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This is to certify that:

Anna Kopacz

is an essential key worker as an edible food labourer.

They are working with Concordia UK Limited to harvest essential food crops at
Fans Fans Earlston Berwickshire, TD4 6BD

This role is considered vital to the UK economy and our fight against COVID-19 and
authorized by Concordia UK Limited. Concordia is a government endorsed supplier
of labour to the edible crops sector.

As an essential key worker, we can confirm that they are not in self-isolation and
have not been at risk of COVID-19 for the past 14 days. If required they are happy to
submit to a temperature check before boarding a plane.

This role is contracted employment, and they are able to present alongside this
certificate, a contract of employment at the above farm.

If you have any concerns about this, please contact me on 07793 527 392, and I will
clarify the position and confirm their right to work and their essential key worker

Thank you for your co-operation.

Signed by

Stephanie Maurel
CEO, Concordia
Concordia UK Limited VAT Reg No. 238 6881 21
Office: 19 North Street, Portslade, Brighton, BN41 1DH GLA URN: CONC0002
Telephone: +44 01273 422 293 Website:

Registered Charity No. 305991 (England & Wales) Company Registration No. 381668

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