1492 May 30,1820 Christmas 1978 Apo], 1995 Octaber 21,1805. Angust 4, 1898, July 4,776 3. Have the stents ind the dates of several Easter Sandys 1044, 1969, 1030, 1978, 1930, 197 ‘+ George Washingson was born Febauary 11, 1732, Why do we celebrate it Febraary 222 Obata Palindromic Numbers This unl wl define palindromic nambers and introduce some oftheir propestes. The toy of Plindromic numbers is suited for any elas: wll it provides all students sn approch for analysing, numbers and ther relationships, cern aspects ofthis topc can be selected forthe slow stems (eg, the reverse addition propery) and more advanced properties can be investigate by the more dept stdens (eg, modular palindromes). PERFORMANCE OBJECTIVES 2, Sede wil state and analyze properties of palindromic munbers. 2. Shudens wil onset ner pindromes from any speed integer REASSESSMENT sve sudents analyze the expression “Madam Tm Adam andthe words “otatoe" and “revive snd point oat det pecllary (chy spl the sme backward snd forward). dics to them tat such an expresio is called a palindrome and that in mathematics, numbers having the ame prop- ey ike 343 and 58695 ae called palindromic numbers. Students canbe asked to gve their ova cmples of palindromic numbers and tke a short list 382 Enrichment Units TEACHING STRATEGIES Alter the students have compiled their lst, an analysis can be made of these numbers, Ques- tions such a she fllowing can be put to them to get a discussion golug: Does a palindrome have an odd or even number of digits, or both? Ate prlindromic numbers prime, composite or both? 1s the square or cube of a palindromic number sil 2 palindrome? Given a positive integer can a palindrome be constructed from some sort of operation on this integer? Students can attempt to nse these questions by testing their validity on the aumnbe fom thei ss or by seeking some ‘The students are ready a this point to study some ofthe fllowing pelindromic properties: 1. alindromc murs contin both prime and composite ruber (eg, 182i «palindromic rime while 575i compost palinrome); however, palindromic prime, wit the exception of 11, must havea odd mober of digs, K Proof ofthe liter Cecontcaditinn) tet p be a palindromic pre having an even numberof digits. Let rb the sum of all digits in dhe even postions of the prime p ands be the sum of ll the digi inthe od positions of the prime p. Since psa palindrome with an even umber of isthe digs in odd potions dl- ‘te the digits ever positions; therefore + ~ r ~ 0. ute ts or sity by 1 states that ‘number is divisible by 11H the diffrence besween the sum of ll igs fa even positions and the sum of al dg ined postions i 0 or a mullple of 11 Thetefore, phas LI asi factor and «anno be prime, a contaditon, 2. Alimegers N, which vield palindromic squares, are not necessarily palindromes. While there are {infinitely many palindromes yielding palindromic squares (eg, 22° — 484 and 212? = 44944), there exist some nonpalindromic integers whose squares are palindromes (¢, 26° = 676 and £836? ~ 698896) as well as some palindromic integers yielding nonpalindromic squares (e#., 1312 = 17161 and 252! = 53824). Repunits, sumbers consisting entirely of 1s (by notation, where 5 the number of 18) are palindromic mumbets and produce palindromic squares when 1 =k = 9:R}— 121 BB = 12521 andin general RE = 12.21, where k = 9. However, when k > 9 the eany- sng in adation woud los the palindromic product (e.g, fp = 12.. 6790098. ..21). ‘Square numbers are much cher in palindromes than eandomly chose integers 3. In general, numbers that yield palindromic cubes (some of whch re prime and some composite) are palindromic in themselves. The mambersN that yield palindromic eubes ate a flows: B= 17110 = 1,7 = 363,1P = D3) b, N= 10" + 1 has pulindomlc cube consisting of F— 1 zeros between each consecw tive pair of 13.3.1: eg. when k= 1,N = 11 and N? = 1334; when k= 2, = 101 and N= 1030301; when k= 3, N= 1001 and N= 1003003001, ee. Notice that when = 2m + 1, m> 0, hen ts divisbe by 1 and hence composite 6. N consisting of 31s and any desired nurmber (wich must be even of zeros is divisible by 3 and has palindromic cubes: eg, (111)? = 1367652, (10101)? = 1030607060301 <4 N~ any palindromic arrangement of zeros and four Iss nonprime and has a palindrome cube, except when the same number of zeros appears i the three spaces between the IS: eg, (I1011)? — 1334996904531,10100101)?= 1003033001390031903303001, whereas (Co10101) snot a palindome The only N< 28 X 10% that is not a palindrome yet yields « palindromic cube is 2200 = 10862526601. “4 Given any inegerN we ca fen rach patindrome by adage number ts reves the mum ter oan by reversing the digs) and cominang the procts en the palindrome is achieved For example, if N= 798, then 79 + 897 = 1695, 1695 + 5061 = 7650, 7656 + 6567 14225, 14223 + 32241 = 46464 (a palindrome). Whereas some numbers cau reach a pal rome in only two steps (eg, 73 and 48), there are thers that reach Iti 6 steps ke 87, and sul others ike 89 and 98 that reach a palindrome in 24 steps. However, certain numbers like 196 when caried out to over 1000 steps still do not achieve palindromes, so this rule esnnot ‘be taken to hold forall integers bur certainly for mast since these cases are very rare. The rule | ‘does not holdin base evo; the smallest counterexample i 10110, which after steps reaches the sum 10110100, after 8 steps tis 1011101000, ater 12 steps it i 101111010000. Every fourth step increases by one digit each of the two sequences underlined and its seen that eacs of these B ae 132 ( | | nrichmenc Uns 343 ‘Increasing sums i not palindrome. There are some generates found inthis process of verse | addition: 1 Dillerent integers when subjected to this technique produce the same plindzome, For ex ample, 554,752, and 653 all produce the palindrome 11011 in 3 steps. in general, all integers ‘in which the comesponding digt pairs symmetrical o dhe middle have the same sun will | produce the same palindrome in the same number of steps. In this case, all the digt pais sud up 9.) There ae however diferent integers that produce the same palindromes der. ent numbers of steps. For example, 99 reeches 79497 in 6 steps whereas 7209 reaches tin? steps. 1, Two-dight numbers can be categorized according to dhe toa sum ofthe to digits to ascertain ‘he mumber of eps needed to produce a palindrome. t's obvious that if the sum of the dig {s9, only I step i neded: if thei gt sums 10 (eq. 6¢ and 73), 2 steps are needed. Slat analyses will ad the students conclade that if their digit sun 11,12, 13,14, 15, 16,17, ‘or 18, palindrome rests alter 1, 2, 2,3, 4,6, 4,and 1 respectively The stidents cat be aed to perform an analysis of this ype snd pt ther resale able form. This topic of palindromes can be investigated father by more adept students. Further invest {gto ies nthe azeas of maligrades wit palindromic numbers as elements, special plindtomic prime numbers such as primes with prime digs as elements, modular paindrones, and iiaagule and pentagonal numbers tha are also palindromes, POSTASSESSMENT 1, Do the following numbers yield palindromte enbes (2) 1001001 (b) 1001001001 (e) 10100101 «@ 100101 2. Given he following two-digit numbers, mdicate the aumber of steps required in reversal al- tion to reach a palitdrome: (a) $6 (b) 26 (¢) 91 (€) 96 3. Perform the reverse addition technique on these integers and find osber integers chat wil yield the same palindrome as hese: (4) 174 (0) 8699 Unit The Fascinating Number Nine This unit i intended co offer @rereational presentation ofthe many interesting properties ofthe saumber 9. long-range goal of presenting these amasing number epics sto motivate further sti- dent investigation and insight ito the properties of numb, PERFORMANCE OBJECTIVES 1. Students will demonstrate at east thre properties of the munber 9. 2: Students will provide an example of a shor-cacaludation olsing the mamber 9

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