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PT a) @austinbelcak Starting a new job? The first 90 days make or break your success. Here are 9 steps to help you crush them (and win more promotions): PN ner a) @austinbelcak 1/ The "New Person" Card As a new employee, you have superpowers. You can ask for meetings with almost anyone. You can ask questions that tenured employees can't get away with. That magic lasts for about 90 days. If you capitalize on it? You'll hit the fast track. Perl 2 @ @austinbelcak 2/ Make Your VIP List Think of every person who could influence your upward mobility at this company: - Your Manager ater) - Colleagues On Other Teams - Skip Level Managers - Ete. Aim for 10-20+ people. Get their name and email, then add it toa spreadsheet. OMe av) @austinbelcak 3/ Send One Request Per Day Here's a template: “Hi [Name], I’m [Your Name] and | just job started on [Your ate I'd love to find time to grab a virtual coffee and learn more about your background, what you do here at [Company], & how we can partner in the sivLaU lei Austin Belcak @ ustinbelcak 4/ The 3 "Magic Questions" When you meet with them, ask: 1. What are you and your team working on? 2. If you could wave a magic wand and have our team do one thing to make your life easier, what would it be? 3. What’s your best piece of advice for someone iat al-li-¥a PN ner a) @austinbelcak 5/ Document Their Answers After the meeting, open up your spreadsheet. Document their answers to each question. Also, add any personal notes like: - Names of family members - Interests / hobbies - Personal goals oa sien This is your relationship roadmap. PT te ev) (OFWs stler) 4 6/ Identify "Double Dip" Wins After speaking to your colleagues, review the Orit What are the most common asks of your team? What are the most common challenges? What were the best pieces of advice for you as Ea mali-v4 Brainstorming plans for those things. PT te ev) @austinbelcak 7/ Take Action & Report Back As plans begin to form, take action! Pitch your team on something that would help CoYaT- me) mol MAA Len Test a solution to a VIP's challenges. Take action on a VIPs advice. Then report back to your VIP with what you did and the result that followed. e Austin Belcak @ @austinbelcak 8/ Growth Acceleration Time! This framework is powerful because it: 1. Helps you identify career difference makers 2. Uncovers their needs / goals 3. Gives you a blueprint to help them Those things lead to strong relationships with the people who can fast track your career! I'm giving away my 5 most effective strategies for landing a job you love without applying online. BNA eR ata Yt eae Lee Cle Rela) PACK LOLOL job seekers to get them for free at: CULTIVATED CAREERS aaa Value comes in many shapes and sizes and the strongest relationships are usually built in small, consistent layers of value vs. one giant value bomb. That's what The Value Equation is all about: X Consistency QF th

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