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Una voce poco fa st There’s a voice that I enshrine Cesare Sterbinn CAVAtina from the opera “Il Barbiere di Siviglia” English version by Gioachino Rossini Natalia Macfarren (1792-1908) Edited by Estelle Liebling Andante tr Piano St Pdolee U = na vo- ce po-co There's a voice that I en- hen Wi AA opie ee fa qui nel cor mi_ ri - suo - nd, il mio cor_ fe-ri-tad gia, e Lin- shrine In my heart, and nowt must know, Ah, Lin-dor,— thal yotgn 43 thine, Tis Sor phonnyrel % aa — 5 5 7 f do- ro fu cheil pig; gd. Si,Lin-do - ré__mi-o sa - ra, lo giu- thee my heart doth glow, Yes, Lin- do - ro shall be. mine, Ihave f J7~ = Ba mem ee rat Ta— vin - co - 7b si, Lin-do - sworn it, for. weal or wos Yas, Lin- do - 2m Oho mt pe Fe ra - Te vin-ce - rd. sworn it, Sor— weal.or_ wor. = pny MAM, fete He apa, Tl tu-tor ri-cu-se = ra) py), io Vin - ge-gmga-guz- 20 - My intent [Ul not re - sign, Though my guard-ian should say reid mS ft P Econ ten-tajo re-ste- al-la fin slac-che-te - ra, E con-ten-taio re-ste - may be — — — He my love need not di - vine, Tit my hand I yoo + ra-i, laa vin- ce - sworn it, for wralor— rd. Si, Lin-do - ro mo sa - ra, giv stow. Yes,Lin-do 2 ron shalt be_mine, have va P LS pon, Jn an 7. si, Lin-do - Yes, Lin-do ~ a la vin - Sor weal Allegro moderato _ — L.4. do - ci-le, gen - tle-ness, , ads cha -mo « all_ soft_e - 85 Fo - + sa, mi la-scioreg - ge-re,mi lascio reg - ge-re, mi fo gui- mo - = tion, 1 can be rul'd — withease, I can be ruld with ease, nor gui-dance SUF UF Mase mi toc- - ca-no dov-eil mio But 7 you cross my will, or what 7 dar, mi fo____ gui - dar. spurn, nor gui ~ dance spur PP de - -bo-le, sa-rgu-na vi - pe - ra, sa—- 1% E cen-to do take sll Like an-y vi ~ per I~ will__ turn, A thou-sand trap - po-le, pri-emadi ce- - de-re, fa-rd gio-car,__fa - rd__ gio fricks__ IU play, but I will have my way, this all must learn, this all must__ 40448 e cen-to trap- ~- po-le, pri-ma di A thowsand tricks ‘I'l play, but I will have ce- -de-re, fa-rd gio- my way, this all must 32090 rit tah gio ear po- le pri - man 9, poco rit. pri-ma di_ ~ car; e_cen-to_ trap - po-le, will car, fa rd__ gio AW thou-sand tricks TU play, but I learn,— this all__ must __. learn; 3@ tempo de-re,e cen-to trap-po - le fa - - rd, fa- = 1rd gio 7" sith have my coe my way, a thow-sand tricks UL play, but. TS SS NS do - ci-le, gen - tle-ness, dien-te, mi la-scio reg-ge- Te, mi mo-tion, T can be ruldwithease, nor guidance Mase mi foc ~ca-no dov-Qji mio But i7 you crass ny will, or what T P i ares cael ‘© Gen to trap-po- le, = E 50 - n0.0b- be - all soft e - te Spurn. - bo- le, sarku-na take il, like an-y thy pri-me at 2 Ar - pe - ra. sare © cen-to trap- - po-le, pri-ma di vi pen will. A thousand tricks I'l play, but I will be, ah ahy RYpicne -de-re, fa-1d gio-car,_ fa - 1d glo—~ car; my tony, this oll noust learn, this all must. learn, 3a tempo trap = po- le, pri-ma di ce - de + Fe, fe. rb glo ~ ear, Bio- rit. 34 tempo —— trap - po-le, pri-ma di ce de-re, fa-ro gio-car,—_fa - ro gio - tricks ‘I'll play, but I will have my way, this all must learn, this all__ must __ Do ne ech to trap Le pH - me at H 2, poco rit. @— con -to— trap pri-ma di_ A_ thou- sand tricks but L wilt 14 tempo dere, fa- ro glo - cary 9a tempo de-re, e cen-to trap-po- -le fa- - 1d, fa rd gio= my way; A thousand tricks [1 play, but I? will have my— =S_ | SENS” 89 Pit allegro, 2 car; © cen-to trap - po-le fa-r gio - car, eo cen - to way, A thousand tricks TU play, ta have my way, thou-sands of > = = ai > , s zi 7 trap - po-le fa-rd gio-car,_ fa - rd gio - car fa - tricks Ill play, to hava my way, to have my. way, to ¥ > al ss Ae all. can fa- rd Blo - car. way, to have my way: @ tempo = a ant

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