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Reading Report Template

Name: Christian Garcia
Date Due: 01/20/21
Date/Time Completed: 1/18/21 7pm
Text(s) Being Responded To: Chapter 9 Pentecostal Theology


● For this reading assignment I read chapter 9 of Penecostal Theology by W. David
Buschart. In this chapter it broke down Pentecostal theology into separate parts and
gave the historical background of Pentecostalism. In the text Buschart talks about not
only the historical background of Pentecostalism but also in the doctrine and principles
that they follow. Buschart describes these through methodological characteristics used
from older and recent pentecostal theology books. One thing that is essential from most
Pentecostal groups that is described in the text is believing in the continuity of God’s
presence and work in today's world. Buschart also refers to the different beliefs as well
between baptism in the holy spirit to divine healings.

In Pentecostal Theology by Buschart the author talks about the different methodological
characteristics of Pentecostalism which he then states that “First Pentecostal theologians strive
to be thoroughly biblical. One can say that the Pentecostal approach is canonical.”(p.241-242)
They strive to be biblical and use the bible as a recourse to base the foundation of what is
important as a group or denomination. So that understanding the meaning of sacred scripture
in the time of them learning about the Lord is established early on.

In Pentecostal Theology by Buschart he also brings up the emphasis of experience over

scripture in the Pentecostal traditions. Buschart states in his text that “ The emphasis on
experience combined with a commitment to the authority of the bible has resulted in tension in
Pentecostal theology.”(p.242)The tension being that most Pentecostals had difficulty in raising
personal experience over scripture as well. Most scholars actually prefer that they allow
doctrine to develop themselves and consistently check their intentions of personal experience
through scripture. Allowing doctrine to influence most Pentecostals gives them the ability to
discern biblical text and the influence it has on one person's personal experience.


Would a reason for most pastors leaving the assemblies of God in the 1900’s be from the racial
discrimination of the time. vs. the statements of the trinity?

I would say that it could be both seeing that a lot of pastors left after the Assemblies of God
affirmed the trinitarian belief in their fundamentals of truth. I also believe that because it was
racially mixed that in the time period it was not common for them to be mixed in that way.
Which can push one to move away from that just because they were simply uncomfortable. To
see the way that others had left originally also shows that the response of the inter-racial
denomination was problematic for most who couldn’t look past the color of skin. A biblical

example would be jews and Gentiles or even samaritans. There was so much divide between
the racial equality that during the ministry of Jesus they were challenged in the fact of letting
Gentiles let alone Samaritans even think about entering the Kingdom of God.


The reading assignment given to us this week helped me tremendously. I understand the
differences between most Pentecostals and even get to see how this applied to the Assemblies
of God. I was especially challenged to understand the four fold gospel while reading. I wanted
to mainly get an understanding of the Four fold Gospel and how that applies to most
pentacostal groups. I haven’t really heard about that before coming to Southeastern University.
Reading this assignment has allowed me to have an appreciation for Buschart's understanding
of Pentecostal theology and giving a resource to look at. I also appreciate that his
understanding of theology was used from older Pentecostal and newer books used to influence
what he wrote in the text..

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