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The Walking Arsenal

(Part 1)

In year 3147 scientist achieve what is probably the most successful experiment on
human history, and that achievement is magic. The magic is created by generator powered by
an unknown material found in a secret area that only some people know, they only reveal its
name to the public. The material is called “Archite Crystal” Even the smallest crystal can power
the generator for over a decade, but they usually use the ones that are not too big nor too
small so they can keep the generator for over a century. The generator and crystal are founded
by two scientists from Japan, Kirimaru Kamizuchi and his assistant Kotaro Mochiyama. They
started at year 3137, and had a break for a year before founding the material at a secluded cave
and idea for the machine they want to create. They use the latest technology and high quality
materials to make the project came true, the first prototype was created in 3140 which had a
malfunction and caused an injury on Kirimaru’s left arm. After the incident, they focused on
safety of the generator and countermeasures if anything goes wrong, they also think on how to
convert the power from the crystal and disperse it into the air safely. After plenty error and
mistake they finally created the perfected prototype in 3146, but haven’t reveal it to the public.
They activate it in a closed space and let a few of their trusted friends inside. The results were
astounding to say the least, the people that went inside and adapt to the particles in the air got
some supernatural power but they all have one similarity. This similarity is that they all have a
weapon of some sort, some are named and some are not. Both of the scientists were very
happy that their work doesn’t betray them, later on, they publish the result of their work in the
beginning of 3147. All other countries start to flood Japan with the request to sell the blueprints
and material that power it. Japan finally sold it to some countries with very high prices.
Although Japan sold the blueprint, they didn't teach them how to built and create the
countermeasure if anything bad were to happen in secret. With the newfound power, the
world association issued a conference on how to manage and regulate it. The conference is
announced to happen in Japan. The conference main topic is how should they regulate the new
found power and their user. They decided to create an association that will regulate and
monitor the new found power and chose Japan as the leader for it, they also decided a name
for the weapon and their user. They took inspiration from the material used to power the
generator, which is Archite and made it simpler. Arc is the decided name for the weapon and
their user is called Arcient. They name the association IARD which is the short term of
International Arcient Regulation Division, which they quickly create many rules and make few
more branch in various places on the world. They even create ranking system based on the
person magic capability and mana pool. Even though the rules have been created, there’s still
many people who did crime with or without magic power. There’s a simple rule every Arcient
must follow, that is; To not summon their Arc in public without authorization. This made a huge
trend in the sports industry, and even create a new sports division to support and create a
career for everyone that's skilled. That sport is dueling with Arc in a controlled environment
with audience, and medic team on standby if the participant got a fatal injury during the match.
With that, the Arcient can be mainly divided to 3 based on their fighthing style, Mage: The one
who cannot control their Arc to the fullest so they use magic instead, Ardent: The one who can
fully utilize their Arc power but cannot control magic that well, and lastly Crimera: The one that
can use magic and their Arc to the fullest with relative ease and without exhausting their mana

A few years passed after the mass production of the magic system, and rumor had
spread that a person has more than one Arc. That person is named Ryoma Sakazuki. He had a
war against the world. Even when he stands alone on the battlefield, his presence can frighten
even the most experienced Arcient. He fought against five thousand experienced Arcient. He
fought tirelessly for a week without breaking a sweat, he constantly changed his Arc to confuse
his enemies and make full use of his cards, even to a point that he had to show a mystical Arc
that had a special name, people called it a Sacred Relic. Sacred Arc is a very powerful Arc that
came from various mythologies around the world and only a few select people have it. After a
few years of research, scientist found that Ryoma only had one singular Arc. His Arc was just
one singular spear come from the Norse mythologies named “Gungnir”, turns out that he had a
particular skill that allow him to summon many Arcs without a problem, the scientist call the
skill “Infinity” but the real truth hasn’t been revealed yet. 10 years later and the legend started
to fade away and only a few people know it.

A boy named Ryuki Ashura, which has an amazing physique because he trains
constantly. He’s pretty tall, with black short hair and dual colored iris that he usually hides. He’s
preparing himself to attend the exam for entering a famous magic academy named Magic
University: Arascent. The exam is a writing test and a magic capability test, the test is for
information regarding the person most adapted elements and mana pool. Ryuki passed with
only “C” ranked Arcient. He’s not satisfied with the result that he got. He wanted to fought at
the biggest stage of Arcient tournament, the tournament is called the “Seven Arc Stars.” He
trained every day to compensate for his lack of control in high tier magic.

Ryuki is just an average guy trying his best to improve what he had, he hasn’t been
improving as of lately because he hasn't found a new training regime to assist him in getting
stronger, so he often studies many Arc techniques to cover his lack of control and mana in
casting high tier magic. Ryuki usually train at his own house that he acquired from his
grandfather after his death. He also often read books about Arc and Arcient to fill out his leisure
time. Ryuki live alone in his house, so he must do all the chores himself like cooking, cleaning,
laundry, and many more. He’s very talented when it comes to cooking because he spent a lot of
his time trying new recipes to improve his skills. He didn’t want to stand out at school, so he can
have a lot of time alone. He joined the school Arc technique club to further improve his skills on
one or more particular technique. Ryuki usually just stay in his class and write about his
research in elemental alchemy, whenever Ryuki write he always wore glasses. He gets bullied
really often because of his glasses, and to make it worse the one bully him is an A rank Arcient
senior. When he eats lunch alone in the canteen while writing his research, he got approached
by his senior. His senior says “Look at this nerd, no friends and eating alone in the canteen.”
After saying that, his senior laughed and followed by his friends. When Ryuki's senior almost
punch him, someone stopped it before it happens. After that, Ryuki's senior and his friends go
away as to not attract attention. Ryuki thanked the person and asked his name. The person
introduced himself as Nakase, Ryuki had a question in his head as to why he didn't mention his
family name, but that thought quickly dissapears and Ryuki introduced himself and told Nakase
to just call him with his name. Even though they just met, they've become best friends after
talking about various stuff. Ryuki often ask Nakase to help him out with his training, and Nakase
gladly help. They both aim to fight at the Seven Arc Stars Tournament. Seven Arc Stars is a huge
tournament consisted of many high ranked Arcient and famous people in the Arcient world.
Ryuki usually train with Nakase by dueling with a device that basically is a downgraded version
of Arc that is safe for sparrings, the device is usually called Arcet. They have duels record of
29:19 in a total of 50 duel and a 2 draw with Ryuki in the lead. Nakase for some reason never
fought Ryuki with his Arc. Nakase is a trained expert in a close quarter combat even without
Arc. Nakase use a technique developed by himself to fight, he called it “Elemental Destruction
Arts.” They fight in the local arena near the school, usually after school ends. They turn to a
different person when fighting/sparring. They get along very quickly and already planning to
create a sword arts together. After that, Ryuki got even more bullied by the school bullies for a
stupid reason, they said that Ryuki has gotten egoistic and didn’t face his senior whenever they
called him out. Ryuki got approached by his senior on the school field at break. The senior name
is Schwartz, Schwartz is an arrogant guy with a lot of bragging because of his rank. When Ryuki
got approached, Schwartz asked him on why did he ignore him whenever he calls Ryuki. Ryuki
carries the situation calmly and said in a slightly mocking tone to his senior “Why would I face
my senior if their attitude is rotten?” His senior throws a punch straight to Ryuki’s face without
hesitation. Ryuki didn’t seem to be bothered by Schwartz attack. He got punched on his left side
face and recoils back. His senior said “That’s what you get, you brat!” Ryuki heard what’s his
senior said and punched him in the face. His senior recoiled back and got furious because of
what Ryuki did. After that Ryuki said “Sure senior, if you can do that to me. That means I can do
it to you too, right?” His senior is in rage and started casting a magic spell, casting a magic spell
without a permission in public places and not use it for self defense is violating a few rules by
the IARD. His senior is at rage and can’t be controlled, so Ryuki ran out from the school area as
to not cause any problem inside the school. Before he can get out of the gate his senior finished
casting his spell and fires it towards Ryuki, it stabbed him in his right shoulder. As that
happened, Nakase is nearby and saw Ryuki wounded in the front of the school entrance. As
Schwartz sees Nakase, he run away, as to not tarnish his name. Nakase rushed to help his
wounded friend and brought him to the school inframary. The teacher heal Ryuki’s wound to a
point that it’s not fatal. Nakase ask the teacher about the school bullies and Ryuki’s senior. The
teacher said that his name is Schwartz Maximus, and he’s a transfer student from USA also the
teacher said there’s none in the school want to mess with him because of his dangerous skill
and he’s a rank A Arcient. Ryuki got out after healed by his teacher with Nakase, and go to their
class. After school, Ryuki met his senior again at the school gate when he’s on the way home.
His senior call Ryuki out, but Ryuki didn’t pay a single attention and goes on his own way, but
then his senior stopped him and said “Where do you think you’re going?” Ask Schwartz “Me?
I’m on the way home, why you’re asking?” answer Ryuki. “You like messing with people, don’t
you?” “I’m not messing with anyone right now, except talking to you.” “Now you’re just made
me a little bit mad.” Said Scwartz with angry tone. “I’m just here trying to go home, and you’re
calling me rude? Aren’t you the rude one?” Said Ryuki to his senior. After Ryuki said that, his
senior dashed onto him and punch Ryuki on the face. “So, you really want to make me your
enemy huh?” “What? Am I wrong senior or should I call you Schwartz?” “Oh, so you know me
huh. I think you already know my track record on the Arcient world.” “Oh yeah, so what if I
know your track record on the Arcient world, that doesn’t mean you could go around harassing
people.” After saying that, Scwartz felt more angrier and almost summon his Arc before Nakase
stepped in to help Ryuki. Schwartz goes away before getting in any problem, because if he
summoned his Arc on public with a witness it’ll cost him his entire Arcient career. “You okay
Ryuki?” ask Nakase. “I’m okay, just a bruise. It’ll be fine after I rest.” “Okay, let’s get you home.”
“Thanks, Nakase you’ve saved me a few times now.” Nakase take Ryuki to his home while
talking about his senior. After getting home, Ryuki rest to heal himself so he can train and learn
more. Ryuki has learned many sword techniques to cover his lack of magic power, he also
learned to do alchemy so he can create many new magic. Alchemy has two categories and that
is magic alchemy and technical alchemy. Ryuki’s mind is pretty creative when comes to
imagining magic so he can have a concept for his own magic. Ryuki usually practice his magic
creation at the dojo of his home, he failed many times but he didn’t get discouraged at all,
instead it inspired him more to finish his own original magic. Ryuki also plan to develop some
sword techniques with Nakase, they have been doing it for the past 2 weeks planning and
creating sword techniques that are balanced on the offensive and the defensive. They also
planned to add a counters ability on their sword techniques so they could counter against many
experienced Arcient that focused on sword technique and already more experienced than
them. After developing his magic for a few months, he finally creates a new magic and that
makes him very happy. He called the magic “Astral Sword” Astral Sword is basically a magic that
can creates a sword from condensed magic particles. He planned to use it only at dire moments
and not show it every time he fights. He basically uses his special magic, barrier magic to
contain the condensed magic inside the barrier and release it when he's ready to attack to
create an instant slash, but as of right now, it’s unstable and can disperse at any time. Even
though it’s pretty impractical, Ryuki still try to perfect it and make it effective in battles. It also
doesn’t have great destructive power, so it can’t be relied on when the user has a weapon
already. Ryuki only planning to use it when he loses his Arc or dire situation. It’s not the most
effective magic that he created but at least he finally finishes his own magic. Ryuki’s still have
many plans for the magic he created, and wanted to experience a battle with his skill also he
wanted to change the condensed magic attributes so he can infuse an element inside it without
making it overload and explode.

Ryuki’s school life got worse in the past few weeks after he picks a fight with Schwartz,
he got bullied more often than usual. He even almost snap and fight everyone that bullies him,
but he quickly realizes that it’ll be worse if he did that. One time when he’s researching and
writing his alchemy progress and his book get burned by his senior. There’s a saying that goes
“Nothing is more valuable than knowledge.” Ryuki always follow that saying and whoever takes
a knowledge out of him won’t be getting any mercy. Ryuki has finally had enough and challenge
everyone that bullies him into a duel, everyone that bullies him just laughed and accept the
challenge. The rules are simple, Make the opponents fell unconscious or surrender. They use
real Arc, so the risk is the participants responsibility. They use the school arena and already got
permission from the teacher, but the teacher won’t take any responsibilities if any of the
participants fatally injured or even die. Ryuki looks awfully calm amidst the cheering of the
crowd and eyes watching. Almost all of the school watches, so it’s going to be a pretty big deal.
Nakase is in the way towards the arena, he sees many people crowding and squeeze his way in.
When he got in and sees Ryuki’s face, he got shivers all over. He understands Ryuki more than
anyone in the school, and he never sees Ryuki that mad. Nakase have a really bad feeling for
the opponents that’ll face Ryuki, even he never fought the serious side of Ryuki when they spar.
Nakase is scared of Ryuki and also admire him, he got really scared when seeing Ryuki mad with
a calm face. Nakase decide to watch from the sidelines, and secretly analyzing the match that’s
about to start. Both of the participants stood on the arena and summon their Arc, Ryuki
summon his Arc, his Arc is a named one. The name of his Arc is Hiken, while the opponent just
summons a basic Arc in form of a great axe. Hiken is an Arc in form of a katana that can absorb
magic and elemental particles. When the bell rings, Ryuki’s opponent cast a wind magic to
distract Ryuki’s attention. Ryuki didn’t even move an inch from his position, and keep watching
his opponent. When his opponent gets close to him, he suddenly unsheathes his blade in a flash
and took his opponent left hand off. Blood splattered everywhere, it even reaches the audience
as his expressionless face just stares at his opponent, writhing in pain on the floor. All of the
audience including Nakase responsively recoils back as that happens. His opponent
surrendered, even though he surrendered if he's not brought to hospital immediately, he'll die
of blood loss and even more of his supposed to be enemy in the next 4 matches surrender even
before the match start, in fear of getting their lives taken. But only one still remains, the
mastermind of it all, Schwartz. Ryuki just waiting patiently on the arena that stained by blood.
Schwartz finally showed up dressed in a defensive armor in fear of Ryuki defeats and injure him
in the match. Ryuki's just preparing himself to fight again, while Schwartz keep thinking of how
to counter Ryuki’s unreal reflex. Both of them stares each other for a while before Schwartz
summon his Arc, Schwartz got so far into the Arcient world partially because of his Arc and
specialty magic. His Arc name is “Gideon” Gideon is an Arc in form of a giant war hammer with
earth affinity. Schwartz rush forward while casting an earth magic after the bell rang, Schwartz
dash forward as he raises his Arc, Ryuki calmly analyze the situation and dodge at the perfect
timing before the attack reach him. Ryuki couldn’t dodge the earth magic as it was a low tier
earth magic with low detection, Ryuki got a hit on his left hand and couldn’t move it. Ryuki
changes his stance so he can fight with one hand, and raise his guard up. Ryuki is still unusually
calm even though he’s forced to fight with one hand, his expertise in hiding his emotion and
fighting makes him a hard opponent to read. Nakase has fought against Ryuki without showing
a hint of an emotion, and stayed calm even when provoked. His mana control is B rank at best
but his expertise in sword plays and improvising while battling makes him very adaptive in a lot
of situations. Schwartz grin as he prepares for his attack, he cast an advanced earth spell as he
dashes forward towards Ryuki. Ryuki’s stance changes again, he changed into defensive as he
calmly observes Schwartz movements. The advanced earth spell force Ryuki to move very
carefully as it changes the arena. Schwartz dashes toward Ryuki as he raises his Arc. Ryuki bring
down his Arc to prepare for one of his sword arts. As Schwartz Arc goes down to hit Ryuki, it
suddenly deflected back. Ryuki use that time to counter back, his blade goes down and back up
in a flash as he sheaths his blade. Schwartz armor didn’t do much against Ryuki’s attack,
Schwartz take the attack and slowly backs up. Ryuki still calmly analyze and observing the arena
as the magic that Schwartz casted earlier fades out. As Ryuki tries to approach Schwartz, he
suddenly moves and goes berserk, attacking blindly to all direction. Ryuki back up fast and tried
to stop Schwartz, his effort does little to nothing. The audience panicked and create a chaotic
scene as they tried to escape the place. Nakase goes down to the arena and try to help Ryuki,
both of them looks surprised to see the state that Schwartz is in. He is coated in crimson black
aura and oozing a lot of killing intent. Both of them look at each other and just take action to
stop Schwartz. Ryuki dashes toward Schwartz as Nakase is casting a magic behind him, Schwartz
jumped and target Nakase first. Ryuki stopped in the middle of his dash and backs up to protect
Nakase. Before Schwartz even reach Nakase, Ryuki is already holding the attack. Nakase is
concentrating so much that he didn’t even realize that he was being targeted. Ryuki pushes
Schwartz back and suddenly changes his stance. His eyes changed color as his concealment
magic is cancelled, a pale mist like flame comes out from his left eye. Nakase finally done
casting his magic, it’s a magic to restraint the target fully. As the magic hit and hold Schwartz in
place, Ryuki moves in a flash to approach and finish it. He moved so fast, that he cracked the
arena and create a shockwave behind him. Schwartz almost break off the restraining magic,
before he even reached for his Arc his arm is cut off by Ryuki. Schwartz release even more
killing intent and his aura grows even darker to almost black. Ryuki react to the sudden change
in atmosphere and slash Schwartz head off before he even does anything. Nakase is in awe of
what just happened that he didn’t even realize that Ryuki have different eye color. He’s
exhausted his mana and is struggling to move, Ryuki helps Nakase to stand up. Ryuki eye color
changed again because he didn’t want anyone to find out, even to his only friend. They giggled
a little bit as they walked out from the place. They discussed about what was just happened for
a while, both of them found it really suspicious that Schwartz suddenly goes berserk and attack
blindly. They decide to not dig deeper because they don’t want to be distracted by it. They need
all the concentration they have because the exhibition match for Seven Arc Stars will start. They
need to finish their sword arts as quickly as they can so they can at least have a fighting chance
at the tournament.

A few months had passed and the exhibition match for the Seven Arc Stars will open for
public soon. Ryuki come to the counter and become a participant on the exhibition match. The
first match is Ryuki against a rank “A” Arcient called “Phantom Blade” or his name Satoru
Ichizaki. Both of them came to the arena and got different reaction from the audience, the
audience support Satoru more than Ryuki. Both of them summon their Arc, Ryuki summon his
Arc and wait for his opponent. Satoru then summon his Arc, his Arc is called the “Phantom
Dragon” Or the real name of the Arc, Serpherium. Serpherium is a dagger that can control
darkness with ease. When the bell rings, Ryuki dash forward with tremendous speed and
surprise everyone including Satoru. Satoru follow Ryuki with the same speed and keep up with
him. Ryuki lands a few combo attacks with Hiken to Satoru's right hand. Satoru parry a few of
the attack and got a few hits. Ryuki backs up and sheathe his blade into the sheathe and
prepare for his sword technique. Without thinking long, Satoru rush forward to attack Ryuki.
Ryuki react to it and do an Iai Slash. Iai is a sword technique that require a lot of hard and
gruesome training to perfect that can draw a katana from the sheath with a very frightening
speed. Satoru drop to the ground with a bloody wound on his body. Ryuki push through to the
final with his awesome performance. On the final he must fight a rank “S” Arcient called
“Scarlet Butterfly” Or her name Jeanne Reagna. Ryuki and Jeanne come to the arena and
summon their Arc, Ryuki as usual summon Hiken and Jeanne summon her Arc that usually
called “Scarlet Violet” Or it’s real name “Rezely.” Rezely is a rapier that can deliver many combo
attacks at once. When the bell rings, Ryuki directly cast a fire magic to attack Jeanne. Jeanne
dodges the attack and surprised by Ryuki because he is right in front of her so fast. Ryuki try to
do a few basic sword combos, but Jeanne parry it all. Jeanne lands a few combos on Ryuki,
Ryuki didn’t have time to react to the attack and got direct hit on his left arm. Ryuki gets a little
more serious and rush forward to Jeanne with tremendous speed and do some advanced sword
technique. Jeanne parry all of it, but she backs up as Ryuki keep doing the same combo. Jeanne
trip and fall, seeing this chance Ryuki backs up and jump to do a downward slash. Jeanne
aiming her rapier upward as her last effort. Ryuki cancel his attack at the last second Jeanne
almost got hit. Because of Jeanne rapier aiming upwards, Ryuki got a direct hit on his left
shoulder. Jeanne in shock, gets up and pull the rapier from Ryuki shoulder. After got that hit
from Jeanne, Ryuki fall unconscious on the arena. The medic team directly carry Ryuki to the
hospital near the arena. The match is Jeanne win. Worried because of her action, Jeanne looks
for Ryuki on the nearest hospital. Jeanne finally found Ryuki in the hospital. Jeanne knocks the
door on Ryuki’s room, and Ryuki’s letting Jeanne in. Jeanne apologize for injuring his shoulder.
Ryuki apologize Jeanne for her actions, and said it was his fault. Jeanne and Ryuki talks a while
about the tournament. Jeanne finally takes a leave, before she leaves Ryuki ask if she would
become his friend, she accepted it and after a while when Jeanne leaves Nakase comes to check
on Ryuki. Ryuki said to Nakase that he’s fine and just needed time to heal. Nakase sigh gladly
and talk about his exhibition match, he said he lost to a rank S Arcient called “Destroyer” with
only a few small wounds. He said many info on “Destroyer” but Ryuki stopped him before
hearing too much. Nakase ask why he stopped him and Ryuki answer with “I don’t like getting
info on my opponent, that gives me the advantages.” Nakase didn’t understand Ryuki’s
reasoning but he stopped asking there and casually talks about school and stuffs. He leaves
after talking for an hour and hope that Ryuki’s recover quick so he can train with him more.

Few months passed and Ryuki’s shoulder is fully healed, he celebrates it by training and
run around the local park. While resting on the park, Ryuki got a message from Jeanne telling
him that he can enter the Seven Arc Stars if he won the local tournament held by the mayor.
Ryuki ask Jeanne where’s the registering places is. After getting the info from Jeanne he
messaged Nakase and rushed to the place because it’ll be closed soon, he found Nakase there
registering too. Ryuki came at the right time and register for the match and go in to watch the
first match with Nakase. In the first round is an S rank Arcient called “Blood Blade” against an
“A” rank Arcient called “Speed Demon.” Ryuki decides to watch the match with Nakase just to
have some fun. The first match ended with “Blood Blade” as the winner, after watching the
match Ryuki prepare himself to fight in the second round. Ryuki will fought against an “A” rank
Arcient called “Golden Trigger,” or his name Kuroda Issen. He is called Golden Trigger because
his Arc is a double pistol named “Starchaser” Starchaser can launch volley of bullet that shine
gold. Both of the participant come to the arena and summon their Arc. Ryuki summon Hiken
and Kuroda summon Starchaser. When the bell rings Ryuki suddenly cast a wind spell to the
ground, launching him onto the air. All the audience and Kuroda are surprised because Ryuki
can use fast cast. Fast Cast is the ability to cast a magic without saying a casting word. Kuroda
aim at Ryuki and shot him a few times, Ryuki can use his wind magic to stay afloat and dodging
Kuroda shots, but Ryuki can’t dodge it all and he got shot at his left arm and his right leg. Ryuki
didn't feel like he just got shot and still can move at fast speed. Kuroda shoot again when
Ryuki’s on the ground, but Ryuki already anticipated it and dodge all the shot from Kuroda.
Kuroda is a bit scared and backs away a little, Ryuki noticed it and create a wind wall behind
Kuroda so he can’t get away. Kuroda panicked so he shot randomly at Ryuki, Ryuki dodge and
parry it all with ease because Kuroda’s panicking. Ryuki finished it with a combination of his
sword skill and his magic making Kuroda heavily injured and fall to the ground. Referee come to
the arena to check on Kuroda, referee is surprised and relieved because with that heavy injury
Kuroda is only unconscious. Ryuki looks relieved too and come to Kuroda, referee ask what is
Ryuki gonna do to Kuroda. Ryuki said that he wanted to heal Kuroda’s injury. All the audience
and referee are a bit confused and suspicious to Ryuki. Ryuki came to Kuroda’s body and use
one of his healing skills called “Light Heal,” Light Heal is a rare healing skill that can heal light to
medium wound with the requirements of decent mana pool and great element manipulation.
After healing Kuroda, Ryuki goes home and heal himself. Ryuki go home not only to heal himself
but to respect his opponent, he doesn’t wanna acquire any data on his opponent. The first
bracket ended with 0 death and 3 heavy injuries.

The second bracket or the semi-finals is beginning at 8.20 am on the central city
stadium. Ryuki goes there to watch the first match and support Jeanne. The first match is
Jeanne the Scarlet Butterfly against an S rank Arcient called “Brute Warrior” With his name
being Takeda Kokonoe. Both of them came to the arena and summon their Arc, Jeanne
summon Rezely and Takeda summon a great sword named “Dragonbreak.” When the bell rings
Takeda directly jump towards Jeanne and do a downward sword slash. Jeanne reacted on time
and dodge before getting hit by Takeda. Jeanne goes forward and do a simple rapier technique,
it hit Takeda 3 times and makes him backs up. Takeda charge up a big attack for a while, seeing
this chance Jeanne rush forward to attack Takeda. Jeanne didn’t realize that she has been
baited to attack him so he can do a surprise attack. Jeanne suffered massive damage on her
right shoulder and arms, because she suffered great damage she fell to the ground and get
carried away by the medic team and make Takeda the winner. Meanwhile Ryuki is getting ready
for his match because he’ll fought the famous rank A Arcient called “Wizards of Elements” and
named Sayori Asataka. Even though Sayori’s only a rank A Arcient she can defeat Blood Blade
that ranked higher than her. Both of them came to the arena. Ryuki summon Hiken and get
ready, Sayori summon her Arc called “Thousand Bloom” and have a real name, that name is
“Irenia” Irenia is a staff that contain mana crystal that can be used to control elements. When
the bell rings, Sayori cast a lightning spell to attack Ryuki. Ryuki easily dodge it, but that is what
Sayori planned. She cast another magic to attack Ryuki, because Ryuki is in the moment of
dodging he can’t evade the magic Sayori cast. Ryuki got direct hit on his body and backs up a
little. Sayori sees this chance and attack again with her magic, Ryuki know that she’ll cast
another magic and dodge with tremendous speed. Sayori got caught off guard and trip off on
her legs and immediately surrender from the match. Ryuki glad that he won because he can
fight with the person that beat Jeanne and experience a good battle with strong opponent.
Ryuki prepare himself in the preparation room and go to the arena and face Takeda the Brute

They’re preparing themselves on the arena and summon their Arc. Ryuki summon his
trustworthy Hiken and Takeda summon his massive Dragonbreak. The bell rings and Takeda
throw his Arc to Ryuki to confuse him. Ryuki got surprised but not panicked and dodge the slow
moving Dragonbreak to the side. Takeda grinned and use one of his abilities called “Arc Chain”
Arc Chain is a skill that allow the user to call the Arc back to the user’s hand. While dodging
Ryuki notice Takeda jumps towards him and his Arc is already on his hand. Ryuki smiled and
jump to the air and cast wind trap magic that’ll triggered when the opponent cross or touched
the area of the magic. Takeda didn’t notice and jump straight to Ryuki and got surprised
because the magic that Ryuki cast earlier. Takeda backs up before taking any serious damage,
and Ryuki chase him to do the final blow. Takeda panicked and activate his unique skill called
“Blood Rage” Blood Rage is a skill that enhances all physical ability and maximize magic power
in cost of tiresome after using the skill. Ryuki backs up and prepare for Takeda’s attack. Takeda
dash with immense speed and surprised everyone in the arena and even the executives were
surprised. Ryuki got a little bit scared and start to utilize his vast knowledge on magic to counter
Takeda immense speed and power. Takeda dash to Ryuki and do a jumping downward slash,
Ryuki didn’t have time to react and got direct impact on his left arm to his leg, but Ryuki is still
standing up. Takeda surprised and praise also mock Ryuki even disrespect him by impaling his
sword to the ground. Ryuki told Takeda to picks up his Arc or it’ll go worse for Takeda. Takeda
laughed and disrespect Ryuki even more by spitting on his face. Ryuki’s aura became different
and scared everyone in the arena except Takeda. Takeda claim that he’ll definitely win the
match and start presenting himself to the crowd while Ryuki is on the back healing his wound
and preparing his attack. Takeda turn around to only finds out that Ryuki is gone. Takeda gloat
more about his victory assuming that Ryuki surrender because he’s gone. Ryuki dashed in front
of Takeda and do his ultimate sword style called the "Zero" Dragon Stance, 9th form:
“Thousand Dragon” Takeda didn’t even notice Ryuki and gloat some more. He finally notices
when he sees his own body from the air for a brief moment. Turns out that Takeda’s head is
severed and his body became a blood pool. Ryuki raise his Arc to the air claiming that he won
while covered on his opponent blood. All the audience cheered for Ryuki and start calling him
the “Bloody Demon” Some of them got scared because of Ryuki some more got inspired
because of him and Ryuki got a reward from his amazing performance in form of a money prize.
He also got a star on his rank now, his rank is 1 Star C rank. He needed 1 more to advance to B

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