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Name : Mortada Hussein Abdallah s

Case 2 :

Weeks 1-4

Monday: cardio and upper body

5 minute warm-up on cardiovascular equipment

3 sets of bicep curls

3 sets of tricep pulldowns with rope

3 sets of lateral pulldowns on cable machine

3 sets of front raises with dumbbells

10 minutes of cardio workout

5 minute cool-down

Tuesday: Off

Wednesday: Cardio and Core

5 minute warm-up on cardiovascular equipment of your choice

3 sets of plank exercises.

3 sets of crunches on a stability ball

3 sets of bicycle crunches

10 minutes of interval training on cardiovascular equipment

5 minute cool-down

Thursday: Off
Friday: Cardio and Lower Body

5 minute warm-up on cardiovascular equipment

3 sets of lunges with dumbbells

3 sets of squats onto stability ball

3 sets of leg curls on machine

10 minutes jogging on the treadmill

5 minute cool-down

Saturday: 30 minutes of brisk walking

Sunday: Off

Weeks 5-8

Monday: cardio and upper body

5 minute warm-up on cardiovascular equipment

3 sets of bicep curls on cable machine

3 sets of incline dumbbell press

3 sets of tricep kickbacks on a bench

3 sets of lateral pulldowns on cable machine

3 sets of lateral raises with dumbbells

20 minutes of cardio workout

Tuesday: Off

Wednesday: Cardio and Core

5 minute warm-up on cardiovascular equipment

3 sets of plank exercises( 60 seconds )

3 sets of side plank exercises. Switch sides to complete one set

3 sets of straight leg raises on a bench

20 minutes of Intervals

Thursday: 20 minutes on cardiovascular equipment

Friday: Cardio and Lower Body

5 minute warm-up on cardiovascular equipment of your choice

3 sets of lunges with dumbbells

3 sets of squats with dumbbells

3 sets of seated calf raises with dumbbells

3 sets of side lunges with dumbbells

10 minutes jogging on the treadmill

5 minute cool-down

Saturday: 20 minutes on the stationary bike

Sunday: Off

For each workout, aim to complete 10 to 12 repetitions per set. When selecting dumbbells for your
exercises, choose a pair of dumbbells where your muscles reach fatigue by the last repetition of each

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