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1. RHYTHMS - means movement that happens in repeat. Pattern of sounds and silence moving through
 The heartbeat of music this is what your hear and feel with your own heart beat.

 Happens everywhere.

SOUND - is something our ears can hear.

Clapping hands, the clock, and raindrops Note symbol

Silence - is when we do not hear any sound. It is quit all around you

The face with finger on the lips and open palms. Rest symbol

Ways to responds to rhythm




2. BEATS – is the pulse of music it helps to count the time when singing or when playing a piece of music

Steady beats - is the unbroken sound or pulse that repeats. The speed does not change.

Measure – beats combine. Is a section of time in music

Bar line - two vertical lines

Meter in Music - grouping of beats ) strong and weak beats)

Beats group in

1. Duple meter – contain two beats where the accent > falls on the first beat
2. Triple meter – contain three beats in each measure with accent > on the first beat

3. Quadruple meter – contains four beats in each measure with the accent > on the first beat

3. Rhythmic pattern - a repetitive pattern of stressed (strong) and unstressed (weak) beats in musical piece.

It includes counting and grouping of beats into measures.

It has 3 measures and diff. notes but all have four beats

1. Quarter note
2. Half note
3. Eighth note

Time signature /meter signature– it involves counting the beats that shown notes and rests contained in a measure
4. OSTINATO – is a short pattern of notes played repeatedly in a music piece
A short tune or rhythm that goes on and on in the same voice, same pitch or level

Rhythmic ostinato – is a short, simple and repeated rhythmic pattern

Melodic ostinato - is a repeated melodic pattern to accompany a song.

Echo clapping /body percussion– a musical activity that uses a call and response rhythmic movement

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