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The Embajada Festival is celebrated every second week of January in Catarman and Catubig,
Northern Samar.  The festival remembers the conflict between Christians and Muslims that was
brought about by the Spanish occupation. The celebration is highlighted with a fluvial
Agta Festival of Bobon, Northern Samar, Philippines is an annual cultural and religious festival
held usually on the second Sunday of January and is the center of the Santo Niño Catholic
celebrations in the Philippines. Other places have their own version of the festival in honor of
the Santo Niño. The Agta Festival contingents are dressed in bright-colored costumes dancing
gracefully to the rhythm of drums and other musical instruments

The Municipality of Rosario prides itself on being home to the best, tastiest ‘kinis’, or mud
crabs, in the Philippines. These ‘kinis’ are fattened and exported to Manila and beyond. I can
personally attest to just how savory these creatures are.
As part of an effort to encourage tourism to the area, Rosario has endeavored to stage an
annual ‘Kinis Festival’, as part of the founding anniversary of their municipality every June 21st.
The focal point of this festival is to be the dance of the ‘kinis’. 

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