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Assignment No.

02 ACEN – 1253 – Literature

1. Read all the extracts and answers the questions.

01. “It is very seldom that elephants roam in that areas you must have been really
lucky to have escaped?

i. From where are these lines taken?

ii. Who wrote it?
iii. Who said to these lines and to whom it was said?
iv. Why was it said?

02. “But I have promises to keep?

i. From where is these line taken?

ii. Who wrote it?
iii. Who is “I” refers to in this line?
iv. Why does the poet say this line?

03. “You who fought for the King and the country where are your plaudits?
Where are the flowers?
Where are the banners?

i. From where are these lines taken?

ii. Who wrote it?
iii. Who refer to “you” in these line?
iv. What is the reason to utter these lines?

04. I’m utterly miserable at not having any jewels, not a single stone to wear”.
I shall look absolutely no one. I would almost rather not go to the party.

i. Who wrote this?

ii. From where are these lines taken?
iii. Who said the above lines and to whom it was said?
iv. Why was it said?

Assignment No. 02 ACEN – 1253 – Literature 1

05. “You’ll come back with your arms and legs broken that’s all. You’d better just sit
down and keep quiet”?

i. Who wrote this?

ii. From where are these lines taken?
iii. Who said the above lines and to whom it was said?
iv. What is the reason to utter these words?

06. “My house-warming party I hope you wasn’t come and you’ll give us a turn”.

i. From where are these lines taken?

ii. Who wrote it?
iii. Who is “My” refer to?
iv. Who said the above lines and to whom it was said and why?

07. “I hear a sudden cry of pain them is a rabbit in a snare?

i. From where are these lines taken?

ii. Who wrote it?
iii. Who is “I” refer to?
iv. What is the reason to hear a sudden cry?

2. Select one question form the poetry and one question from short story and write
your answers.

01. Would you say that “On seeing a white flag across a by road” is just a
description of a funeral? Does the poem mean something more?

02. Do you agree with the statement that “Mathilde paid for her vanity”. Discuss.

03. Describe the incident in “Stopping by woods on a Snowy Evening” by Robert

Frost. Is the poem only describing about a snowy evening.

04. Describe the incident in Hunters’ Dilemma”.

Assignment No. 02 ACEN – 1253 – Literature 2

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