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MST LAB PSCMR college of Engineering and Technology


1. Aim: write a javascript program to create a object using key values. key value to store the
employee details.

Source code for creation of object:


emp = {id:102,name:"Shyam Kumar",salary:40000},

document.writeln(" "" "+emp.salary);




var emp = new Object();;"Ravi";


document.writeln(" "" "+emp.salary);



Submitted by: 20KT1A4247 Page no:

MST LAB PSCMR college of Engineering and Technology

2. Aim: write a javascript program to types of objects.

Source code for types of objects:


var a = true;

document.writeln("type of a is: "+typeof(a)+"<br>");

var b = new Boolean(false);

document.writeln("Type of b is: "+typeof(b)+"<br>");

var c = 10;

var d = 10;

document.writeln("c+d: "+(c+d)+"<br>");

document.writeln("Type of c is: "+typeof(c)+"<br>"+"Type of d is: "+typeof(d)+"<br>");

var x = new Number(20);

var y = new Number(20);

document.writeln("Type of x is: "+typeof(x)+"<br>"+"Type of y is:"+typeof(y)+"<br>");

document.writeln("x+y: "+(x+y)+"<br>");

document.writeln("c==d: "+(c==d)+"<br>");

document.writeln("x==y: "+(x==y));



Submitted by: 20KT1A4247 Page no:

MST LAB PSCMR college of Engineering and Technology

3. Aim: write a javascript program to print correct date and time in a specific part.also print time

Source code date & time and also time alone:



Current Date and time: <span id='txt'></span><br>

Current time: <span id="txt1"></span>


var today = new Date();


var h = today.getHours();

var m = today.getMinutes();

var s = today.getSeconds();





Submitted by: 20KT1A4247 Page no:

MST LAB PSCMR college of Engineering and Technology

4. Aim: write a javascript program to print date in the following format. First line should print
day, second line should print month and third line should print year.

Source code day, month & year:


var d = new Date();




5. Aim: write a javascript program to print ‘Hello World’ in a special window.

Source code window.alert:


window.alert("Hello world");



Submitted by: 20KT1A4247 Page no:

MST LAB PSCMR college of Engineering and Technology

6. Aim: write a javascript program to display confirmation alert. When a user clicks on delete
record button.

Source code confirm:


function msg(){

var v = confirm("Are you sure: ");


alert('ok'); }


alert('cancel'); }}


<input type="button" value="Delete Record" onclick="msg();">



Figure 1: output for delete button

Figure 2: output for after clicks on delete button

Submitted by: 20KT1A4247 Page no:

MST LAB PSCMR college of Engineering and Technology

Figure 3: output for after clicks on ok button

Figure 4: output for after clicks on cancel button

7.Aim: write a javascript program to enquire what is the user name in a special window and
display ‘I am, username’ after clicking on the clicking button.

Source code for username in a special window:


function msg(){

var v = prompt("Who are you?");

alert("I am, "+v);} </script>

<input type="button" value="Click" onclick="msg();"></body>


Figure 1: output for click button

Submitted by: 20KT1A4247 Page no:

MST LAB PSCMR college of Engineering and Technology

Figure 2: output for after clicks on click button and entering username

Figure 3: output for username displaying in a special window

8.Aim: write a javascript program to search on or to open google website when a user click on
search button.

Source code for search:


function msg() {

open(""); }</script>

<input type="button" value="Search" onclick="msg();">



Figure 1: output for search button

Figure 2: output for after clicks on search button and opened google page

Submitted by: 20KT1A4247 Page no:

MST LAB PSCMR college of Engineering and Technology

9. Aim: write a javascript program to print welcome to javascript after 2000 milliseconds.

Source code:


function msg() {


alert("Welcome to JavaScript after 2 seconds"); },2000); }

</script> <input type="button" value="Click" onclick="msg();"></body>


Figure: output for click button

Figure: output displayed when user clicks click button after 2 seconds

10. Aim: write a javascript program to close the window when user clicks on close button.

Source code close:

<body> <script>

function msg( ) {

window.close( ); }


<input type="button" value="Close" onclick="msg();"></body>

Submitted by: 20KT1A4247 Page no:

MST LAB PSCMR college of Engineering and Technology


Figure 1: output for close button

Figure 2: output for after clicks close button

11. Aim: write a javascript program for navigator and screen.

Source code for navigator & screen:

<script><!-- navigation -->

document.writeln("navigator.appCodeName: "+navigator.appCodeName);

document.writeln("<br/>navigator.appName: "+navigator.appName);

document.writeln("<br/>navigator.appVersion: "+navigator.appVersion);

document.writeln("<br/>navigator.cookieEnabled: "+navigator.cookieEnabled);

document.writeln("<br/>navigator.language: "+navigator.language);

document.writeln("<br/>navigator.userAgent: "+navigator.userAgent);

document.writeln("<br/>navigator.platform: "+navigator.platform);

document.writeln("<br/>navigator.onLine: "+navigator.onLine);


<script> <!-- screen -->

document.writeln("<br/>screen.width: "+screen.width);

document.writeln("<br/>screen.height: "+screen.height);

document.writeln("<br/>screen.availWidth: "+screen.availWidth);

Submitted by: 20KT1A4247 Page no:

MST LAB PSCMR college of Engineering and Technology

document.writeln("<br/>screen.availHeight: "+screen.availHeight);

document.writeln("<br/>screen.colorDepth: "+screen.colorDepth);

document.writeln("<br/>screen.pixelDepth: "+screen.pixelDepth);



12. Aim: write a javascript program for history.

Source code for history:

<script> <!-- history -->


function h() {

history.back();//for previous page

history.forward();//for next page

history.go(2);//for next 2nd page

history.go(-2);//for previous 2nd page }



Submitted by: 20KT1A4247 Page no:

MST LAB PSCMR college of Engineering and Technology

13. Aim: write a javascript program to count the no: of paragraphs in the given HTML page.
When a user clicks on gthe count button.

Source code for counting paragraphs using getElemetsByTagName:


function count(){

var total=document.getElementsByTagName("p");

alert("the total tags are:"+total.length);}


<p> this is paragraph</p>

<p> hello world</p>

<p> welcome to javascript</p>

<button onclick="count()">count</button></body>


Figure 1: output for paragraphs and count button

Figure 2: output for total number of paragraphs

14. Aim: write a javascript program to count no: of radio buttons.

Submitted by: 20KT1A4247 Page no:

MST LAB PSCMR college of Engineering and Technology

Source code for counting radio buttons using getElementsByName:

<body> <script>

function fun(){

var total=document.getElementsByName("r");

alert("the total no: radio buttons are:"+total.length); }


<form onsubmit="fun()">

C:<input type="radio" name="r"/>

C++:<input type="radio" name="r"/>

<input type="submit"/>



Figure 1: output for radio buttons and submit button

Figure 2: output for total number of radio buttons

15. Aim: write a javascript program to print class executed by the respective HTML program.

Submitted by: 20KT1A4247 Page no:

MST LAB PSCMR college of Engineering and Technology

Source code for getElementsByClass():



<h2>Dom methods</h2>


<div class="class">

<p>Hello world</p>



var x=document.getElementsByClassName("class");

document.writeln("on calling x,it will return an array-like object:<br>"+x);





Submitted by: 20KT1A4247 Page no:

MST LAB PSCMR college of Engineering and Technology

Aim: Create an Employee class extending from a base class Person. Hints: (i) Create a class

Person with name and age as attributes. (ii) Add a constructor to initialize the values

(iii) Create a class Employee extending Person with additional attributes role.

Source code for class:


class person {

constructor(name,age) {;

this.age=age; }

detail() {

document.writeln("Name: "" "+"Age: "+this.age); }}

class emp extends person {

constructor(name,age,role) {


this.role=role; }

show() {

document.writeln("Name: "" "+"Age: "+this.age+" "+"Role: "+this.role+"<br>"); }}

var p=new emp("ravi",25,"teacher");; p.detail();

</script> </body>



Submitted by: 20KT1A4247 Page no:

MST LAB PSCMR college of Engineering and Technology

1. Aim: write a JavaScript program to combine arrays into a single array & store it in a new

Source code for Concat method:


var arr1=[1,2];

var arr2=[4,6];

var arr3=["Apple","Ball"];

var res=arr1.concat(arr2,arr3);

document.writeln("<b>Concatination operation:</b> "+res+"<br><br>");

for(i=0;i<res.length;i++) {

document.writeln(res[i]+"<br>"); }



2. Aim: write a javascript program to print the student marks greater than 30.

Source code for filter method:


var marks=[50,40,45,37,20];

function check(value){

return value>30;}

Submitted by: 20KT1A4247 Page no:

MST LAB PSCMR college of Engineering and Technology




3. Aim: write a javascript program to find the first element in the array whose value is greater
than 20.

Source code for find method:


var marks=[50,40,45,37,20];

function check(value){

return value>30; }

document.writeln("finding specific first greater value:"+marks.find(check));



Submitted by: 20KT1A4247 Page no:

MST LAB PSCMR college of Engineering and Technology

4. Aim: Write a JavaScript program to find the first element index in array whose value is
greater than 20.

Source code for findIndex method:



var arr = [5,22,19,25,34];

var result = arr.findIndex(x=>x>20);

document.writeln("finding 20 greater than first element: "+result);




5. Aim: write a javascript program to find the lastelement value in the array.

Source code for lastIndex method:


var arr=["c","c++","python","c++","java"];

var res1=arr.lastIndexOf("c++");

document.writeln("Last Index of element:"+res1); </script>


6. Aim: write a javascript program to find the last element value in the array.

Submitted by: 20KT1A4247 Page no:

MST LAB PSCMR college of Engineering and Technology

Source code for indexOf method:


var arr=["c","c++","python","c++","java"];

var res1=arr.indexOf("c++"); // finding a value of first index




7. Aim: write a javascript program to add Jquery at the end of the array.

Source code for push function:


var arr=["angular js","node.js"];



document.writeln("<b>elements after push operation: </b>"+arr);



8 Aim: write a javascript program to add a value at the starting of the array.

Submitted by: 20KT1A4247 Page no:

MST LAB PSCMR college of Engineering and Technology

Source code for unshift function:


var arr=["angular js","node.js"];

document.writeln("<b>Elements:</b> “arr+”<br>”);


document.writeln("<b>After unshift operation adding value starting of the array:</b> "+arr);



9. Aim: write a javascript program to remove the last element in the array.

Source code for pop function:


var arr=["angular js","node.js","jquery"];



document.writeln("<b>Remaining elements after pop operation: </b>"+arr);</script>


10. Aim: write a javascript program to remove the first element in the array.

Submitted by: 20KT1A4247 Page no:

MST LAB PSCMR college of Engineering and Technology

Source code for shift function:


var arr=["angular js","node.js","jquery"];



document.writeln("<b>elements after shift operation: </b>"+arr);



11. Aim: write a javascript program to reverse a given elements in aarray.

Source code for reverse function:


var arr=[1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8];



document.writeln(“elements after reverse operation:</b> "+arr); </script>


12. Aim: write a javascript program to sort a given elements in a array.

Submitted by: 20KT1A4247 Page no:

MST LAB PSCMR college of Engineering and Technology

Source code for sort function:


var arr=[4,3,7,5,2,9,1,8,0];

document.writeln("<b> elements:</b> "+arr+"<br>");


document.writeln("<b>elements after sort operation: </b>"+arr);




Submitted by: 20KT1A4247 Page no:

MST LAB PSCMR college of Engineering and Technology

Aim: Validate the user by creating a login module. Hints: (i) Create a file login.js with a
User class. (ii) Create a validate method with username and password as arguments.
(iii) If the username and password are equal it will return "Login Successful" else wrong
Source code:
class login{
if (this.uname == this.pwd)
document.writeln("Login Successful");
else {
var l=new login("rani","rani");


Submitted by: 20KT1A4247 Page no:

MST LAB PSCMR college of Engineering and Technology

1.Aim: Introduction to Asynchronous Programming, Callbacks, Promises, Async and Await,

Executing Network Requests using Fetch API.
Source code for asynchronus:
let a=10;


Source code for callbacks:


const goodFunc=()=>{

console.log('good'); }

const bestFunc=()=>{


console.log('best'); }



Source code for promises:

const count=true;

let countvalue=new Promise(function(reslove,


reslove("there is a count value");}

else{ reject("there is no count value");} });

Submitted by: 20KT1A4247 Page no:

MST LAB PSCMR college of Engineering and Technology



Source code for fecth api:


<div id="foo">

<h2>The XMLHttpRequest Object</h2>

<button type="button" onclick="changeContent()">


function changeContent() {

var xhttp = new XMLHttpRequest();

xhttp.onreadystatechange = function() {

if (this.readyState == 4 && this.status == 200) {


else { document.getElementById(“foo”)"GET", "content.txt", true);

xhttp.send(); }



Figure 1: output for content changing button Figure 2: output for displaying a message

Submitted by: 20KT1A4247 Page no:

MST LAB PSCMR college of Engineering and Technology

2.Aim: Simulate a periodic stock price change and display on the console. Hints: (i) Create a
method which returns a random number - use Math.random, floor and other methods

to return a rounded value. (ii) Invoke the method for every three seconds and stop


Source code:

  var time = 3670;
    var h = Math.floor(time / 3600);
    var m = Math.floor(time % 3600 / 60);
    var s = Math.floor(time % 3600 % 60);
  document.getElementById("demo").innerHTML =  h + "h "+ m + "m " + s + "s ";
  if (time < 0) {
    document.getElementById("demo").innerHTML = "EXPIRED";  }
  time--;   }, 1000);
<body><div id='demo'></div></body>


Submitted by: 20KT1A4247 Page no:

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