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hapter 1


Background of the Study

This era is praising the advancements in communication proficiency that has

extended the possibility of negotiation via Information and Communication

Technologies (ICTs). On no account, the latest inventions in communication have

crooked the whole world into a “universal community”. It’s a reality that modern

technological advancement just like edges of a coin, transmit with it both positive and

negative aspects. It supports folks to be well refined, edified and up to date with globe

progressions. Technological advancement helps individuals to perform their duties in an

effective manner. There is a lot of social networking sites (SNSs) such as Yahoo

Messenger, 2go, Twitter, Blackberry Messenger, Skype, Facebook Messenger, Google

Messenger, Google Talk, Androids and the iPhone. These sites are popular to create a

strong bonding among new and old buddies and with physical and internet companions

(Asemah & Edegoh, 2012).

The use of internet technology is considered as the finest way of communication.

Through which, the approximately two-third populace of internet users unceasingly do

surf on websites and communicate with one another, thus mentioning it as the best

communication tool. Online groups of internet users normally discuss ideas about areas

of common interest, either from an individual, official or scholastic point of views


(Williams et al., 2009). SNSs have been changed the dream of universal bounding into

reality which helped to get a lot of advantages via this far of communication sites.

An individual placement in different settings such as academic or job related can

be done on basis of his academic performance or excellence. Because of this reason,

many people normally remained worried about their academic performance and keep a

focus on the ways to increase it. The accentuation on academic performance which is

additionally predominant at the worldwide level has energized numerous investigations

about the situations endorsing it. As academic performance is considered the forecaster

of one’s life achievement, its role is seen as inevitable in part of academic placement

from school level to higher education level and even at the level of jobs in individual’s

career (Kyoshaba, 2009).

Moreover, Family is considered the chief specialist of socialization. Inside the

family, youngsters disguise conduct standards as per society and culture. The ways in

which a family acts influenced by social association (i.e., the Exo framework comprising

of establishments and the broad communications) and convictions, qualities, and culture

(i.e., the macro system). Explicit child -rearing styles can likewise leave its effects on

understudy's scholarly exhibition and sometimes it can cause to advance delaying

conduct among understudies (Chan & Koo, 2010).

The present study aims at exploring the results of using SNSs on procrastination

and academic performance of students at the university level. Furthermore, it will also

be evaluated that how different parenting styles moderates the relationship between

social networking sites and procrastination as well as it will also check out that in which

way parenting styles work as a moderator for academic performance.


Social Networking Sites (SNSs)

The Internet came into being during the 1990s that prompted significant advancements

in the realm of communication subsequently the emergence of long- range social

networking sites (SNSs). The advent of these sites brought a change in the word of

communication and today we accept its advancement ranging from education to

amusement (Boyd & Ellison, 2007). Nowadays, the expansion in the utilization of SNSs

has turned it into a worldwide marvel during most recent two eras and it has changed the

use of these sites from a leisure activity to a public standard. Likewise, these sites have

upgraded its access and communication for different users like Twitter, WhatsApp,

Messenger, Facebook and so forth (Coyle & Vaughn, 2008).

SNSs are the online networks that center to construct a link between persons to

discuss their point of views and unique ideas. These sites permit individuals to share

their data in a specific gathering. In this way, the primary motivation behind this type of

communication method is to encourage the general population to make relations so as to

discuss their safeties, happenings and genuine encounters. The examination referenced

that these sites have profoundly infiltrated in subsists of the general population and

observed as the latest tool of communique (Heiberger & Harper, 2008). The most

essential intention behind the use of SNSs is collaborating among companions and to

develop connections (Asemah & Edegoh, 2012).

Since their presentation, the online sites like Facebook, Bebo, Myspace and

Cyworld have fascinated a great number of clients, many of them have coordinated these

sites into their daily life rehearses. There are many SNSs, with numerous high-tech

affordances, encouraging a wide scope of practices and interests. As SNSs features of


technological nature are persistent but the cultures that begin around it are different.

Many sites try to maintain existing networks while others help to connect the strangers

on the basis of common practices, interests and political perspectives. A few sites

facilitate to different audiences while many others keep people connect on the basis of

sexual, racial, nationality and religious-based characteristics. The extent of integrating

new communication tools and, information is also diverse among social networking sites

like blogging, photo/video sharing and cell phone connectivity relationships (Boyd &

Ellison, 2007).

After getting in touch with social networking sites, its clients are provoked to

recognize other users in the system to whom they have a bounding. This relationship tag

varies depending on popular site terms like “Contacts”, “Friends”, and “Fans”. Most

SNSs demands bi-directional validation for friendship, but many others don’t. These

uni-directional stalemates are normally titled as “Followers” or “Fans,” but a lot of sites

label them friends as well. In common vernacular sense the concept of “friends” used in

SNSs can be seen as misleading, because the motives of connection among people are

varied (Boyd, 2006).

Apart from comments, private messaging and friends, SNSs differs in its

properties and user preferences. Some sites have instant texting and blogging qualities

while some have photo / video sharing facilities. Some SNSs are smartphone specific

like Dodgeball, some SNSs which are web bases run on partial smartphone interaction

like Myspace, Cyworld and Facebook. Numerous SNSs mark people from particular

topographical areas or from specific language groups, despite the fact that the site’s

consistency does not always determine by it. For instance, Orkut was established in

United States for English language specifics only, but Brazilians who spoke Portuguese

became its most prevalent users (Kopytoff, 2004).

Launch Dates of Different SNSs

The primary social networking site was Six that was boosted

in 1997. That site enables its users to generate their profiles and to make companion

records. This site advanced itself as a site to help individuals to make a solid association

with each other. It was stayed famous until 1998.In the beginning of 1999, there was a

rise of the live journal, Asian Avenue and Black Planet Live journal was one directional

association on the client page. The last two one was prevalent ethnic network sites

before relaunching in 2005 and 2006. These destinations enable clients to make

proficient, individual and dating Profiles. Lunar Storm was relaunched during the

beginning of 2000 after soon MiGente (a famous ethnic network site) appeared. This

was when Six Degree got shut because of its constrained highlights. In 2001 Cyworld

and Ryze were mainstream destinations. Cyworld bolsters restricted portable

communications and Ryze was for business associations. Photo blog, Friendster and Sky

blog were begun in 2002.Friendster was a dating website that was created to rival Structure 2003 to forward there was an extensive rundown of SNSs that

were propelled like LinkedIn,, Myspace, Couchsurfing, Hi5 and BC/Xing.

During 2004 Flicker, Picazo, Mixi, Facebook (Harvard just) Care2 (SNS relaunched),

Dodgeball, Hyves and Catster were propelled. Before long ahead in 2005 there was a

period for the making of a general class of SNS like YouTube, Xanga (relaunched),

yahoo/360, Bebo (SNS relaunched), Cyworld (China), Facebook (Upper-level systems)

and Asian Avenue Black Planet was relaunched. In 2006 Facebook (Commercial

networks), Window live space, Facebook for everybody and Twitter was propelled

(Boyd & Ellison, 2007). Still, there is a great deal of system administrated destinations

which are getting Popularity in 2019, like Instagram and Snapchat.

SNSs in Pakistan

In Pakistan, the populace is significantly included the youthful age like a school

going students, college and university understudies. Consequently, from 180 million

populace about 60% is the adolescent. These measurements demonstrate that thirty- six

million youth is between the age of 20-25 years and about fifty million of the

adolescents is ranging between 18-30 years. Be that as it may, data innovation is

growing reliably throughout the annual circle. The appearance of web- related offices

and many other advanced communication innovations pay a great deal in the

improvement of SNSs. Internet innovation has presented the individuals to another

method for the broadcasting of data and it has quickly built up the methods for a

correspondence (Owen, 2008). Broad advancement has happened in the correspondence

innovation inside the most recent two decades. In like manner, the introduction of

smartphone to the general public during ongoing years is a case of how much quickly

that innovation entered in the general public (Eijaz, 2013).

What's more, web offices are accessible to the natives at their entryway ventures

through the web gadgets and systems which can be utilized with the assistance of

workstations, PCs and cell phone internet bundles (Haque, 2013). Not with standing,

sensational changes happened in the web utilizing limit due to the presentation of 3G /

4G versatile in Pakistan telecommunication system. The youthful age is all around

presented to the interpersonal interaction destinations and pretty much every student has

turned into the piece of any event one long range informal communication site. Systems

administration locales have turned out to be extremely well known far and wide and are

considered as the an advanced communication framework, however, an inquiry emerges

that whether these destinations can influence the scholastic performance of students or

not, on the grounds that lion's share of social networking sites are adolescents (Ahmed &

Qazi, 2011). The greater part of the understudies nowadays can be observed utilizing

SNSs with a disturbing recurrence and even they utilize these networking sites in their

study halls.

Uses and Gratification theory

Uses and gratification theory was created by Blumler, Katz, and Gurevitch in

1974 (Wimmer & Dominick, 2013). Essentially, this theory puts accentuation on the

matter that "what persons do with social media" instead of "what social media do to

persons" (Idakwo, 2011; Katz, 1959). Uses and gratification theory is an inquiry of the

benefits and gratifications that attract and embrace groups of individuals to various type

of social networks and the kinds of material that justify their mental and social

requirements. A new media of communication like social networking sites adjusted itself

to uses and gratification slant, because of its collaborating nature (Grant, 2005). Uses

and gratification theory typically deals with how social media used to fulfill

psychological needs like affective, cognitive and entertainment needs (Rubin, 1994).

This speculation explicitly gives control to groups. Despite imagining that communique

media messages have instant, undeviating influences on the persons who use that one,

this opinion also recommends that recipients take deliberate, focused selections

regarding the media messages they exposed themselves to and at what repetition taking

into interpretation a person’s requirements and longings regardless of its impact on them

whether good or bad.

Connecting this concept to the present investigation, it demonstrates that

understudies use SNSs like WhatsApp, Instagram, Twitter and so forth only to gratify

their desires, which might be psychological or physical nature regardless of the way of

their effects on their educational performance. In addition, it suggests descriptions to

recommend that students use these sites for fluctuating motives. In simple, users choose

social sites depending on how accurately each site helps them to meet explicit goals or



Procrastination is a significant topic and has gotten a lot of enthusiasm from

specialists over the previous decades. It has been characterized as self-administrative

disappointment (Steel, 2007), regularly results in unfortunate results including poor

execution and prosperity. There is developing proof proposing that dawdling is a typical

issue among understudies and non-understudy populace. Harriott and Ferrari (1996)

announced 20 % of grown-ups take part in delaying. In scholastic settings, past

investigations announced 23-52% of college understudies experience the ill effects of

lingering (Balkis & Duru 2009; Ozer, Demir, & Ferrari, 2009).

Lay (1986) portray procrastination as the successive inability to do what should

be done. so, as to achieve objectives though Ferrari and Tice (2000) depicts it as a self-

guideline style that includes delay in the begin as well as fulfillment of an assignment. A

slacker is portrayed by Popoola (2005) as somebody who comprehends what to do, how

to do it, endeavors to do it, yet does not do it.

Procrastination additionally gives off an impression of being a befuddling

marvel. Supporting this perspective, a few examinations have connected it to singular

execution, with the slacker performing all the more inadequately in common (Beswick,

Rothblum & Mann, 1988; Steel, Brothen, & Wambach, 2001; Wesley, 1994), and to

singular prosperity, along-with slowpoke existence increasingly hopeless in the enduring

(Knaus, 1973; Lay & Schouwenburg, 1993; Tice & Baumeister, 1997). On bigger

dimensions of examination, lingering has been connected to a few authoritative or

general matters. It portrays how groups reliably defer the heft of their effort until due

dates line (Gersick, 1988). The financial specialists contemplate the overall absence of

superannuation investment funds conduct as a type of tarrying, where numerous begin

getting ready for their advanced years extremely late (Akerlof, 1991; O’Donoghue &

Rabin, 1999). In the radical ground, hesitations have been utilized to portray

Constitutional choices (Farnham, 2000; Kegley, 1989) and the financial activities of

countries the type of Procrastination 4 (Holland, 2001), wherein significant adoptions

are tragically deferred. Likewise, chronicled examination demonstrates it has been

vindictive distress for in any event the most recent 3,000 years (Steel, 2003).

Lamentably for such a broad and hurtful marvel, much presently can't seem to be

found out about its causes or its belongings, however, there have been some remarkable

audits. In any case, Ferrari, Johnson, and McCown's (1995) manuscript on the subject is

broad however centers essentially around a hypothesis, with less accentuation on exact

discoveries. Then again, Van Eerde (1998) conducted a meta-investigation on tarrying,


however dependent on 88 articles, it speaks to roughly a large portion of the sources by

and by accessible. What's more, the audit does exclude a few key factors (e.g., task

impacts, lack of caution) or significant exploratory discoveries, and does not broaden

hypothetical establishments. At last, Steel (2003) has composed a broad hypothetical

and meta-systematic audit of dawdling's history and estimation, however, this does not

analyze its associates or causes.

Procrastination isn't just unreasonable, yet in addition unexpected. Slackers don't

deliberately put off their tasks yet do as such despite what might be expected of their

unique goal an "is" versus "should" situation. A few people report utilizing lingering as

execution improving procedure, that it causes marshal one's assets to adapt to an

approaching due date (Tice & Baumeister, 1997). The understudies assemble their

whole learned and corporeal ability. With constant self-expression they lunge down on

the subject matter, Procrastination 6 form this, ace this, and store this just under the wire

(Sommer,1990). Be that as it may, if lingering is nonsensical, this final desperate

attempt ought not to be altogether effective.

Procrastination influences all everyday issues except the more terrible structure

is academic procrastination. Ackerman and Gross (2005) clarifies procrastination in a

scholarly setting in a method for having total data about the task that must be finished in

a restricted time but since of the absence of inspiration understudies put off their work.

Deferral in finishing of errand that should be finished in a particular time can lead

understudies to endure disappointment which in the end results in mental pain (Ferrari,

Johnson, & McCown, 1995).


It isn't uncommon to discover somebody who at any point grieved or cried in

light of his own stalling conduct. Individuals that are scanning for slackers should

merely investigate the reflects to discover a procrastinator. Tremendous misfortune,

regardless of whether budgetary, social, physical, or mental, have been accounted for in

view of this single ghastly propensity (Steel, 2007).

Prevalence of procrastination

Procrastination is unmistakably pervasive. Despite the fact that we all have in

any event dithered with hesitating, some have made it a lifestyle. Assessments

demonstrate that 95% of understudies take part in dawdling (Ellis & Knaus, 1977),

around 75% think about their own selves as slackers (Potts, 1987), and very nearly about

one and a half fix it reliably and dangerously (Day, Mensink, & O'Sullivan, 2000;

Haycock, 1993; Micek, 1982; Onwuegbuzie, 2000a; Solomon & Rothblum, 1984).

Notwithstanding to normal understudy, lingering is normally extensive, speaking to

more than 33% of them revealed day by day exercises (Pychyl, Lee, Thibodeau & Blunt,

2000). Besides, that rates seem, by all accounts, considered on the ascent (Kachgal,

Hansen, & Nutter, 2001). More-over being pervasive amid school, hesitation is

additionally broad in the overall public, constantly influencing some 15-20% of grown-

ups (Harriott & Ferrari, 1996).

Lingering is every now and again utilized by undergrads in their scholastic

profession when they overpowered with examination, tests, and undertakings.

Schowenburg (1995) in his exploration found that over 70% of understudies detailed

stalling on a regular premise while 20% were routine slackers who postponed their

works for superfluous reasons.


Theoretical Framework

There is a complex interplay of different paradigms that stated the concept of

procrastination. Procrastination can be defined by terms of psychodynamic,

Behavioristic and cognitive approaches.

Psychoanalytical Concept

In 1953, Freud had strained to elucidate the propensity of procrastination

depending on the impression of dodging responsibilities (Ferrari, Johnson, & McCown,

1995). In accordance with this idea, tasks that are in completed will be ignored because

of this stance risks to the self-image. Freud purposes a postulate that nervousness obliges

as a warning insignia of the survival of threat to the self-image when entities deal with

the hazardous possessions that couldn’t be understood. When the self-image detects the

presence of danger modeled by a chore, defense mechanism such as dodging the chore

will be elevated. Psychodynamics specified that a person’s personality is thoroughly

related to their infantile practices. Depending on this concept, stalling attitude is

considered as a depiction of infantile disturbances or complications in the progression of

parental practices (Siaputra, 2010).

Behavioristic Concept

In the behaviorist school of thought, theorists articulate hypothesizes that

procrastinatory behavior is elevated by the repeated personalities’ accomplishment of

performing tardy conduct. Classical learning theories clarify that actions usually happen

repeatedly via the delivery of punishment or deficiency of reinforcement (Ainslie,


Cognitive Concept

Though comparatively innovative, the concept of intellectual tactic is much

prevalent to elucidate actions and mental impressions, including procrastinatory conduct.

There are three effects that were anticipated as reasons of procrastination, unreasonable

views, susceptible dignity, and the incapability to yield verdicts (Ferrari, Johnson, &

McCown, 1995).

The philosophy of cognitive views highlight the part of values and negative

insistence in procrastination, however, cannot edify how operational such judgments,

opinions and views are for logical evolution of procrastination, although Metacognitive

strategies of suspension and procrastination can be illuminated by this method very well

(Spada, Hiou, & NikGevil, 2006).

Academic Performance

Tuckman (1975) demarcated performance as the superficial demo of considerate,

ideas, aids, thoughts and information of an individual and projected that scores

obviously portray the performance of an understudy. Hence, their academic performance

should be accomplished competently focusing on the issues that could absolutely and

detrimentally disturb their educational routine. Use of inventions like an internet is the

largest significant feature that could influence academic performance of understudies

favorably or unfavorably.

The academic performance of understudies is checked through the results of the

understudies in the exams which are conducted in the educational settings. The

educational foundations have been constructed with the purpose to convey acquaintance,

and services to the individuals who appear as a part of these settings (Hoyle, 1986).

Academic performance is the outcome of schooling, by which the teachers, students and

academic institutes attain their targets instantaneously. Normally, the academic

performance is checked via the episodic inspection or through an unceasing evaluation,

though, there is not an exact or fixed method to quantify the academic performance.

Use of latest advancements more precisely the use of networking sites is echoed

as a crucial issue that might disturb the educational outcomes of understudies. Presently,

the mainstream of youth has numerous social accounts on the different networking sites

and this is the reason that their academic scores are low. Moreover, students might put

the charge of the poor abilities of the teachers while overlooking their SNSs fever.

Opposing to it, the attention that should be focused on educational research have been

crumpled by the craving for finding new friends and other lethargic matters. From now,

most of the students’ academic grades suffer because of the use of SNSs as it diverts

them from their educational targets. This investigation has given the comprehensive and

inclusive viewpoint on SNSs usage among the university understudies and emphasized

its influence on the student’s academic performance can be both constructive and

adverse (Jacobsen & Forste, 2011).

It is a general view to notice youngster’s texting in delicate and extremely

ordered settings like church, mosque and educational sites. Few of them are so passed

away that even when they are rambling along the roads, they continue texting. The

distribution and manufacturing of correspondingly erudite smartphones have intricated

the condition, as youngsters no longer require to go for a visit to a cybercafé to receive

and send messages. Consideration has been changed from noticeable to unseen

companions, while vital schemes like reading and writing are affected in this

progression. This marvel has gained a foundation of concern to individuals who trust in

acquaintance and dexterity attainment. The appearance of SNSs seen as a consequence

of progression in technology and enlargement in internet software has elevated

eyebrows among academics on its influences on studies. Students at all levels of

knowledge now have alienated consideration to studies, because of available chances to

be yoked from social media. Whether these prospects indorse studies is a query that

desires to be answered (Edegoh, Asemah, & Okpanachi 2013).

Walberg's theory of Educational Productivity

Academic performance can be announced through the assistance of instructive

field. It includes an exchange of instructive and intellectual brain research. Understudies

execution can be looked at by changed appraisal sheets and even with their test results.

There may be a lot of components that can influence their exhibition as use of long-

range informal communication sites and various styles of parenting.

Zins, Weissberg, Wang and Walberg, (2004) revealed the implication of the

extents of inspirational directions, person-managed learning methodologies, and

communal / interpersonal abilities in inspiring academic performance. Zins et al. (2004)

announced, an assessment of the enormous tool practice of a Social-Emotional Learning

(SEL) scheme, that understudies who are progressively alert and certain with regard to

their learning abilities, who are increasingly propelled, who set achievement targets, and

who are fixed out in their style to deal with effort (self-controlled erudition) perform

better in school. As per Greenberg, et al. (2003), Zins et al. (2004) state that "inquire

about joining social, passionate, and academic elements are sufficiently hard to drive the

new concept of social, emotional, and academic learning (SEAL). A principal

assessment for scientists, instructors, and policy formers is to fortify this connotation via

simplified multiple-year programming"

Walberg and companion’s choices reverberate with findings from diverse

settings. For illustration, the "strength" script (Garmezy, 1993) settled by the observation

that nonetheless existing in distraught and risky circumstances, specific kids endured

proficient irregular amounts of achievement, motivation, and implementation (Gutman,

Sameroff & Eccles, 2002). Wach's (2000) review of natural, societal, and rational

components recommended that no solitary issue can illuminate "just how" and "why"

these resilient kids had been protected from the malicious influences of their everyday


Parenting Styles

The job of parents play in child development is regularly alluded as socialization

(Holden, 2010). Socialization can be characterized as "the procedure whereby an

individual is shown the abilities, standards of conduct, qualities and inspiration required

for skilled working in the way of life in which the youngster is growing up (Maccoby,

2007). Individual connections, proceeding with debates and interminable social issues

are only three models showing that parenting is fundamental to the majority of our lives.

Of course, scientists from an assortment of orders are examining questions identified

with youngster raising (Holden, 2010).


As indicated by the American Psychological Association, child -rearing practices

over the world offer three noteworthy objectives: guaranteeing youngsters' comfort and

sanctuary, preparing kids for lifespan as lucrative grown-ups, and conveying societal

qualities (APA, 2018).

Research recommends parenting ways and the type of parent and pre-adult

affiliation may disturb the psychosocial betterment among youth. A youngster's

emotional state, autonomy, attainment, and character are overall mentioned as a feature

of psychosocial progression throughout life (Erickson, 1968). Erik Erickson's

psychosocial supposition depicts adolescent’s development through an evolution of

eight phases dependent on the consequence of societal experiences (Erickson, 1968).

Maccoby and Martin (1983) argues that a typical method for tending to these

complexities is to sort out child-rearing practices between four particular parenting

strategies: Authoritative, uninvolved, Authoritarian and Permissive. Maccoby and

Martin states that these child-rearing practices depends on specific parental

measurements: the parent’s temperateness, which is identified with parent’s friendship

toward an acknowledgment of kids, and parent’s control, which is identified with the

dynamic of job that guardians show in advancing appreciation for principles and

communal shows.


The Authoritarian parent joins short dimensions of temperateness with abnormal

amounts of control and utilizes an exacting order style portrayed by insignificant

exchange with the tyke, elevated requirements, constrained adaptability, visit utilization

of discipline, and single direction correspondence from parent to youngster (Baumrind,

1991).The authors present that Authoritarian parenting style has been linked with

youngster consequences, for example, threatening ambiance, misconduct,

insubordination, and solitary hostility. Research has similarly revealed that a youngster's

initial involvement with unnecessary parental control will in general correspond with the

advancement of uneasiness (Chorpita & Barlow, 1998). It is conceivable that tension

originates from an absence of chance to create self-governance by autonomous

investigation of nature (Bowlby, 1977). It has additionally been suggested that the low

temperateness typically of Authoritarian parenting might be connected to youngster

sadness (Rapee, 1997).

Authoritarian parenting styles for the most central to youngsters who are

dedicated and able, however they place lower in joy, societal competence and poise.

They prerequisite societal fitness as the parent for the most forecasts what child must do

as divergent to permitting the child to choose by oneself. The children likewise seldom

take actions. They are informally dragged back and see others choose what's right. These

Children will in common below in courage and prerequisite societal and intellectual

ability. These children need immediacy and attention. These children were often

portrayed by the missing suddenness and intellectual curiosity (Joseph & John, 2008).


The permissive parents show elevated amounts of temperateness and little

dimensions of control. The individual in question acts as a mate than a parent,

exploiting a remiss order type with insufficient standards, subsequent to nothing


desire, and irrelevant direction or caption (Baumrind, 1991). Caretakers with this

style incline to be cherishing and supporting, yet additionally, allow their youngsters

to take care of matters without parental involvement (Baumrind, 1991). In an

investigation of permissive parenting, nonappearance of contribution, nonappearance

of follow through, and nonappearance of trust in parenting dimensions were

substantial pointers of youngster conduct matters detailed by the two protectors and

instructors (Calzada, 2001).

Since permissive guardians will in common be non-demanding, it turns out to

be substantially more difficult to control kids practices and layout bounds in

youngster’s settings (Baumrind & Black, 1967). Exploration has exposed influences

between the extreme parental indulgences frequently observe in permissive parenting

practices and youngsters reduced societal fitness and Academic success (Chen et al.,

2000). Permissive parenting has been linked to the domineering, needy, hasty manner

in kids, with a short extent of choices, achievement and an incapability to absorb

perseverance and passionate management (Baumrind, 1967).

Permissive parenting frequently consequences in children who place lower in

joy and self-direction. These youngsters are assured to meet problems with supremacy

and will in common achieve unproductively in school. Permissive style of parenting is

nurturing and enduring, yet it desists from the creation of appeals or compelling

controls of any kind. Permissive guardians permit the child to relax by their very own,

significant number of selections at a phase when they are not yet fit for undertaking as

such. They can bother banquets and hit the hay when they sense like it and watch as

much TV as the prerequisite. They do not prerequisite to adjust great customs or do

any family errands. Though approximately permissive keepers sincerely trust that this

chic of youngster raising is perfect, several others want conviction in their ability to

influence their kid's demeanor and are complicated and inept in running their

domestic unit. Children with permissive guardians will in common have high poise

and great societal capacities yet are increasingly motivated to the matter of

comportment. Enduring duty is hard for a substantial of them (Joseph & John, 2008).


The Authoritative parent exhibit both great amounts of temperateness and

elevated amounts of management (Baumrind, 1991). Guardians in this period are

practical and sustaining, set high values, explain punitive principles plainly, and

participate in nonstop correspondence with their kids (Baumrind, 1991). Authoritative

parenting style has been connecting with more noteworthy youngster fitness, uncommon

development, confidence, and poise (Baumrind, 1991). Krevans and Gibbs, (1996)

Argues that Authoritarian parents who utilize youngster focused punitive observes, and

who utilize oral thinking and clarifications, will in general bring up kids who display

abnormal quantities of good thinking, markers of good still, small voice, and pro-

societal practices.

Investigations have appeared authoritative parenting style might be the best one,

nonetheless, it likewise will in general be the most requesting as far as parental vitality

and time (Greenberger & Goldberg, 1989). It is plausible that custodians / parents who

are existing under conditions of stress, for example, destitution might be less tending to

show authoritative parenting practices, and assured to exploit less successful parenting

follows. The study recommends guardians of an upper financial position are bound to

utilize fair (Hoffman, 1963) and youngster focused (Sears et al., 1957) child-rearing

strategies, as opposed to the authoritarian and the parents-focused style that portrays

inferior financial standing positions. These could prompt an improved probability of

bringing up kids who show disguising and uttering conduct issues that probably is going

to keep the family under more stress. That round pattern has real ramifications for up-

comings, as it adds to foundational imbalance for relations in destitution (Kohen, 1998).

Klein and Ballantine (2001) asserted that Authoritative parenting styles will in

normal consequence in youngsters who are happy, talented and effective. Authoritative

parenting style despite physical correction generates the best results and the slightest

problems for children in today’s world. Children who have been grown up in

Authoritative backgrounds score greater on a variety of extents of skill, societal-

enhancement, self - recognition, and psychological security than those who grew up in

Authoritarian, permissive, or uncaring settings. This is unaffected in formative years, yet

in accumulation amidst puberty, as confirm by greater academic achievement and

psychosocial perfection, and fewer comportment smatters.


The uninvolved parent consolidates short extents of temperateness and little

proportions of management and does not use a particular-order style (Baumrind,

1991). The individual frequently shows little enthusiasm for becoming a parent.

Correspondence will be restricted, nurturance is truncated, and the kid, for the most

part has an inordinate measure of opportunity (Baumrind, 1991). Since the uninvolved

parents are neither requesting, nor receptive, and on the grounds that youthful

youngsters are very reliant on parental structure and backing, uninvolved parenting

style has been related to conduct issues and sorrow in kids (Downey & Coyne, 1990).

Furthermore, youth who is presented to this type of child-rearing practices frequently

see large expanses of dismissal and will in general show all the expressing practices,

forceful practices, reprobate practices, antagonistic vibe, and consideration issues

(Ruchkin et al., 1998; Meesters et al., 1995; Barnow et al., 2002). It is likewise

conceivable that the impacts of these parenting styles persevere via youthfulness and

into maturity. In an investigation of first year understudies, scientists observe that

people who announced being raised up by uninvolved guardians demonstrated all the

disguising and conveying matters in response to pessimistic feelings, for example,

achiness to visit the family. Moreover, these understudies, for the most part, modified

to matters less viable than individuals who announced undergoing childhood in a

lenient and tolerating home settings (Nijhof & Engles, 2007).

Uninvolved parenting styles rank least overall life span. These teenagers will

in common prerequisite dignity, have little assurance and are fewer skills than their

helpers. Children raise the finest when they have care and points of incarceration. In

the event, that they are revealed or overlooked and given slight route, they would not

learn dignity and may shot out to be identical narrow minded, wild and poorly in

attitude. What's more, on the off chance that they get a lot of guidance, as the progeny

of Authoritarian parents do, they will have a lot of choices to learn liberation and may

prerequisite faith in their own elementary headship abilities (Joseph & John, 2008).

Erik Erickson’s Theory

Erik Erickson's hypothesis of psychosocial advancement includes eight phases

of improvement in which each stage expands upon the past. Erickson's hypothesis

depicts how the effect of social communications and encounters shape people all

through their life expectancy (Erickson, 1968). He portrays how a "crisis" is the thing

that causes an individual to move to the following formative stage. Erickson clarifies

each procedure as a feature of the developing and recreating of one's personality. The

fifth phase of Erickson's psychosocial advancement is known as character versus job

dispersion (Erickson, 1968). This stage typically happens amid early youth when

teenagers are looking for freedom and attempting to get a handle on comprehension of

one's self and reason (Erickson, 1968). The author clarifies that the individuals who

get fortification and backing with the individual investigation will most likely

advancement into the following phase of psychosocial improvement. The young

people who accomplish personality are related to higher confidence, show

enthusiastic independence, and furthermore create constructive associations with

others. Teenagers attempting to discover their character are related to job

dissemination. Erickson states these teenagers stay befuddled about one's self,

uncertain of their convictions and future may look for acknowledgment from friends

and are shaky. This hypothesis prompts the likelihood that when the parenting style

comes up short, an immature will search somewhere else for acknowledgment or



Parenting styles
 Authoritative
 Authoritarian
 Permissive



Academic -

Figure 1. Relationship between Social Networking Sites, Procrastination and

Academic Performance: Parenting Styles as Moderator

Literature Review

The internet is today the most significant wellspring of data and the developing

components of the utilization of internet -based life by understudies can't be thought

little of. The examination led by Gordon (2016), uncovered that utilization of media add

to bring down academic execution, low self-observations and less enthusiasm for school

situated bearers. Scholarly magnificence assumes a significant job in a person's life; be it

in the family, at get-togethers, at working environment, in a foundation or even among

friends. Much accentuation is put on scholarly execution due to the job it plays in a

person's life to the extent an effective life and regard is worried in all aspects of the

world. Because of this, numerous individuals are worried about the manners in which

they can improve their academic performance (Kyoshaba, 2009). Studies have likewise

uncovered that internet- based life influences understudies' utilization of English. They

will in general utilize short penmanship to talk with companions and become acclimated

to it in this manner reproducing similar mistakes amid examinations (Obi, Bulus, Adamu

& Sala'at, 2012).

The domain of SNSs is progressively rising as the subject of research in the field

of social sciences. Researchers in numerous fields have started to explore the different

parts of Long- range SNSs. Numerous examinations have been directed the world over

to explore how these sites may influence issues of personality, protection, social capital,

youth culture, training and relational connections (Kyoshaba, 2009). Use of SNSs can

cause procrastination, yet it likewise impacts academic performance of students. The

role of parenting styles can likewise be kept an eye on both ward factors (Procrastination

and academic performance). This announcement will be demonstrated with the

assistance of existing writing.

Usage of Social networking sites among students

There is a great deal of research dealing with utilization of SNSs. motivation

theory and network externalities were performed to comprehend the utilization of SNSs

among students. In the wake of directing an observational research including 402

examples, utilizing Structural Equation Modelling (SEM) Method, it was affectionate

out that "Delight" was the most compelling variable for the expanding utilization of

these sites among the understudies (Lin & Lu, 2011).

It was assessed that the utilization of SNSs among students in the department of

Computer training instructional innovation and discovered which networking site is the

most favored by understudies. The examination uncovered that utilization and sharing of

information on internet is made a fundamental piece of understudies' lives. Results

demonstrate that Live Spaces and Facebook are the normally utilized sites by the

students (Bicen & Cavus, 2010).

Researchers led a study among students, about the utilization of social

networking sites and the suitability of the content that they post. The reactions

demonstrate that understudies routinely post content that isn't fitting for all gatherings of

people, particularly potential businesses. Taking into account how broadly the press has

secured the negative effects of unseemly posting, the way that understudies know about

proceeding with the training is astounding (Miller, Parsons & Lifer, 2010).

Experts examine the utilization of SNSs by undergraduate psychology major.

They found that larger part of understudies utilizing Facebook and their record data have

freely available and some client profiles have content of a flawed sort on their openly

distinguishable records. They recommend that formal instruction must be directed to

understudies with respect to the use of these sites (Lack, Beck & Hoover, 2009).

An investigation discovers that there are numerous persuasive explanations

behind utilizing SNSs among individuals and college students. Investigators draw their

discoveries, after the examination on people subjective inspirational explanations behind

utilizing these sites, by playing out a quantitative content investigation for 1200

subjective responses from SNSs clients. Further, this investigation made a few

endeavors to comprehend the decision, use, dissemination, reception and

acknowledgment of SNSs among understudies (Brandtzaeg & Heim, 2009).

Vitak (2008) discover that there are different reasons with respect to why people

utilize an informal communication site. The main reason is for them to meet outsiders

and become companions. Most of respondents of her examination paper (57%) said that

they were at first acquainted with those "companions" through common companions,

which improved the probability of such connections forming into solid ties. While a

critical bit of respondents expressed that they have at any rate a couple of online

companions, 85% said that they don't speak with the vast majority of their online

companions, and most of respondents said that they thought about those kinships as

solid ties. Through long range SNSs clients will in general keep up their relational

association with their online companions as a result of simple communication.

Accordingly, they can utilize chat rooms, private texting and different strategies for

communication given by the site.

Goodman (2007) looks at how undergraduates connect with innovation mainly

that engaged with SNSs. He investigates how understudies utilize SNSs, which SNS and

projects they discover more engaging than others and furthermore endeavors to

comprehend the real purposes behind the expanding use of Social Networking Sites

among undergraduates. Further he properly called attention to "Social networking Sites

are not part of understudies' lives nowadays, really they are their lives". Adolescents are

not just the early adopters of the greater part of the new advancements, yet they are

among the most complex clients too.

Ellison (2008) guaranteed that Social Networking Sites gives very provocative

bits of knowledge. As indicated by this investigation, 85 % of the respondents utilize at

least one SNS. The degree of the utilization of SNSs have expanded drastically in the

previous two years and the use of SNSs also varies significantly by age. The majority of

the respondents maturing 18 and 19 years of age utilize SNSs (95%), yet just 37%

maturing 30 years or more uses these systems administration sites. The dominant part

including 18 and 19 years of age, have in excess of 200 companions while those matured

30 or more have pretty much 25 or lesser companions on these locales. Therefore,

Facebook is the most generally utilized SNS, with MySpace as the second decision. It

was likewise discovered that about portion of these clients use only one SNS, having

just one profile, and partake in one to five gatherings inside SNS. Profiles of SNSs are

genuinely steady, with most respondents transforming them month to month or less

regularly. Most of the clients of SNS go through 5 hours or less every week. More

youthful respondents report investing more energy than more seasoned respondents. It

additionally stressed that most understudies (87%) put get to limitations on their

profiles. Younger respondents and females are well on the way to do as such.

Social networking sites and academic performance

The accompanying examinations plainly portray the effect of the use of Social

Networking Sites on understudy's academic performance. It was declared that the

internet use is contrarily connected with academic execution of understudy clients and

damaging effect of internet utilization is definitely more earth shattering than its points

of interest. Internet fixation has approached because of striking lift in internet use in the

course of recent decades (Englander, 2008).

Researchers examined the impacts of social networking sites (SNSs) on the

academic performance of understudies in school of Applied Sciences, Nizwa, Oman. It

considered instructive hubs, for example, sites like tweets, discussion broadcast, wikis,

podcast in a huge system. The utilization of these hubs and their effect on learning and

social conduct of understudies were organized. The outcomes showed that utilizations

and increases of informal communities featured in the examination fundamentally

impact the scholarly performance of understudies. It at that point proposed that the

utilization of SNSs for instructive and monitory ought to be applied to human study hall

up close and personal guidance in virtual study hall (Mehmood & Taswir,2013).

A research was conducted on large populace of students in university of Jordan.

The basic purpose of the study was to observe the influences of using SNSs on

educational excellence of students. Survey technique that was being utilized to collect

data was drop and collect. In order to analyze the research, the research suppositions,

some statistical techniques like ANOVA, T-test and descriptive analysis was used. The

analysis outcome showed that use of SNSs per week has significant influence on their

academic performance, but no variance was fond out regarding effect of using SNS on

academic excellence with respect of academic achievement, age and per day use to most

used sites (Maqableh et al.,2015).

Ekechukwu (2017) offered an assessment on the upshots of SNSs on academic

performance. He explores the negative as well as positive impact of SNSs on academic

performance of pupils. It was proclaimed that the social media are occasionally used for

academic purposes and most of the time it was used for non-academic purposes that

badly effect student’s academic performance.

A proposal was given by Wilson (2008) as a result of his research work, it shows

that results of university students are badly affected by usage of Facebook. Another

research was conducted by Pasek and Hargittai (2009) that check the relationship

between use of facebook and grades of students. The results revealed that there is no

negative relation between facebook use and grades of students. The study also gave

proposal that not to use SNSs too much, as extra usage can undermine students interest

from study.

Kirschner and Karpinski (2010) declared that users of SNSs dedicate slighter

time to their education than the non- users and then had inferior grades in their

theoretical courses. Boogart and Robert (2006) stated that use of SNSs and Facebook

have unfavorable influence on academic performance of student users. Afterward,

Grabmeier (2009) detected that students having lower grade point averages were

frequently those who log in any SNS. Internet misuses are increasing at a shocking rate

and emphasizing a thoughtful requirement to indorse usage rules among student users.

Kubey, Lavin and Barrows (2001) anticipated that weakening of academic

performance and internet addiction are associated with the use of synchronous

communique applications including chat rooms and SNSs.

Pasek and Hargittai (2006) sustained that the development of social capital is

affected, both positively and negatively by a culture that is site specific. It was also

found out that there is no positive association between usage of Facebook and low

grades of student’s yet it was found out that SNSs users scores higher than non-users.

Another research found no association between Usage of SNSs by students and their

academic performance (Kolek & Saunders, 2008). Moreover, SNSs encourage

interactivity among teachers and students.

Dickson and Holley (2010) observed the use of the SNSs in academics in the

USA, in order to observe the apprehensions about their use both from teachers and

students. The research finds that SNSs can be an active method of student outreach in

academic performance.

However, a study directed by Bowers-Campbell (2008) asserted that SNSs were

used as a means for enlightening academic enthusiasm among university students

registered in a progressive reading programme. Precisely, there was an emphasis on


argument that using SNSs may support students to well connect “with college reading

opportunities since it proposes potential for attacking low self-efficacy and poor self-

regulation behaviors pursuing many progressive learning strategies”. In order to identify

student’s achievements in a specific subject, virtual gifts and superlatives are considered

as a kind of reward system that might help to report efficacy of students. Moreover, it

was also suggested that SNSs can also be considered as a way of bounding between

course instructor and student. Through the usage of SNSs students can get familiarize

with the instructor by viewing his profile.

Munkaila and Iddrisu (2015) examined the impact of social media usage on

scholarly execution of understudies in tertiary foundations utilizing Tamale Polytechnic

as a contextual investigation. The examination was gone for researching the sort of

SNSs and gadgets utilized by understudies and the impacts of the utilization of SNSs on

student’s academic performance. An aggregate of 600 understudies were inspected. The

perceptions uncovered that dominant part of understudies utilized cell phones, trailed by

mobile phones and PCs. On the sort of SNSs, greater part utilized Facebook, trailed by

Google and Whatsapp. So as to find out the impact of SNSs on understudies' academic

performance, it expressed that 64.6% of the respondents demonstrated that internet-

based life improved academic performances. It asserted that no relationship exists

between academic performance and utilization of SNSs from the discoveries of the

examination. It at that point proposed that students ought to be urged to give additional

season of their internet- based life associations on issues that identify with their


Amin et al. (2016) examined the effect of SNSs on Student's academic

performance. It analyzed the impact of developing utilization of SNSs on the academic

performance of students of colleges and universities. A sample of 300 students was

taken out. Survey was utilized as an instrument for information accumulation.

Information investigation was performed utilizing unmistakable measurements on the

survey gathered from 97% of the respondents. The results demonstrated that social

media can have positive impact on understudies' academic performance. It attested that

social media, for example, Facebook, Google, Twitter and Skype pulled in the

consideration students and have positive impact on their academic performance.


Procrastination has all the earmarks of being an alarming wonder. Individuals

most unequivocally portray it as being terrible, destructive, and absurd (Briody, 1980)

and over 95% of procrastinators wish to decrease it (O'Brien, 2002). Supporting this

perspective, a few examinations have connected it to individual performance, with the

procrastinator performing all the more ineffectively generally (Beswick, Rothblum, &

Mann, 1988; Steel, Brothen, & Wambach, 2001; Wesley, 1994), and to individual

prosperity, with the procrastinator being progressively hopeless in the long haul (Knaus,

2000; Lay & Schouwenburg, 1993; Tice & Baumeister, 1997). For instance, an

overview by H&R Block demonstrates that delaying on expenses costs individuals all

things considered $400 because of hurrying and ensuing mistakes, bringing about over

$473 million dollars in excessive charges in 2002 (Kasper, 2004). Thus, the therapeutic

zone shows a noteworthy issue in tarrying with respect to patients (e.g., Morris,

Menashe, Anderson, Malinow, & Illingworth, 1990; White, Wearing, & Hill, 1994).

A few investigations clarify that procrastination is collected into two rudimentary

setups; right off the bat, is procrastination as a personality trait, overwhelmingly

dependent on delaying in basic leadership and in day by day schedule life. The second

class is contingent or unsure procrastination, which incorporates academic

procrastination. Procrastination may perhaps have an impact on understudy's character

and their learning. A few specialists have called attention to that procrastination

influences the distractibility, self-viability, authoritative conduct, poise, and lack of

caution of the students (Steel, 2007).

The relationship of procrastination with respect to its second kind was called

attention to in numerous investigates. As per an investigation by Karatas (2015),

procrastination is a blend of various complex segments e.g., intellectual, conduct and

emotional modules which let an individual to defer a proposed game-plan deliberately.

Furthermore, the investigation was led at one of the colleges of Turkey on 475 members.

Thus, the discoveries proposed that there is a connection between academic

procrastination or postponement in exercises, character qualities, and academic

accomplishment in a sample of college understudies.

In another examination (Johnson & Bloom, 1995) endeavor was made to

research the build of procrastination in connection to the point of view of character

attribute. Finding of the investigation delighted that honesty was contrarily identified

with procrastination scores and were likewise altogether or impressively associated with

Neuroticism. In any case, components of receptiveness to experience, Extraversion and

pleasantness were not significantly related with procrastination scores.


Procrastination among university students

Due to procrastination university students tends to postpone their academic tasks

and overlook their responsibilities throughout their academic years. It appears a conjoint

rehearsal that university learners hold over their educational work, they indulge to

postpone in organizing and submitting their projects and demonstrations, completing

assignments, and get ready for the examinations as well which was cleared through

following literature.

Firouzeh and Jalil (2011) argue that being procrastinator is a weak aspect of

one’s personality that is why it lowers the self-confidence. University students perceive

themselves as procrastinators differently. Different researches found different results as

Ellis and Knaus (1977) reported 95%, Solomon and Rothblum (1984) reported 46%,

Potts (1987) reported 75%.

Furthermore, many other researches depicted that most of the students exhibit

procrastination in their regular study schedules as well ( Day, Mensink, & O’ Sullivan ,

2000; Onwuegbuzie, 2000).It is understood amongst university pupils that they practice

to bunk lessons (Rothblum, Solomon, & Murakami, 1986) have little academic

enactment (Fritzsche, Young, & Hickson, 2003) , unpunctuality ( Lay, 1986) and delay

in work (Rothblum et al., 1986).

Related researches in Pakistan

A research on procrastination was conducted by Hussain and Sultan (2010) and

they studied relationship between procrastination and learning. They conclude that

procrastination has a strong impact on learning, completion of assignments,

participations and academic performances. They also mentioned work- load and

inappropriate time management as the causes of procrastination.

A web-based survey was also conducted to study the impact of procrastination

on Pakistani students. This survey was conducted by Aziz and Tariq (2013). They

concluded that there is a negative correlation between procrastination and life

satisfaction while positive relationship between procrastination and stress.

One of the research premeditated the association between self-esteem and

procrastination. Results discovered that there is a negative correlation between the

variables. On the root of these conclusions it was anticipated that any mental or

psychological dealing disposition can be presented to recover the self-regard of learners

(Saleem & Rafique, 2012).

Mohsin and Ayub (2014) in their research reported the correlation between

procrastination job satisfaction, and delay of gratification among the teachers of Karachi.

Conclusively, results revealed that there was negative relationship between job

gratification and procrastination, and a positive link between postponement of tasks and

job satisfaction.

Social Networking Sites and Procrastination

Perpetual utilization of SNSs can prompt diversion, loss of time and

procrastination. Karpinski, Kirschner, Ozer, Mellott, and Ochwo (2013) in their Studies

have demonstrated that performing various tasks with innovation, explicitly utilizing

Social Networking Sites (SNSs), diminishes both proficiency and profitability in an


academic setting. This examination explores performing various tasks' effect on the

connection between SNS use and Grade Point Average (GPA) in United States (US; n =

451) and European (n = 406) college understudies utilizing quantitative and subjective

information investigation. Moderated Multiple Regression examination results

demonstrated that the negative connection between SNS use and GPA was directed by

performing various tasks just in the US test. This might be because of European

understudies being less inclined to "troublesome" performing multiple tasks. The

outcomes give important preventative data about the effect of performing various tasks

and utilizing SNSs in a learning domain on college understudies' GPAs.

One research concentrate found that understudy Facebook clients were

increasingly inclined to diversion and guaranteed that it kept them from continuing

ahead with their work (Kirschner & Karpinski, 2010).

Parenting Styles

The significance of family forms in youngster development has for quite some

time been proposed by analysts. These therapists demonstrate that parenting styles

which incorporates parent-child bounding, parent-youngster joint activities, and parents

"contribution in kids' education is noteworthy in socialization and kids' working. Kohn

(1969) proposes that distinctions in grown-ups "social realities have suggestions for kid

raising practices and their parenting conduct. He thinks about that states of life

principally in the word related circle are conditions which are favorable or prohibitive of

the outflow of self-course in work. Along these lines, diverse work conditions produce

various results among parents (Rodriquez, 2009).


An overabundance of studies exists that analyze parenting styles (e.g., Bluestone

& Tamis-LeMonda, 1999; Darling 1999). Mize and Pettit characterized parenting styles

as "totals and accumulation of practices that portray parent-youngster connections over a

wide scope of circumstances and that are ventured to make an unavoidable interactional

atmosphere" (Hart, Nelson, Robinson, Olsen, & McNeilly-Choque, 1998). Baumrind's

(1978) three parenting styles of authoritarian, permissive and authoritative are regularly

utilized in studies exploring child rearing styles in connection to differing kid result

factors, for example, academic accomplishment, fearlessness, hostility, reprobate

conduct, and substance misuse (Dornbusch, Ritter, Leiderman, Robe, & Fraleigh, 1987;

Hart et al., 1998; Hill 1995; Lamborn, Mounts, Steinberg, & Dornbusch, 1991;

Shumow, Vandell, & Posner, 1998). Albeit most demonstrative of western culture, these

parenting styles have been approved in different nations too, including Australia, China,

and Russia (Hart, et al., 1998; Leung & Kwan, 1998). Specialists normally have

distinguished these three parenting styles dependent on the dimensions of control and

warmth shown by parents on ordinary premise and an assortment of circumstances.

Moreover, every one of these parenting styles has been related with youngster's results.

Past research has incorporated a fourth parenting style called neglectful, which is

described by low warmth and low control (Dekovic & Gerris, 1992; Glasgow,

Dornbusch, Troyer, Steinberg & Ritter, 1997; Lamborn et al., 1991; Leung & Kwan,

1998). Maccoby and Martin (1983) called this parenting style Indifferent-Uninvolved.

They portrayed these parents as sincerely segregated. Impassive Uninvolved, or careless,

parents will in general avoid their youngsters as much as possible, reacting to kid

requests just to make them reach an end. Little is thought about this parenting style, and

research on this populace of parents is missing on the grounds that they are ordinarily

not extremely responsive or uninvolved in their youngsters' lives and, hence, don't

volunteer to be considered.

Lamborn et al. (1991) had the option to consider the immature offspring of

careless parents by getting consent from the school to incorporate all kids except if the

parents reached the analysts to demand their kids be avoided from the examination.

After-effects of this examination showed that off-spring of careless parents scored least

on the proportions of psychosocial ability and most elevated on proportions of mental

and social dysfunctions, something contrary to the off-spring of definitive parents. Since

these parents, and subsequently their youngsters, are hard to consider, the present

investigation will look at just three recently referenced parenting styles. While examines

before 1990 set up the positive advantages of definitive parenting style and negative

advantages of authoritarian and permissive parenting (Demo & Cox, 2000), inquire

about amid 1990s concentrated on the speculation of Baumrind's parenting styles to

minority families in the United States (Abell, Clawson, Bost, & Vaughn, 1996; Bloir,

1997; Chao, 1995). Abell et al. (1996) and Bloir (1997) found that Buamrind's

conventional parenting styles did not satisfactorily depict the range and impacts of

parenting practices in African American families. The customary parenting style

philosophies were not sufficient to depict East Asian families also (Chao, 1995).

Talib, Abdullah, and Mansor (2011) contend that the family of a child is a socio-

cultural financial course of action that affects the conduct of the kids, yet in addition on

the improvement of their characters. Hence, obliviousness in their parenting can lead

them towards undesirable harming impacts that at last make social issues in kids.

An examination done by Weiss and Schwartz (1996), in light of the four

typologies, reliably yielded outcomes demonstrating that parenting styles can upgrade or

lessen adequate social results in kids.

In past investigations, authoritative parenting has been related with positive

conduct results including expanded capability, self-governance, and self - regard just as

better critical thinking aptitudes, better scholastic execution, progressively

independence, less abnormality, and better friend relations (Baumrind, 1991; Bystritsky,

2000; Gunnoe, Hetherington & Reiss, 1999; Steinberg, Darling, & Fletcher, 1995).

Interestingly, the authoritarian style has been connecting with negative social results

including forceful conduct, diminished enthusiastic working, sadness and lower

dimensions of fearlessness (Beyers & Goossens, 2003; Pychyl, Coplan, & Reid, 2002).

In an investigation of Korean American parenting, specialists found that over

75% of the sample populace didn't fit into any of the standard categories (Kim & Rohner


Chao (1994) contends that the authoritarian parenting style as characterized by

Western therapists doesn't have a precise partner in customary Chinese kid raising.

An investigation of Spanish young people found that children from permissive

homes were too carried on and balanced as were kids from authoritative homes.

Furthermore, a global investigation revealed that permissive parenting results were in

the same class as authoritative results and once in a while they were stunningly better

(Calafat, Garcia, Juan, Becoña, & Fernández, 2014).


In an ongoing, universal meta-investigation of 428 distributed examinations,

specialists found that authoritative parenting is related with in any event one positive

result in each locale of the world. On the other hand, authoritarian parenting is related

with at any rate one negative youngster result. (Pinquart & Kauser, 2018).

Pong, Hao, and Gardner (2005) found that the relationship among authoritarian

and permissive parenting styles and grade point average is lower contrasted with

authoritative parenting style. As per Darling (1999), authoritative parenting style is one

of the reliable indicators for intellectual competency among young people.

Tiller, Garrison, Block, Cramer, and Tiller (2003) uncovered that authoritarian

and permissive parenting styles partner adversely with subjective accomplishment of a


Parenting Styles and Academic Performance

Kefayat (1994) directed an investigation titled "Examination of the relationship

of parenting styles and attitude with creativity and its relationship with intelligence,

educational achievement and progressivist behavior of students of the first grade of high

school in Ahvaz" and presumed that there was a negative connection between the

different parenting styles and creativity.

Zahedani, Rezaee, Yazdani, Bagherl, and Nabelel (2016) discover that There is a

critical connection between authoritarian parenting style and educational achievement,


additionally their exploration demonstrated a huge connection between firm child

rearing style and Career Path of the understudies, authoritarian parenting style and

Career Path of the understudies, instructive achievement and Career Path of the

understudies. This is a correlational study completed at Shiraz University of Medical

Sciences. Among 1600 understudies, 310 understudies were chosen arbitrarily as the

sample. Baumrind's Parenting Style and Moqimi's Career Path surveys were utilized and

the got scores were correlated with the understudies' transcripts. To ponder the

connection between variable Pearson correlation coefficient was utilized. There was a

noteworthy connection between authoritarian parenting style and educational

achievement (p=0.03). Additionally, discoveries demonstrated a critical connection

between firm child rearing style and Career Path of the understudies, authoritarian child

rearing style and Career Path of the understudies, educational achievement and Career

Path of the understudies (p=0.001).

Ishak, Low, and Lau (2012) found that parenting styles are the most noteworthy

indicator for academic accomplishment of understudies. Understudies whose parents

show high contribution, are empowering and give high independence created high

scholarly execution kids. The motivation behind this examination is to test the auxiliary

condition model of academic accomplishment among the understudies utilizing

parenting styles as a mediator. The example contained 493 understudies from eight

schools. Parenting styles are resolved utilizing the Parental Authority Questionnaire

(Buri,1991). Academic accomplishment is estimated dependent on the understudies'

exhibition in the Lower Secondary Assessment. Information were broken down utilizing

auxiliary condition displaying. Results showed that model of authoritative and model of

authoritarian fit the information of this investigation well. Both authoritative and

authoritarian parenting styles are the most well-known routine with regards to the

parents. Parenting styles have been observed to be a mediator of this examination. The

outcomes showed that parenting styles mediate the impact of academic self-idea on

academic accomplishment. The effect of academic self-idea on academic

accomplishment is observed to be more noteworthy for the authoritative than the

authoritarian parenting style.

Ruzina (2005) have demonstrated that authoritative child rearing styles identified

with academic achievement decidedly however no relationship was found among

authoritarian and permissive with academic achievement.

The discoveries of Aunola, Stattin, and Nurmi (2000) show that young people

with authoritative parents will in general apply increasingly versatile accomplishment

methodologies, for example, self-upgrading attributions. The authoritative child rearing

style may empower young people's control conviction, which may then upgrade a pre-

adult's inspiration to prevail in school.

Juang and Silbereisen (2002) revealed that there is a noteworthy, positive

connection between an immature's scholarly capacity convictions with variables of

authoritative parenting, for example, parental warmth, parental intrigue inclusion in

tutoring and dialog of academic scholarly issues with parents. This brought about better

accomplishment in school as there is a noteworthy relationship between the pre-adult's

academic capacity convictions and school grades.

Parenting styles and Procrastination


Pychyl, Coplan, and Reid (2002) led an examination on Parenting and

procrastination: sexual orientation contrasts in the relations between dawdling, child

rearing style and self-esteem in early pre-adulthood. The objective of this investigation

was to investigate the primary impacts and connections between sex, maternal and

fatherly parenting style, and worldwide self-esteem in the expectation of procrastination

in immaturity. An example of 105 teenagers (60 females) between the ages of 13 and 15

years finished proportions of parenting style, self-idea and trait procrastination.

Consequences of various leveled numerous relapse investigations foreseeing stalling

uncovered critical communications between parenting styles, self-esteem and adolescent

gender. For females just, the impacts of maternal authoritative and authoritarian

parenting on procrastination were interceded through the self-framework, while fatherly

parenting had an immediate connection with procrastination. These gender orientation

impacts in the job of the self-framework are examined in connection to procrastination

and parenting.

Ferrari and Olivette (1994) directed an examination on Eighty-four young ladies

(M age = 19.1 years) and their parents (mothers (Mage = 44.5 years; fathers M age =

47.2 years) to finish dependable and legitimate measures on parental authority, useless

stalling (decisional and avoidant structures), and outrage. Results demonstrated that

permissive style by mothers or fathers was not essentially identified with dawdling

scores in their little girls. Authoritarian fathers, be that as it may, were fundamentally

liable to bring up girls with decisional (r = .32) and avoidant (r = .31) dawdling

inclinations. Authoritative fathers, conversely, were fundamentally liable to bring up

little girls who were non- slackers (decisional r = − .22; avoidant r = − .28). Mother′s

parental specialist style was not fundamentally identified with tarrying scores detailed

by their little girls, yet mothers who are avoidant slackers are bound to bring up little

girls who are avoidant slowpokes (r = .26) too. Further, little girls sorted as useless

slowpokes (n = 28) revealed more prominent outrage in concealment saw their fathers as

progressively authoritarian and less authoritative and had mothers who professed to be

increasingly ambivalent contrasted with non-procrastinator girls (n = 33). No doubt

fathers′ parental expert style affected girls who create broken stalling inclinations. These

female slowpokes communicated outrage feelings and had a mother who revealed

incessant procrastination and would in general be an avoidant slacker.

Zakeri, Esfahani, and Razmjoee (2013) completed an exploration on Parenting

styles and academic procrastination. Their investigation analyzed the connection

between the parenting styles and academic procrastination. Three-hundred-ninety-five

Shiraz University understudies (261 young ladies and 134 young men) were members of

the investigation. Steinberg's Parenting Styles Scale (2005) and Solomon and

Rothblum's Academic Procrastination Scale (1984) were utilized as proportions of the

investigation. Simultaneous multiple regression of scholarly tarrying all out score on the

child rearing styles subscales, uncovered that the "acknowledgment association" and

"mental self-sufficiency allowing" styles were huge and negative indicator of the

academic stalling, while the "social severity supervision" style had a critical foresee

control for the academic procrastination.

Mahasneh, Bataineh, and Al-Zoubi (2016) means to distinguish the dimension of

scholastic delaying among a gathering of understudies and its connection with child

rearing styles. An example of 685 male and female college understudies was looked

over various resources at the Hashemite University. Two polls; scholastic dawdling and

child rearing styles, were administrated to individuals from the example amid the

scholarly year 2013/2014. Results demonstrated that couple of understudies (7%)

demonstrated an abnormal state of scholastic tarrying, over portion of the understudies

(67%) demonstrated a medium dimension and roughly a fourth of understudies (26%)

demonstrated a low dimension of scholarly hesitation, there was no noteworthy contrasts

among male and female in scholarly stalling scores. Last outcomes showed a noteworthy

positive connection between's scholarly tarrying and child rearing styles.

Mortazanajad and Vahedi, (2009) took an example of 249 teenagers (174

females and 75 male) matured 19 - 21 years to finish proportions of Parent as Social

Context Questionnaire-Adolescent Report, Self-Regulation Questionnaire (SRQ),

Adolescent Self-Regulatory Inventory (ASRI) and Procrastination Tendency scale.

Connection coefficient arraigned that rather than brutal or unsupportive child rearing

(dismissal, confusion, and compulsion), authoritative parenting (warmth, structure, and

self-governance support) was conversely related with stalling. The aftereffects of various

leveled numerous relapse examinations demonstrated a reasonable negative connection

between an understudies' momentary self-guideline, measurements of child rearing

styles (structure and warmth) and tarrying reliable with the writing.

Loa (2012) directed an exploration on Academic tarrying and child rearing styles

in brain research understudies. The point of this examination is to test the connection

between's scholastic tarrying and child rearing styles (Authoritarian, Authoritative, and

permissive). Subjects were all brain research understudies taking their last research

paper on the 2011/2012 first semester, along these lines the subjects (N=157) were from

the 2004-2008 term understudies. Information gathering was acquired from reviews,

comprising of the Pure Procrastination Scale (PPS), EVID 2, and Parental Authority

Questionnaire (PAQ). The non-parametric information was broken down with the

Spearman correlation technique through the SPSS 16.0 program for Windows. Results

demonstrate no connection between scholastic stalling and between authoritarian

parenting style, and furthermore no relationship between scholarly tarrying and the

permissive child rearing style. The main positive connection exists between scholastic

procrastination and the authoritative parenting style. Another finding of this

investigation was the negative relationship between parenting styles and requirement for


Rationale of the Study

After going through literature review (Suhail & Bargees, 2006), It is obvious that

the Social Networking Sites causes many psychological, physical, interpersonal, and

educational discomforts to users when used excessively. Permanent use of social

networks can lead to distraction, loss of time and procrastination (Ozer et al., 2009). The

current study is conducted to check out the impacts of using social networking sites on

procrastination and academic performance of university students. More-over it will be

evaluated that how different parenting styles act as moderator in student’s

procrastination and academic performance.


Following objectives have been made for the study

1. To examine the impact of using Social Networking Sites on Procrastination of

university students.

2. To evaluate the effect of using Social Networking Sites on Academic

Performance of university students.

3. To check out the moderating role of different Parenting Styles between using

Social Networking Sites and Procrastination.

4. To investigate the moderating role of parenting styles in using Social

Networking Sites and Academic Performance.


On the basis of literature review, the following hypotheses have created for this


1. There is a significant positive relationship between usage of social networking

sites and Procrastination.

2. There is a significant negative relationship between usage of social networking

sites and Academic performance.

3. Parenting styles (authoritarian, authoritative, permissive) moderates the

relationship between usage of Social Networking Sites and procrastination.

4. Parenting styles (authoritative, authoritarian, permissive) have a moderating

effect between usage of Social Networking Sites and academic performance.


Chapter 2



Participants of this study were students of four main universities of Punjab

Province. The universities were:

1. The Islamia University of Bahawalpur

2. Bahaudin Zikriya University (Multan)

3. University of Agriculture Faisalabad

4. Punjab University (Lahore)

Total 380 participants (190 males and 190 females) participated in the study. Their

age range, gender, socioeconomic status, program, GPA etc were collected through

demographic sheet. Only willing participants were asked to fill in the required

questionnaires which were comprised of:

1. Demographic sheet

2. Social Networking Time Use Scale (SONTUS) (Yunusa Olufadi, 2016)

3. Tuckman Procrastination Scale (Tuckman, 1991)

4. Parental Authority Questionnaire (John R. Buri, 1991)

Inclusion criteria.

Eligibility criteria were enrolled and on campus students of an academic session

in any of the Discipline and programs in these four universities.

Exclusion criteria.

Individuals having any kind of physical / psychological illness and enrolled but

not on campus students were excluded from the study.

Sample size, Power and precision

Total sample size was comprised of (N=380 both male & female) participants

according to A-priori sample size calculations (Soper,2018). Power and precision would

be .9% and confidence interval would remain constant at .95%.

Research Design

The study was quantitative, with cross sectional survey research design.

Sampling Technique

Non -random convenient sampling was used to collect the data for this study.

Measures and Covariates

Operational definitions. Operational definitions are:

Social Networking Sites. The SNSs has occupied a central role in the way

people communicate and connect with each other; and have been used by people for

several reasons (e.g., communication, entertainment, learning, social, emotional etc.)

(Yunusa, 2016).

Procrastination. Lost in thoughts, delayed activities or even put them off and

worriers postpone external reality testing. The tendency to put off or completely avoid

an activity under one’s control is called procrastination (Tuckman, 1991).

Parenting styles. Parenting style means the perception of the child about his or

her parent’s behavior, attitude and character. It has compelling effect on the child’s

development as well as behavior related issues (Lamborn et al., 1991). In this study

parenting style is sum of responses given by respondents on three scales of parental

authority questionnaire by Buri.

Academic Performance. Academic performance has taken as “cumulative

Grade Point Average / Semester Grade Point Average obtained in the latest examination

of students”.

Instruments. To assess the relationship of using Social Networking Sites with

Procrastination and Academic Performance with Parenting Styles as moderator,

following instruments have been used:

1. Informed Consent.

2. Demographic Variable Sheet.

3. Social Networking Time Use Scale (SONTUS) (Yunusa Olufadi, 2016)

4. Tuckman Procrastination Scale (Tuckman, 1991)

5. Parental Authority Questionnaire (John R. Buri, 1991)

Informed consent. Informed consent was developed to take information from

the participants. It will be assured to them that their information will be kept

confidential. After completion feedback will be provided.

Demographic. Participant’s age, gender, marital status, socioeconomic status,

CGPA/SGPA, residence etc was included in demographic sheet.

Social Networking Time Use Scale. Use of Social Networking Sites was assessed

using the Social Networking Time Use Scale. This scale includes 29 items that are

divided into five sub scales:

1. Relaxation and free periods (9 items).

2. Academic related period (6 items).

3. Public place related use (5 items).

4. Stress related period (5 items).

5. Motives for use (4 items).

The internal consistency reliability of this scale along with five sub scales was

measured using Cronbach’s Alpha (Cronbach,1951). It was fond out from analysis

that Cronbach alpha coefficient for whole scale is .92 while its 5 subscales have

alpha values ranging between .83 to .91.


Every item had 11 categories of responses format, with 1 indicates “Not applicable

to me during the past week.” And 11 indicates “I use it more than 3 times during the

past week but spent more than 30 min each time.” The components scores are

calculated to produce a global score that will range between 5 to 23. An individual

with global scores ranging between 5 to 9 is considered as low user of SNSs, An

individual with global scores ranging between 10 to 14 is regarded as average user,

An individual with scores ranging between 15 to 19 is concerned as high user while

individuals with global scores ranging above than 19 will be considered as extremely

high users of Social Networking Sites.

Tuckman Procrastination Scale.

Procrastination was assessed using the Tuckman Procrastination Scale.

This scale formerly includes 35 items with Cronbach alpha reliability coefficient

of .90 (Tuckman, 1990). For the purpose of this study, a well-established

summarized version of only 16 items was used. These items were from the

35item scale that had high reliability of .86.

Every item had a particular 4-point Likert category of response format, with 1

indicates “it’s me for sure!” and 4 indicates “it’s not me for sure!”. This scale

covered three areas of procrastination: a broad-spectrum explanation of

procrastination, a tendency to avoid stressful or complex responsibilities and a

tendency to charge other person for the circumstances. The total score of these

16 items are calculated which ranges from 16 to 64. Greater scores point out high

procrastination, whereas low scores indicate less procrastination. The scale

displayed high internal consistency reliability of the sample with alpha level .84.

Parental Authority Questionnaire (PAQ).

Parenting styles was assessed by using the Parental Authority

Questionnaire. This scale includes 30 items and two forms of this questionnaire

was constructed: One to check the Parental Authority provided by the father and

second to check the Parental Authority provided by mother. Every item had a 5-

point Likert category of responses format, with 1 indicates “strongly disagree”

and 5 indicates “strongly agree”.

PAQ has 6 subscales .3 for father and 3 for mother and there are 10 items

respectively in each subscale. These subscales are distributed in authoritative

parenting by father/mother, authoritarian parenting style by father/mother and

permissive parenting style by father/mother. The following (Cronbach,1951)

alpha reliability coefficient values have been obtained for 6 subscales of

PAQ. .82 for mother’s authoritativeness, .85 for mother’s authoritarianism, .75

for mother’s permissiveness, .85 for father’s authoritativeness, .87 for father’s

authoritarianism and .74 for father’s permissiveness.

Scores on each of these variable ranging from 10 to 50. The higher the score,

The greater the level of appraisal rate of PAQ.

Statistical Analysis. In order to analyze the data in statistical terminology

descriptive statistics was used for determining frequency distribution of the

demographic characteristics. Reliability analysis was used to determine the

psychometric properties of study variables. Relationship between variables is


checkout through T-test values. Moreover, Path coefficient was determined

through smart-PLS 3 and moderation was analysed by PLS-SEM.

Ethical Consideration.

This study has been protected from all of the possible harms to the

person and society, who were candidates of this study. It was assured to them

that their information would be kept confidential and the consent information

was filled by them for research purpose. They were debriefed about the

instrument use and research objectives.

Chapter 4


Table 1
Frequency Distribution of Demographic Variables (N=380)

Respondent’s Characteristics f (%)

Male 190 (50)

Gender Female 190 (50)
Urban 220 (57.8)
Locality Rural 160 (42.2)

Lower Class 108 (28.4)

Socioeconomic Status Middle Class 146 (38.4)
Upper Class 126 (33.2)

1.0-2.0/below 50% 80 (21.0)

2.0-3.0/51-70 % 95 (25.0)
CGPA/Percentage 3.0-3.5/70-85 % 105 (27.6)
3.5-4.0/85-100% 100 (26.3)

The above table shows the frequency distribution of demographic variables such as
gender, locality, socioeconomic status and CGPA/percentage in class.

Table 2

Reliability Analysis (Cronbach’s alpha) and Descriptive Statistics of all Scales (N=380)

Variables Range

M SD α Potential Actual Skew

Social Networking Sites 14.98 4.30 .91 5-23 12-19 -.42

Procrastination 41.96 14.04 .75 16-64 26-54 -.10
Permissive Parenting 33.26 11.48 .82 10-50 16-50 .27
Authoritarian Parenting 31.68 10.42 .67 10-50 10-47 -.75
Authoritative Parenting 34.35 13.78 .92 10-50 11-50 -.03
This result shows that all scales of present study revealed the acceptable ranges of

Cronbach’s alpha (between .67 to .92) for internal consistency, whereas the value of

skewness for all scales was showed in acceptable ranges. The results of descriptive

statistics found that respondents perceived more authoritative parenting style as

compared to permissive and authoritarian parenting.


Table 3
Path Coefficients and Moderating effect of Authoritative Parenting Style on Social
Networking Site and Procrastination (N=380)
Relationship Path t-value p value R2 Ad. R2 f2 Q2

Social Networking Sites

Time>Procrastination 0.576 11.034*** 0.000 - - 0.366 -

Parenting>Procrastination 0.176 1.560 0.119 - - 0.034 -

Social Networking
Sites*Authoritative parenting
> Procrastination -0.211 1.657 0.098 - - 0.137 -

Procrastination 0.275
- - - 0.611 0.609 -
***Significant at 1 %
The above table shows the significance of path coefficients for relationship between
social networking sites, procrastination authoritative parenting. The table also shows
authoritative parenting as insignificant moderator for social networking sites and

Figure 4.1
Structural model for path coefficients for Social Networks Sites and Procrastination
showing Moderating effect of Authoritative Parenting Style

Figure 4.2 Significance (t-value) in structural model of social networking sites and
procrastination showing moderating effect of authoritative parenting style through

Figure 4.3
Value for Q2 by blind folding in structural model of procrastination showing
significant moderating effect of authoritative parenting style.

Table 4
Path Coefficients and Moderating effect of Authoritarian Parenting Style on Social
Networking Site and Procrastination (N=380)
Relationship Path t-value p value R2 Ad. R2 f2 Q2

Social Networking
Sites>Procrastination 0.733 14.905*** 0.000 - - 0.608 -

Parenting>Procrastination 0.056 2.685*** 0.008 - - 0.014 -

Social Networking
Sites*Authoritarian parenting
> Procrastination -0.189 7.147*** 0.098 - - 0.131 -

Procrastination 0.274
- - - 0.599 0.596 -
***Significant at 1 %
The above table shows the significance of path coefficients for relationship between
social networking sites, procrastination and authoritarian parenting. The table also shows
authoritative parenting as significant moderator for social networking sites and

Figure 4.4
Structural model for path coefficients for Social Networks Sites and Procrastination
showing Moderating effect of Authoritarian Parenting Style

Figure 4.5
Significance (t-value) in structural model of social networking sites and
procrastination showing moderating effect of authoritarian parenting style through

Figure 4.6
Value for Q2 by blind folding in structural model of procrastination showing
significant moderating effect of authoritarian parenting style.

Table 5
Path Coefficients and Moderating effect of Permissive Parenting Style on Social
Networking Site and Procrastination (N=380)
Relationship Path t-value p value R2 Ad. R2 f2 Q2

Social Networking
Sites>Procrastination 0.614 9.068*** 0.000 - - 0.375 -

Parenting>Procrastination 0.087 2.764*** 0.006 - - 0.07 -

Social Networking Sites*

Permissive parenting >
Procrastination -0.201 8.688*** 0.000 - - 0.150 -

Procrastination 0.277
- - - 0.611 0.608 -
***Significant at 1 %
The above table shows the significance of path coefficients for relationship between
social networking sites, procrastination and permissive parenting. The table also shows
permissive parenting as significant moderator for social networking sites and

Figure 4.7
Structural model for path coefficients for Social Networks Sites and Procrastination
showing Moderating effect of Permissive Parenting Style

Figure 4.8
Significance (t-value) in structural model of social networking sites and
procrastination showing moderating effect of Permissive parenting style through

Figure 4.9
Value for Q2 by blind folding in structural model of procrastination showing
significant moderating effect of Permissive parenting style.

Table 6
Path Coefficients and Moderating effect of Authoritative Parenting Style on Social
Networking Site and Academic Performance (N=380)
Relationship Path t-value p value R2 Ad. R2 f2 Q2

Social Networking Sites>

Academic Performance -0.383 9.782*** 0.000 - - 0.255 -

Authoritative Parenting>
Academic Performance 0.519 15.301*** 0.000 - - 0.463 -

Social Networking Sites

*Authoritative parenting >
Academic Performance -0.080 4.015*** 0.000 - - 0.026 -

Academic Performance 0.189

- - - 0.665 0.66 -
***Significant at 1 %
The above table shows the significance of path coefficients for relationship between
social networking sites, academic Performance and authoritative parenting. The table
also shows authoritative parenting as significant moderator for social networking sites
and academic Performance.

Figure 4.10
Structural model for path coefficients for Social Networks Sites and Academic
Performance showing Moderating effect of Authoritative Parenting Style

Figure 4.11
Significance (t-value) in structural model of social networking sites and Academic
Performance showing moderating effect of authoritative parenting style through

Figure 4.12
Value for Q2 by blind folding in structural model of academic Performance showing
significant moderating effect of authoritative parenting style.

Table 7
Path Coefficients and Moderating effect of Authoritarian Parenting Style on Social
Networking Site and Academic Performance (N=380)
Relationship Path t-value p value R2 Ad. R2 f2 Q2

Social Networking Sites>

Academic Performance -0.343 9.440*** 0.000 - - 0.282 -

Authoritarian Parenting>
Academic Performance 0.626 17.093*** 0.000 - - 0.872 -

Social Networking
Sites*Authoritarian parenting
> Academic Performance -0.080 3.185*** 0.002 - - 0.024 -

Academic Performance 0.210

- - - 0.739 0.737 -
***Significant at 1 %
The above table shows the significance of path coefficients for relationship between
social networking sites, academic Performance and authoritarian parenting. The table
also shows authoritarian parenting as significant moderator for social networking sites
and academic Performance.

Figure 4.13 Structural model for path coefficients for Social Networks Sites and
Academic Performance showing Moderating effect of Authoritarian Parenting Style

Figure 4.14
Significance (t-value) in structural model of social networking sites and Academic
Performance showing moderating effect of authoritarian parenting style through

Figure 4.15
Value for Q2 by blind folding in structural model of academic Performance showing
significant moderating effect of authoritarian parenting style.

Table 8
Path Coefficients and Moderating effect of Permissive Parenting Style on Social
Networking Site and Academic Performance (N=380)
Relationship Path t-value p value R2 Ad. R2 f2 Q2

Social Networking Sites>

Academic Performance -0.221 5.617*** 0.000 - - 0.104 -

Permissive Parenting>
Academic Performance 0.721 21.031*** 0.008 - - 1.063 -

Social Networking Sites*

Permissive parenting >
Academic Performance -0.107 4.145*** 0.098 - - 0.047 -

Academic Performance 0.216

- - - 0.761 0.759 -
***Significant at 1 %
The above table shows the significance of path coefficients for relationship between
social networking sites, academic Performance and permissive parenting. The table also
shows permissive parenting as significant moderator for social networking sites and
academic Performance.

Figure 4.16
Structural model for path coefficients for Social Networks Sites and Academic
Performance showing Moderating effect of Permissive Parenting Style

Figure 4.17
Significance (t-value) in structural model of social networking sites and Academic
Performance showing moderating effect of Permissive parenting style through

Figure 4. 18
Value for Q2 by blind folding in structural model of academic Performance showing
significant moderating effect of Permissive parenting style.


The purpose of current study was to check the impact of social networking sites

time use on the procrastination and academic Performance of university students. The

parenting styles were considered as the moderators among the social networking sites

use, procrastination and academic Performance. The study population are university

students and internet use is most common in today’s student body which usually leads

towards the procrastination and declined academic Performance. After the analysis of

collected data, the results are discussed below with respect to the hypotheses.

The first hypothesis was that there is positive correlation between social

networking sites use time and procrastination among university students. According to

the table 4.3, which showed that relationship between social networking sites use and

procrastination having coefficient value= 0.567. This shows positive relationship and

value of R2 =0.611 shows significant impact of social networking sites use on

procrastination. The findings of this study are supported by the previous literature, for

instance continuous utilization of SNSs can prompt diversion, loss of time and

procrastination. Karpinski et al. (2013) in their study have demonstrated that performing

various tasks with innovation, explicitly utilizing Social Networking Sites (SNSs),

diminishes both proficiency and profitability and may leads towards procrastination.

Moreover, another research also showed that SNS using clients were increasingly

inclined to diversion and guaranteed that it kept them from continuing ahead with their

work and leading to the procrastination (Kirschner & Karpinski, 2010). The above cited

literature supports the findings of this research so the hypothesis one is accepted.

The second hypothesis of this study was that there is negative relationship

between social networking sites uses and academic Performance of university students.

The findings of this study in table 4.6 showed the value of path coefficients for social

networking sites and academic Performance as -0.383, which shows the negative

relationship between both study variables. Whereas the value of R2= 0.665 showed a

significant impact of social networking sites on academic Performance among university

students. The findings of this study are also supported by the previous literature, for

example as studied by Mehmood and Taswir (2013) The utilization of these social

networking hubs and their effect on learning and social conduct of understudies were

organized. The outcomes showed that utilizations and increases of informal

communities featured in the examination fundamentally impact the scholarly

performance of understudies. It at that point proposed that the utilization of SNSs for

instructive and monitory ought to be applied to human study hall up close and personal

guidance in virtual study hall (Mehmood & Taswir, 2013). Moreover, Ekechukwu

(2017) offered an assessment on the upshots of SNSs on academic performance. The

explores the negative as well as positive impact of SNSs on academic performance of

pupils. It was proclaimed that the social media are occasionally used for academic

purposes and most of the time it was used for non-academic purposes that badly effect

student’s academic performance. Boogart and Robert (2006) stated that use of SNSs and

Facebook have unfavorable influence on academic performance of student users.

Afterward, Grabmeier (2009) detected that students having lower grade point averages

were frequently those who log in any SNS. So, the second hypothesis is also accepted in

light of findings of this study and above cited literature.

The third hypothesis of this study was that there is significant moderating role of

parenting styles (authoritative, authoritarian and permissive) among social networking

sites use and procrastination of university students. So, the results in table 4.3 showed

that for authoritative parenting is insignificant moderator between the social networking

sites use and procrastination among university students. Whereas in table 4.5 and 4.6 for

authoritarian parenting and permissive parenting demonstrates to be a significant

moderator for social networking sites use and procrastination. The findings of the above

study are also supported by the previous literature, which have shown that, according to

Pychyl et al. (2002) led an examination on parenting and procrastination and concluded

that the sexual orientation contrasts in the relations between permissive parenting style.

Due to permissive and authoritarian parenting, the child is involved in the

procrastination and excessive use of social networking sites. Zakeri, Esfahani, and

Razmjoee (2013) completed an exploration on parenting styles and academic

procrastination. Their investigation analyzed the connection between the parenting styles

and academic procrastination. In another study, it was concluded that authoritative

parenting style is not significant moderator for parenting style and procrastination

whereas rest of two parenting styles significantly moderates the relationship between the

SNS use and procrastination. A research on procrastination was conducted by Hussain

and Sultan (2010) and they studied relationship between procrastination and learning.

They conclude that procrastination has a strong impact on learning, completion of

assignments, participations and academic performances. They also mentioned work load

and inappropriate time management as the causes of procrastination. A web-based

survey was also conducted to study the impact of procrastination on Pakistani students.

This survey was conducted by Aziz and Tariq (2013). They concluded that there is a

negative correlation between procrastination and life satisfaction while positive

relationship between procrastination and stress. Hence the above cited literature and the

results of this study shows the same findings so the third hypothesis of this study is also


According to the fourth hypothesis of this study, parenting styles (authoritative,

authoritarian and permissive) would significantly moderate the relationship between

social networking sites use and academic Performance. As the results shown in table 4.7,

4.8 and 4.9, the t values for authoritative, authoritarian and permissive parenting have

shown significance as a moderator between social networking sites use and academic

Performance. The results of this study are also supported by the previous literature

which have shown the relationship among authoritarian and permissive parenting styles

and grade point average is lower contrasted with authoritative parenting style (Pong et

al., 2005). As per Darling (1999), authoritative parenting style is one of the reliable

indicators for intellectual competency among young people.

Tiller et al. (2003) uncovered that authoritarian and permissive parenting styles

partner adversely with subjective accomplishment of a youngster and their academic

Performance as well. Ishak et al. (2012) found that parenting styles are the most

noteworthy indicator for academic accomplishment of understudies. Whereas in another

study, Ruzina (2005) have demonstrated that authoritative child rearing styles identified

with academic Performance decidedly however no relationship was found among


authoritarian and permissive with academic Performance. As the studies discussed above

shows the support for the findings of this study. So H4 is also accepted.


This study concluded that there is positive relationship between usage of social

networking sites and procrastination whereas social networking sites significantly

impact upon the procrastination. Moreover, parenting styles (authoritarian and

permissive) were significant moderator for social networking sites use and

procrastination. Authoritative parenting style was found to be insignificant moderator

for social networking sites use and procrastination. The study also concluded that, there

is negative relationship between social networking sites and academic Performance

among university student and social networking sites use significantly impact on the

academic Performance of university students. Additionally, parenting styles

(authoritarian, authoritative and permissive) were significant moderator for social

networking sites use and academic Performance.

Limitations and Suggestions

This study contained of population based upon only four universities of Punjab

only so the results are not generalized on whole Pakistan. Additionally, the sample of

current study was only from universities students, so it is suggested that in upcoming

studies should be conducted on college population or do the comparison between college

and university populations. There is need to analyze the gender differences and other

demographic differences in terms of social networking sites use, procrastination,

academic Performance and parenting styles.


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