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Trojan War- the longest war in the history of Greek Mythology.

Troy- was a great city very rich and powerful, second to none.

Thetis- a beautiful sea nymph.

Peleus- the most pious man living in the plain of Iolcus, Husband of Thetis.

Eris- disagreeable goddess of strife.

Hera, Athena & Aphrodite- the goddesses who are the options for the fairest of all.

Paris- task to choose from the three goddesses.

Helen- the most beautiful girl in the world.

Menelaus- Helen’s husband.

Agamemnon- brother of Menelaus who assembled the large army of Achean leaders.

King Tyndareus- king of Sparta and Helen’s stepfather.

Odysseus- one of the shrewdest and most sensible men in Greece.

Achilles- a man who is invulnerable in all parts of the body except the heel.

Ajax and Diomedes- old tutors of Achilles.

King Priam- king of Troy and father of Hector.

Castor and Pollux- brothers of Helen.

Iphigenia- sacrifice to Artemis.

Hector- Troy’s most celebrated hero: the beloved prince of Troy.

Patroclus- closest friend of Achilles and also who disguised as him.

Andromache and Astyanax- wife and son of Hector.

Sinon- the one who convinced the Trojan’s that the Greek had withdrawn.

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