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1219721, 928 Pa Modile 4: GOOD LIFE, HUMANITY CROSS AND THE FUTURE DOES NOT NEED US. Module 4: GOOD LIFE, HUMANITY CROSS AND THE FUTURE DOES NOT NEED US Site: New Era University Printed by: Alexandra Mae B. Jamison Course: GECSTS-18 - Science, Technology, and Society Date: Thursday, 8 December 2021, 9:19 PM Module 4: GOOD LIFE, HUMANITY CROSS AND THE Sook FUTURE DOES NOT NEED US. htpsscolvle.neu. edu phimodibooktoolpinvindex.php?id=57693 28 1219/21, 928 PM Modile 4: GOOD LIFE, HUMANITY CROSS AND THE FUTURE DOES NOT NEED US. Table of contents 4. Introduction/Overview 2, Learning Outcomes 3, Lesson 1: The Good Life 3.1. THE PHILOSOPHIES BETWEEN THE GOOD AND RIGHT 3.2. Assignment 1 3.3, REFERENCES 4. Lesson 2— When Technology and Humanity Cross. 4.1. NATURE OF TECHNOLOGY 4.2. Evolution af Communication Gadgets 43. Discussion Forum 44, Relorences 5. Lesson 3— Why the Future Does Not Ne 5.1. Sciontst Critics 5.2, REFERENCES htpsscolvle.neu. edu phimodibooktoolpinvindex.php?id=57693 1219/21, 928 PM Modile 4: GOOD LIFE, HUMANITY CROSS AND THE FUTURE DOES NOT NEED US. 1. Introduction/Overview This module aims to discuss the philosophical views of good life from different philosophers. It explains how technology used and developed by humans. It also presents the history of television from the year it was invented up to the present time. This module consists of three lessons- The Good Life, Humanity Cross and the Future Does Not Need Us. There are assessment and activities at the end of each lesson. htpsscolvle.neu. edu phimodibooktoolpinvindex.php?id=57693 1219/21, 928 PM Modile 4: GOOD LIFE, HUMANITY CROSS AND THE FUTURE DOES NOT NEED US. 2. Leaming Outcomes - Define and enumerate the characteristics of a good life. . Define stoicism, humanism and materialism, Explain the relationship of between value and pleasure. Differentiate between good and right. 5. Explain the nature of technology. Discuss the evolution of communication gadgets Parone htpsscolvle.neu. edu phimodibooktoolpinvindex.php?id=57693 428 1219721, 928 Pa Modile 4: GOOD LIFE, HUMANITY CROSS AND THE FUTURE DOES NOT NEED US. 3. Lesson 1: The Good Life What is “the good life”? This is one of the oldest philosophical questions. Your know-how of human flourishing and the eudemonistic perception approximately happiness could be collectively utilized in this lesson to apprehend a person means of an awesome life. A few philosophers have supported different ideas of a great life and started to express models of mental and passionate well-being, which endeavored to mostly characterize “good human life.” A society may recognize great lives and those are characterized by: 1. The fulfilment of basic needs; 2. The satisfaction of desires and aspirations; 3. The accomplishment of a person's purpose and mission; and 4, Alife that has social meaning. A few other logicians avoid “securing essential needs" as an essential to a good Life. Great life is more that acquiring basic commodities. It is additionally more than yearning for a fulfilment of one’s faculties. Even seeking for joy is ruined since it isn't locked in in a person's esteemed objective, which is of the establishment of honest to goodness fulfillments. Having as well numerous too-good-to-be-true wishes in life is an unintelligent choice, but the fulfilment of fulfling victory is additionally not simple. In truth, it depends, on the degree of its plausibility of failure, A fulfilled existence is one that has an intention or an end, But now not all lifestyle dreams bring real success. A character would possibly feel top notch if his lifestyles is dedicated to an inspiring personal and social motive. There is another distinct which means of “appropriate lifestyles" wherein the achievement encompasses other’ health sometime, ever notes that oneself. These people measure their fulfilment thru their effect on their effect on their society, and the meaning of their lives is essentially shared, And, there are also folks who equate their correct existence with making sacrifices. They are those who classify themselves as contraptions for others and for posterity. Perhaps, appropriate lifestyles aren't always essentially approximately a character's quest of non-public success but in all likelinood approximately his commitments to selflessness and having an “moral existence.” ARISTOTLE AND THE GOOD LIFE Itis regularly pointed out - to the point of being a cliché — that one of the challenges of living within the present-day world is the disintegrating of conventional certainties and following disarray around what values to hold and what points to seek after. Aristotle talks around the extreme great being eudaimonia — which means attaining a great life, a thriving life, a satisfied and beneficial life. As he himself recognizes, be that as it may, essentially naming it does not tell us much around what sorts of fixings are required for such a life, so he begins by considering different prevalent contenders — cash, victory, delight, connections. Money and success htpsscolvle.neu. edu phimodibooktoolpinvindex.php?id=57693 526 1219/21, 928 PM Modile 4: GOOD LIFE, HUMANITY CROSS AND THE FUTURE DOES NOT NEED US. Money is clearly as it were a implies to a conclusion; in this manner, it can't be the greatest. On the other hand, Aristotle does not advocate a life of renunciation — a direct amount of fabric comforts is vital for our well-being. And a genuinely favored life would be anticipated by extraordinary hardship. Nevertheless, quality of life is really determined not by the circumstances of the person but what he makes out of them, Victory cannot moreover be considered the most elevated greatness since it is as well subordinate on a few other people's sees. Honor isn't associated to any characteristics of the individual himself but how other individuals see him. Too, the degree of the person's victory depends on the sort and bunch of the individuals who recognize the individual. Finally, the impulse of fortune has also an extraordinary impact on a person's victory, It may not reallly speak to the complete worth of that individual. Pleasure Pleasure is certainly not the greatest, and individuals who are primarily intrigue lies in substantial joys that are depicted as living ‘lives that are fit as it were for cattle’. But Aristotle closes up guarding joy in two ways: (a) indeed, simply substantial delights are great in control — we are encapsulated animals, and as well small appreciation of substantial joys can really ruin our interest of a great life. (b) there are different kinds of pleasures, and the best kind is that deriving from being involved in some worthwhile activity. Being pleasurable with the values in life is superior that appreciating joys. Take note the heading of the causal arrow within the figure. An Aristotle rule requires adjust between esteem and joy to achieve great life. Relationships Aristotle says that we shall have difficulty in driven to describing a person who is absolutely solitary and still having a great life, and that no person would select to stay without friends, although they had all of the other goods. He recognized three types of relationships: 1. The pleasant and the ones based on mutual admiration. 2. The person is loved only insofar as s/he provides some good or pleasure; 3. The most solid and therefore most important. But we might include that the capacity to be alone is additionally imperative, which a few people may select isolation for the purpose of other interests, such as consideration Reason and Virtues The greatest for a human being is reason, since it is the characteristic human capacity, the one we don't share with other creatures. There are diverse readings of this, but a conceivable one is that in show disdain toward of the truth that none of our capacities got to be rejected, the especially human ones need to be given an exceptional put. So, a great life got to certainly contain some futfillments related with our natural nature, but our higher assets got to be given more significance. What roughly our capacity to feel significant sentiments, to cherish, to be moved by craftsmanship, music, nature? We appear say — in an Aristotelian soul, | accept — that it's the whole bundle (resources, htpsscolvle.neu. edu phimodibooktoolpinvindex.php?id=57693 626 1219721, 928 Pa Modile 4: GOOD LIFE, HUMANITY CROSS AND THE FUTURE DOES NOT NEED US. sentiments, reason) that characterized us as human animals, and got in this way be regarded and created. But reason need to still keep hold of the reins. htpsscolvle.neu. edu phimodibooktoolpinvindex.php?id=57693 7128 1219721, 928 Pa Modile 4: GOOD LIFE, HUMANITY CROSS AND THE FUTURE DOES NOT NEED US. 3.1. THE PHILOSOPHIES BETWEEN THE GOOD AND RIGHT Right’ and ‘good’ are the two essential terms of ethical assessment. In common, something is ‘right’ in case itis ethically compulsory, though it is ethically ‘good’ on the off chance that it is worth having or doing and improves the life of those who have it. But living in a world encompassed by pleasurable belonging, most individuals of the present-day times would or maybe select anything that's great for them. It appears simple to get a handle on for the present-day individuals that having a great life is basically identical to getting what an individual need and needing what an individual has. The restricted time of life here on soil can moreover be a pardon of a person to maintain a strategic distance from sitting around idly unwinding the thoughts from the old Greeks with respect to eudaimonia. In truth, how can a great life be considered “good” in case it is boundless and inaccessible. This concept almost great life is backed by the school of contemplations of Hedonism, Stoicism, Humanism, and Materialism, HEDONISM The term "hedonism" is derived from the Greek "hedone" meaning simply "pleasure" the foremost critical interest of mankind, and the only thing that is good for an individual. It is a school of thought spearheaded by Epicurus. Pleasure seekers, hence, endeavor to maximize them add up to delight (the net, of any delight less any torment or enduring), and believed believe that pleasure is the only good in life, and pain is the only evil, and our life's goal should be to maximize pleasure and minimize pain. STOICISM Stoicism is a school of logic that hails from old Greece and Rome within the early parts of the 3rd century, BC and established in Athens by Zeno of Citium (advanced day Cyprus). The reasoning was outlined to assist individuals live their best conceivable lives. It's a logic of life that maximizes positive htpsscolvle.neu. edu phimodibooktoolpinvindex.php?id=57693 826 1219/21, 928 PM Modile 4: GOOD LIFE, HUMANITY CROSS AND THE FUTURE DOES NOT NEED US. feelings, diminishes negative feelings and makes a difference people to sharpen their excellences of character. Stoicism was intentionally made to be justifiable, noteworthy and valuable. Practicing Stoicism doesn't require learning a completely unused philosophical vocabulary or thinking for hours a day. Instead, it offers a quick, valuable and viable way to discover tranquility and make strides one’s qualities of character. HUMANISM Humanism could be a Renaissance development in logic towards a more human-centered (and less religion-centered) approach. Humanism is more a common life position or state of mind that maintains human reason, morals and equity. Francesco Petrarca (1304-1374) commonly anglicised as Petrarch, father of Humanism. In his work Secretum meum he focuses out that mainstream accomplishments did not fundamentally block a true relationship with God. Petrarch contended instep that God had given people their endless mental and inventive potential to be utilized to their fullest. He motivated Humanist reasoning, which driven to the mental blossoming of the Renaissance. He accepted within the colossal ethical and viable esteem of the consider of old history and literature—that is, the think about of human thought and activity, Petrarch was an ardent Catholic and did not see a struggle between realizing humanity's potential and having devout confidence MATERIALISM Materialism holds that the as it were thing that can be really demonstrated to exist is matter. In this way, concurring to Realism, all things are composed of fabric and all wonders are the result of fabric intelligent, with no bookkeeping of soul or awareness. Ancient Greek rationalists like Thales, Parmenides, Anaxagoras, Democritus, and after, that afterward, Epicurus and Lucretius (99 - 55 B.C.) all prefigure afterward realists, and contributed towards the classic detailing of Realism. Lucretius composed "De Rerum Natura” ("The Nature of Things"), the primary magnum opus of realist writing, around 50 B.C. htpsscolvle.neu. edu phimodibooktoolpinvindex.php?id=57693 926 1219721, 928 Pa Modile 4: GOOD LIFE, HUMANITY CROSS AND THE FUTURE DOES NOT NEED US. 3.2. Assignment 1 MAL 1AtAssignment htpsscolvle.neu. edu phimodibooktoolpinvindex.php?id=57693 1026 1219/21, 928 PM Modile 4: GOOD LIFE, HUMANITY CROSS AND THE FUTURE DOES NOT NEED US. 3.3, REFERENCES. ‘Antonia Macaro (2006). Aristotle and the Good Life. Practical Philosophy, hpliw practical phlosapy.or0 uk! ‘Aistotle (Translated by Ross, W.) Nicomachoan Ethics. [Online] Available at hoe isocialecionces, memastercaleconlygem/311avistotiEthies pat Gore Charles. (1930), The Philosophy of Goof Life. (Onine]. Available at hitosidyw oifordlectures orbooks/pilophy-9ood-lfe/preiace Labana etal, 2019. Science and Tecnology and Society. ISBN 978-621-95982-8.6. Larmore, Charles (2020, July 12). Right and Good. Retrieved from hitos:/imww:rep.routledge.comlarilestthematicirght-and-goodWv= 4 DOI 10.4324/9780415249126-L087-1 Sloicism 101: An inraduetion to Stoiism, Stoic Philosophy and the Stoics. (uly 13, 2020). Retrived ‘rom bites ‘The Basics of Philosophy. Retrieved from hitnsliwuw pile hin ‘The Basics of Philosophy. Retrieved from hitos:/www.phlosophybasics.comfbranch stoicism html ‘The Basics of Philosophy. Retrieved from hitns www, humanism him ‘The Basis of Philosophy, Retrieved from hits Jw, Westacot, Emrys, (2020, February 26), What Doss It Mean to Live the Good Life? Relieved from ntipswunu though, comivhatis-the-goad- e-4038226 htpsscolvle.neu. edu phimodibooktoolpinvindex.php?id=57693 1126 1219/21, 928 PM Modile 4: GOOD LIFE, HUMANITY CROSS AND THE FUTURE DOES NOT NEED US. 4, Lesson 2 — When Technology and Humanity Cross INTRODUCTION It appears that the typical world of presence for human being is the world of technology. We alter the environment through innovation in such a way that it serves our needs and we create artefacts to compensate shortcomings of our body. In arrange to get it ourselves we got to get it way better the connection between human and innovation, and particularly innovative artefacts, There are different points, of view from which one can approach the issue, and one of the foremost vital ones is how innovation impacts our ethical life. According to Leonhard, the moment has come to face a debate that may now not be postponed, and also the debate must have a transparent place to begin, with human welfare and happiness at the middle of each decision-making and governance process. Thus, we are able to not waver between celebrating the industrial revolution and mourning a lost world. Leonhard gives voice to a series of doubts and questions that, in his opinion, should are addressed way back because the technology develops at an exponential rate and redefines the way we work, live and even think. Leonhard raises the points of Megashifts between man and technology we'll need to face, and providing food for thought on the long-standing debate on jobs in danger. But he warns us: there's an entire new set of critical issues, because technology is not any longer just redrawing our economy. Presently is the time - and, as Leonhard never tires to remind us, “the last chance” - to connect the specks between huge information and advanced morals, to begin talking about the ethical system required to control the advancement of digital life, to bridge the hole between what innovation can do and what it ought to do to attain human bliss, and to reflect once more on what makes human creatures one of a kind. In brief, to rethink the part of humankind within the post-human world htpsscolvle.neu. edu phimodibooktoolpinvindex.php?id=57693 1206 1219/21, 928 PM Modile 4: GOOD LIFE, HUMANITY CROSS AND THE FUTURE DOES NOT NEED US. 4.1. NATURE OF TECHNOLOGY NATURE OF TECHNOLOGY 8 : oO ‘Teennology “Tho werd technsogy cores fom bo Grwsk wards fhe an logue Tctns mean at re raft wi logos means word otter being sxpressed by a person. the largest sanse, innovation expands our capaies ta ar he word: to ct, shape, orp together maar to rove things rom one puto ander, to reach more distant wit ourhands, voles, and senses. We utize innovation to undertake to ar the world to suit us way better. The changes may relate to suv needs such as nourishment shel, or defense, fey may relate to human goals suchas infomation, cratsranship, or cartel. Bu the coms abut of changing the wold are ragulary complicated and ecceic. They can incorporate unforeseen benefis, unforeseen coats, and unforeseen isks—any of whicn may dap on distinctive social bunches at

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