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I'm going to talk about the pop culture career they've heard about that

career, because if it exists, do not believe it.

This career created at the University of Baltimore in 2010, where the

teacher chosen to teach class was Arnold T. Blumberg, a pop historian
and specialist in the culture of comics.

And he will help his students understand a little more about the current
pop culture obsession.

And it will be studied from The Beatles, Star Wars, the Marvel world,
Game of Thrones, Star Trek or the zombies, since it is necessary to
understand the current culture.

Since the struggle of good against evil, two very important currents
within pop culture”

And Professor Arnold T. Blumberg says, zombies function as a

representation of all things that take place in the United States, from
the communist threat, the Cold War, to bioterrorism.

'Iron Man', 'Thor', 'Captain America', 'the Avengers' and 'the Guardians
of the Galaxy'. Represents several generations of entertainment, but
also serves to educate them about ethics, morality and race, gender
and social class”

But this career does not need many requirements to study it just that
you like history, philosophy and read a lot about pop culture.

They usually work in the world related to entertainment and earn a


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