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MBA570 Management & Organizational Behavior

Team Project Description & Outline
Team 1: Tiffany Alvarez, Reyna Cano, & Clinton Blake

Team Project Questions to Address:

1. What management and organizational behavior problems does the business or
organization have?
2. Which of the MBA570 course concepts can be applied to analyze the problems?
3. What are your team recommendations to solve the problems and improve organization

Team Project Procedure and Results:

 Team Names: Tiffany Alvarez, Reyna Cano, & Clinton Blake
 Organization: AMAZON
 Methods to obtain information: Questionnaires, surveys, checklists, case studies, focus
groups, interviews, & articles
 Short Description of the possible management problems:
Amazon is a multinational technology company based in Seattle, Washington, which focuses on
e-commerce, cloud computing, digital streaming, and artificial intelligence. Although, Amazon
has been highly successful, it still faces many management problems today, such as, "stack
ranking" feedback in which employees are rated against each other in annual reviews, lack of
employee motivation & low employee retention, warehouse abuses with insufficient break times
& physical hazards, exploiting workers & low compensation for drivers, and creating a toxic
environment with high expectations and long working hours. Our project will discuss these
issues in detail along with providing recommendations for improving these issues.

Expectations for the Presentation:

 INTRODUCTION, Goals, & Objectives
 Company Analysis/Organization Environment Analysis
 Key management and organizational problems
 Recommendations for improvement & CONCLUSION

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