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UNIVERSITAS NEGERI MEDAN KUMPULAN KATA BIOLOGI MENGENAI PENYAKIT/INFEKSI PROJEK Diajukan Sebagai Salah Satu Tugas KKNI Mata Kuliah Bahasa Inggris Biologi Nama Mahasiswa :Frianty Sihotang NIM 34223220029 Program Studi : Biologi JURUSAN BIOLOGI FAKULTAS MATEMATIKA DAN ILMU, PENGETAHUAN ALAM MEDAN MARET 2023 DISEASES AND INFECTIONS. A Abscess (‘aebses) : and painful area on your skin or in your body, full of a thick yellow liquid (called pus) Abscess bezold :Spread of mastoid abscess to neck area due to very rare complications of otitis media or mastoiditi: Acne (‘acné) = askin condition, common among young people, that produces many pimples (= spots), especially on the face and neck Acquired imunodeficiency syndrome :a serious illness caused by a virus called HIV that attacks the body's ability to resist infection Allergy (elardsi) :a medical condition that causes you to react badly or fee! ill when you eat or touch a particular substance Alzheimer’s (eitsharmaz) :a serious disease, especially affecting older people, that prevents the brain from functioning normally and causes loss of memory, loss of ability to speak clearly, ete Amyloidosis (noun) :an abnormality in certain cells found in the bone marrow, called plasma cells. Anal abscess (noun) :is a painful condition in which a collection of pus develops near the anus. Most anal abscesses are a result of infection from small anal glands. Anaemia (2 'ni:mia) :a medical condition in which somebody has too few red cells or to0 little haemoglobin in their blood, making them look pale and feel weak Ancurisma aorta :A disease characterized by swelling in the walls of the aortic blood vessels. Angina pectorist :a collection of clinical symptoms in the form of a typical attack of chest pain, which is like a pressure or feeling of heaviness in the chest which often radiates to the left arm Angioedema (n) :Painless swelling under the skin, triggered by an allergy to animal dander, pollen, drugs, poisons, foods, or medications Ankylosis. ( cepkr oasis) :a disease that causes one or ‘more of the joints of the body to join together and hecome stiff Anorexia nervosa (,ena, reksia n3: vausa):a mental illness causing somebody to control the amount of food they eat in an extreme way that leads to dangerous weight loss, usually because they have an intense fear of getting fat and believe they are fat when they are not Appenditis (eeykr lausts):a serious medical condition in which the appendix becomes painful and larger than normal Arrhythmia Abnormal heartbeat, whether too fast, or too slow. gular, Arthritis gout :Pain and inflammation occur when too much uric acid crystallizes and builds up in the joints Arthritis rheumatoid :A chronic inflammatory disorder that affects multiple joints, including those in the hands and feet. Asthma (‘wesma) :a medical condition of the chest that makes breathing difficult Atresia ani : condition indicates that the development of the fetus is disturbed so that the shape of the rectum (end of the large intestine) to the anal canal is generally not formed properly. Autism (9:12am) :a condition affecting brain development that can be severe or mild B Baby blues (berbi blu:z) :a depressed feeling that some women get after the birth of a baby Bell’s palsy :sudden weakness of some facial muscles Breastmilk jaundice :a type of jaundice associated with certain component in breast milk Brestfeed jaundice :most often occurs in the first week of life when breastfeeding is being established

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