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Burhan Husnu



A. Background of the Study

In mastering English, we must understand what skills are in it. There
are four important skills needed to master English, including listening,
speaking, reading, and writing. Some of the skills needed to speak effectively
include vocabulary, grammar, and pronunciation. Since listening is a
challenging skill, it deserves special attention among the four skills. It can be
difficult for many students studying English as a foreign language (EFL) to
understand spoken communication, especially if it is delivered by native
speakers.Listening is a difficult skill, starting with receiving, remembering, and
Responding to what they hear. This can be a problem for students who are
learning English as a foreign language (EFL) class. Many of them rate for
listening skills as difficult skills, starting with receiving, remembering, and
responding to what they hear. This can be a problem for students studying
English as a foreign language (EFL) class. Sometimes many students decide
to drop out because they may not be able to continue their studies. To
overcome this, one solution is to use the method of listening to other people,
maybe by listening to someone's problem we can provide the right solution for

Listening to the teacher can be felt very often in every class. According
to Amir (2019), students often struggle to pay attention during the teaching
and learning process. They often complain to their teacher if the recording is
playing too fast and they can't to repeat it. They also claim that they have
heard too much of the unknown words and have difficulty concentrating
because they are anxious and under pressure. The other factors that make it
difficult to listen in class are the presence of accents, limited vocabulary, fast
speaker, and limited interpretation. You can use various methods, such as
audiovisual materials, to interest students in learning English. Especially, you
can explore listening skills by using different methods. There are many ways
to improve students' sharpness to hear and hone their sense of hearing so
that they are better accustomed and trained to hear well.
Listening is one of the capabilities that has been given by way of the
author for the survival of his creatures. In truth, human beings have the
experience of listening to, specifically the function of the ear for balance and
for shooting sound assets from out of doors. From listening competencies,
human beings can share stories and statistics with each other. Emmert (1996)
states that listening is an energetic procedure in knowledge the that means of
messages conveyed by way of others. Slyke (1998) adds that listening It also
calls for consciousness and lively participation from listeners. further, he
additionally said that Listening is a aware method of all signals displayed by
using others, both verbal in addition to non-verbal.

B. Identification of the Problem

According to the background of the study, the researcher identifies
problems as follows below:
a. Students have difficulty in hearing
b. Students do not understand how to listen effectively
c. This makes it difficult for students to convey information correctly

C. Limitation of the Problem

For investigation, here the researcher limits the problem in improving
listening skills for 7th grade students of SMP N 1 Mertoyudan, Magelang in
the 2022/2023 academic year.

D. Formulation of the Problem

Based on the above background, the authors formulate the research
problem in the following questions:

1. How to improve students' listening skills?

2. How can audiovisuals be an effective method of improving listening

E. Objective of the Study

The objective of the study are:
1. To find out what things make it difficult for students to learn listening
2. To find out whether the audiovisual method is effective in honing
students' listening skills
F. Significance of the Study
For teacher, it is hoped that it will help to add variants or add inspiration to
teaching methods for the continuity of teaching activities so that they are more
varied and not boring.
For students, it is hoped that they will provide feedback such as excessive
enthusiasm with new variations in learning, and can capture what is being
taught, of course on listening skills.
For writers. It is hoped that the knowledge that has been learned can be
applied and can be disseminated so that the knowledge can be enjoyed by

1. Theoretical description
A. Listening
According to Rost (2002) describes listening as a process of hearing
what the speaker says (receptive orientation); constructing and reflecting
meaning (constructive orientation); negotiating meaning with the speaker
and reacting (collaborative orientation); and generating meaning through
interaction, creativity, and empathy (transformative orientation).
B. Film
As stated by Effendi (2000;54) In addition to television and other forms
of art media, film is one of the foundations upon which postmodern
aesthetics is built.Principles, aesthetic values, theories, and beliefs of
postmodern culture are presented in their entirety and as a product
through films.The film makes it easy to understand the principles of
postmodern culture.The global model of postmodern culture was
established through films.
C. Audio-Visual
According to Rosdiana (2018) says that this audiovisual media should
make students more interested in listening to instruction.Students' interest
in learning is piqued by the creative use of audiovisual media.The facts
really confirm that audiovisuals can give understudies quick tactile
2. Previous study
Due to the presence of music and moving images that pique students'
interest in paying attention and concentrating on learning, the audiovisual
approach can be effective with students.They will have an easier time learning
a new language using this approach, and it also has other advantages, such
as the ability to replay audiovisual content after the sound image display has
expired and play it multiple times.In addition, Setyawan (2020) breaks down
the process of using audiovisual media into four steps:The teacher must
prepare a screening agenda and select the appropriate video to measure
student progress, select a viewing location to ensure that students are more
focused and at ease during the learning experience, pay close attention to the
completeness of the equipment to be used (speakers, projector screen, and
place) projector, as well as the brightness of the room, when presenting the
subject via video playback, and administer a post-test to assess students'
understanding of the material.
Djamarah S. B, et al, (Juliantara, 2010:22) stated that as a tool (learning
media) in education and teaching. Audio-visual media has the following
characteristics: Ability to improve perception Ability to increase understanding
Ability to improve transfer (transfer) learning, Ability to give reinforcement
(reinforcement) or knowledge of the results achieved, The ability to increase
retention (memory), By using audio-visual media, learning will provide a direct
experience and make learning more enjoyable for students.
Raharjo (Rusman, 2012, p.65) in his research shows that teaching and
learning activities will be more effective and easier when assisted by visual
means, where 11% of those who. Learning occurs through the sense of
hearing, while 83% through the sense of sight. Students' memory ability is
obtained by 20% of what is heard, and 50% of the experience of what has
been seen and heard.
3. Conceptual Framework
In a learning, listening is the most important thing for the passage of a
learning. All students should improve their knowledge of how about this
listening skill. by exploring and looking for what listening means gradually they
will understand by themselves, understand the essence of listening. Listening
is the main path for executing a process an existing command.
It is undeniable that listening is the most important aspect in English
from the other four aspects that we need to learn as well. English is a foreign
language that has its own pronunciation rules so it can make us a little bigger
with it. there are many accents in it that make us have to be observant in
listening to the pronunciation. therefore we must have our own strategy to
learn and deepen the listening skill itself.
4. Hypothesis
Ha: There is a significant effect of audiovisual media to improve students'
listening comprehension at SMP N 1 Mertoyudan
Ho: There is no significant effect of audiovisual media on improving students'
listening comprehension at SMP N 1 Mertoyudan

1. Type of research
Researchers used pre-experimental research in this case. Researchers
designed to collect the data needed by researchers and see the results of
the effectiveness of using audiovisual methods for student learning
2. Research subject
In carrying out this research, the researcher asked the 7th graders of
SMP N 1 Mertoyudan to be successful. The class consists of 30 people
who are asked to focus on studying the material presented by the
audiovisual method in the form of a film which they will watch and listen to.
3. Data and data resources
In this study, the data will be achieved during teaching and learning
activities in the classroom. In particular, the researcher can get the data
after he reaches the results he feels are sufficient. The audiovisual method
applied will produce results for researchers to need.
4. Research instrument
The following 3 steps were taken by the researcher in order to
determine the findings of this study:
- Pre-test
Is an initial data collection method that is carried out by individuals
by being appointed, in order to know whether this method has been
- Treatment
In this step, the researcher explains about listening
comprehension using the audiovisual method which they will later
watch with their group
- Post-test
In the end, after they watched the movie with their group, the
researcher gave a post-test which they hoped they would answer
correctly. This post-test stimulates their listening skills which will
later be given a question sheet. After collecting the question sheets,
they are considered to have contributed to the research data.
5. Data collection
Researchers got from 2 class activities, namely pre-test and post-test.
The test aims to see whether the method of using audiovisual can improve
listening comprehension of a film. The researcher gave a listening test
which served to warm up the class so that they were more focused on
doing the initial learning. In the pre-test, they will be tested at the
beginning and the results will be compared with the post-test. And the
researcher gave a post-test after the method was completed, which was
useful to find out whether this method was effective in being applied in
subsequent learning.
To compare the researchers used the t-test to compare the data. The t-
test is a statistical test that functions to compare the averages of the two
6. Data analysis technique.
The data were analyzed by the researcher using quantitative
descriptive methods.The outcomes shown below are the result of several
1. Evaluating the outcomes of the pre- and post-tests.
2. Determine the mean of each score on the pre- and post-
tests."Number of Observations" and "Total Number of
Observations" are equal to the average.)
3. Using SPSS, the collected data were subjected to a paired sample
t-test to ascertain the significance of the audiovisual method.
4. Determining the significance of the SPSS-calculated increase in
learning outcomes from the pre-test to the post-test.


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