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Foremost, this is the first time ever to organize a face-to-face event
after three years of the pandemic. The return of U-Week, students,
and other stuff is met with a warm welcome. Everybody has their own
plan to have fun this week. Gather and catch up with their

Captured every moment I took and suddenly got my attention to the

center of our alma mater church. I saw the girl sincerely pray without
thinking about going outside and having fun like the others. She chose
the silence of churh and deep prayer.

After I secretly took a picture, I asked her name and why she chose to
be alone. She said, "My name is Krishna Manula, a medicine student. I
pray for my health because I don't feel well and have had consecutive
bad days, but I always feel blessed because I'm still alive. asking for
forgiveness and guidance to make me stronger and to know which
path I take.

Every fall, every loss, every mistake, and every feeling like we're in
trouble, we ask for the guidance of our Almighty God. in 2 Corinthians
Therefore, if anyone is in Christ, he is a new creation. THE OLD HAS
GONE, BUT THE NEW HAS COME".The old life will vanish, and the new
life has begun.
We are the resurgent soldiers of God.

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