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01 Activity 1

Professional Tour Guiding

Submitted by:
Danielle Canlubo
BSTM 602
If there are no tour guides in a destination, how will this affect the

tourism experience of the visitors? Justify your answer in no more than

three (3) sentences. 

If there are no tour guides available, visitors will have to

overcome many challenges of purchasing tickets, making reservations,

and confirming operating hours. They won't know when the ideal times

are to visit sites, when the greatest rates are, which locations they can

skip, or any of the other tips and methods that will help them get the

most out of their trip to a best destination. When there is no tour

guide, the tourists' expected experiences will just waste their time,

money, and effort. You don’t want to get lost. Easy tours to every

popular destination, safety and security, and also a chance of learning.

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