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Physics Practice 1 Physical principles

A. Considerations before the practice

You must register the data during the practice to be included in the practice report. The practice
report must include: Introduction, Objective, Theoretical framework, Material, Development
(with results), Conclusion.

B. Objective of the practice

Perform different experimental activities to measure diverse quantities and physical

C. Concepts to research for the theoretical framework

• Measure; magnitude • Volume

• SI system • Time
• Basic measurement quantities and their SI • Force
units • Temperature
• Length • Perimeter
• Area
*Definition, common units and measurement devices.

D. Practice activities

1. Fill in the following chart with measurements.

Student Height foot Arm Weight Temperature Arm Weight Temperature
(Conversion (Conversion (Conversion
of unit) of unit) of unit)

Note: Include arithmetic operations.

Professor: M.Ed. Heriberto Jasso Pérez

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Physics Practice 1 Physical principles

2. Take a sheet of paper, measure each one of its sides, the diagonal and inclination angle.
Use the data of the measurement and using the Pythagoras theorem, obtain the diagonal
measurement, compare the result with the measurement perfomed. Now, using the
tangent trigonometric function, calculate the angle that forms the diagonal with the
horizontal line. Compare your answers.

3. Repeat step 2, but now with a bigger sheet of paper.

4. Use 2 or 3 different measurement instruments to obtain the dimensions of:

a) A sheet of paper
b) A book
c) The dimensions of a smaller object.

5. Obtain the measurements of length, perimeter and area of:

a) The whiteboard
b) The door
c) The laboratory table
d) Your notebook

* For your practice report you must describe in detail the procedure for each one of the

Professor: M.Ed. Heriberto Jasso Pérez

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