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Language Focus: Vocabulary Phrasal verbs and idioms 1. Phrasal verbs with take ‘The verb take is used to form 2 number of| phrasal verbs. What does the phrasal ver a thir secance mean? + Football took over his ie istening text) Fill in the missing particle in the following ‘sernusices and explain the meaning of each phrasal verb, 1 Training took so much of his time that his social life suffered. 2 Ilistened to the speech carefully but | still coulda’ take it. 3 Were you really taken, trick? 4 Glen has taken painting now that hhe has more spare time, 5. Her career really took Was spotted by a talent scout. 6 Does he realise how much extra by thar old after she responsibility he's taken Paper 2, Part 2 (formal letter) In Paper 2, Parc 2 you may be asked to write a Tetter with a narrative focus, describing an event and making a point arising from itn this type of letter it is important that the narrative Is focused on the poine you want to make and thax th events are lly described. 1 41. Read the following writing task and underline the: key words. TASK You have recently spent 2 day ina theme park with some friend. During the vist something happened which upset you, and which you feel was the fault ofthe park organisers. You also fee that it could be a danger to others visting the park. Write a letter to the organisers describing Ue incident and expressing your concerns. (300-350 words) 2 Think about the task, + What kind of events might be upsetting? + What action might you want the organisers tw take? ‘+ Will the letter be formal or informal in style? In this type of task itis easier if you can write about something you have experienced personally IF you. ‘cannot think of anything yourself then imagine yourself n a situation from a film or aTTV show to help you with ideas 2. Read the letter on page 121, which was written in answer to the task, and discuss the following questions. 1 How far is the content similar to your own ideas? 2 Which paragraph contains the most vivid description and why? 3° Underline the formal expressions used bythe writer to: 5 + introduce the incident * express concern over wider implications * call for action,

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