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Fastball, no other name remembered

Dexterity: 4 Strength: 3 Body: 4

Intelligence: 4 Willpower: 3 Mind: 4
Influence: 4Aura: 3 Spirit: 4

Initiative: 12 Wealth: 0 Hero Points: 20

Charisma (Legwork): 04 Vehicles (Land, Air): 03
Weaponry (Firearms): 04 Weaponry (Thrown balls): 07

Expertise (Baseball lore) Familiarity (Mob lore)
Connections: Cadre (High)

Minor Irrational Attraction to Winning
Social Status: Earth Man Dingo Slave Fighter



(Area of effect 0 APs): 10, Range:
02, Shade: 01, Limitation: EV
requires a Projectile Of Opportunity
to be charged with explosive
energy. It is usually used on
baseballs — EV might not work as
well with larger or smaller items, or
items not used as projectiles,
Limitation: Range is added to the
throwing Range (using normal
math), but only for things that can
be thrown with one hand.]
Skyplate [BODY 05, Flight: 06, R#02] - basically a flying skateboard. 
Shatterfist, no other name remembered

Dexterity: 7 Strength: 6 Body: 6

Intelligence: 5 Willpower: 4 Mind: 5
Influence: 5Aura: 4 Spirit: 5

Initiative: 19 Wealth: 0
Hero Points: 25

Mental blast: 10 Shockwave: 08 Vibe: 10

Bonuses and Limitations:

 Vibe is Combined with Shockwave and has an Explosive Radius
 Vibe only attacks unmoving items anchored to the ground, such as
 Mental Blast has No Range (-1) and No AV (-0 or -1 depending on
house rules), and is used to sub for hand-to-hand EV.

Martial Artist: 8 Thief (Stealth): 6

Connections: Cadre (High)
Familiarity (Cult of Kàli) Iron Nerves  
Language (probably Japanese and one Indian language)

Serious Rage
Social Status: Earth Man Dingo Slave Fighter
Crowbar, no other name

Dexterity: 5 Strength: 6 Body: 6

Intelligence: 4 Willpower: 3 Mind: 4
Influence: 4Aura: 3 Spirit: 4

Initiative: 13 Hero Points: 20 Wealth:


Attraction/Repulsion: 05 Mental blast: 09 Shockwave: 06

Bonuses and Limitations:

 Attraction/Repulsion only to Attract, and only on a metallic object he
has previously charged with energy (-4). This is normally used to
have his crowbar fly back to his hand.
 Mental Blast has No Range (-1), no AV (-1 or 0 depending on house
rules) and requires a metallic bar of opportunity with a BODY of at
least 06 (-2)
 Shockwave requires a metallic bar of opportunity with a BODY of at
least 06 (-2)

Charisma (Persuasion): 05 Thief (Stealth): 03
Weaponry (Street weaponry): 03
Weaponry (Crowbar — wielded or thrown): 07

Connections: Cadre (High)

Crowbar [BODY 06, EV 03 (07 w/STR, 09 w/Mental Blast), /STR/ 08,
Limitation: /STR/ only to pry stuff open, as with any crowbar ; /STR/ cannot
enhance the wielder’s STR by more than two
APs, R#03]

Minor Irrational Attraction to Winning
Social Status: Earth Man Dingo Slave Fighter

Shrike, no other name remembered

Dexterity: 3 Strength: 2 Body: 4

Intelligence: 4 Willpower: 3 Mind: 4
Influence: 3 Aura: 3 Spirit: 4

Initiative: 13
Wealth: 0
Hero Points: 20

Flight: 11 Sonic beam: 09 Super Breath: 09
Bonuses and Limitations:
 Sonic beam can have up to an 1 AP Area of Effect
 Superbreath is Contingent on Sonic Beam and is sonic in nature
 Flight is Winged

Accuracy (Sonic Powers): 6

Connections: Cadre (High)

Attack Vulnerability (-2CS OV/RV vs. Character Interaction exploiting her
neurotic issues with God),
Catastrophic Psychological Instability: religious delusions
Creepy Appearance, Serious Rage
Social Status: Earth Man Dingo Slave Fighter
Nightfall, no other name remembered

Dexterity: 3 Strength: 2 Body: 4

Intelligence: 4 Willpower: 3 Mind: 4
Influence: 3Aura: 3 Spirit: 4

Initiative: 10 Wealth: 0
Hero Points: 20

Darkness: 06 Flight: 08 Friction control: 06
Mental blast: 09
Bonuses and Limitations:
 Darkness and Friction Control can be Combined,
with Friction Control being active throughout Darkness
 Friction control only to increase friction (by sapping kinetic energy)
 Mental blast can have an Area of Effect (up to 1 AP of it) - it’s a large

Accuracy (Darkness Powers): 6

Connections: Cadre (High)

Goggles (Body: 3, Shade: 2)

Social Status: Earth Man Dingo Slave Fighter
Black Mass, no other name remembered

Dexterity: 4 Strength: 9 Body: 7

Intelligence: 6 Willpower: 4 Mind: 3
Influence: 3Aura: 2 Spirit: 3

Initiative: 13 Wealth: 0 Hero Points: 20

Bomb: 10 Density increase: 02 Force shield: 12
Gravity Decrease: 12, Gravity increase: 12 Growth: 02
Mental blast: 10

Bonuses and Limitations

 Bomb only has half its normal AV (AV 05) — it’s a null-gravity
explosion, so it starts pretty slowly and people have more time than
usual to dive for cover
 Force shield is Minor Marginal and only works against ranged attacks
 Growth and Density Increase are Always On and Already Factored In
 Gravity decrease allows him to fly at 06
APs of maximum speed (+0)
 Mental blast is Minor Marginal, and is
actually gravitic energy

Scientist: 6
Accuracy (Gravity Powers): 6

Connections: Cadre (High)

Partial Attack Vulnerability (attacks specifically
directed at his head encounter an RV of 02)
Social Status: Earth Man Dingo Slave Fighter
Despero, Tyrant of Kalanor

Dexterity: 6 Strength: 6 Body: 7

Intelligence: 11 Willpower: 13 Mind: 9
Influence: 8Aura: 7 Spirit: 8

Initiative: 25 Wealth: 20
Hero Points: 120

Control: 15 Growth: 6 Telekinesis: 15
Telepathy: 25 Mental Probe: 25
Illusion: 16 Regeneration: 1
Mind Blast: 16
Teleportation: 20 (usable against others but Minor Marginal when used in
this manner)

Scientist: 13 Gadgetry: 11
Accuracy (Mental Powers): 12

Connections: Cadre (High), Kalanor
Government and Military (High)
Scholar (Tactics and Strategy Games)

Authority Figure (planetary tyrant)
Strange Appearance (even by
standards of own race)
Catastrophic Irrational Hatred of
Justice League
Catastrophic Rage
Kanjar Ro, Would BeTyrant of Dhor

Dexterity: 6 Strength: 3 Body: 4

Intelligence: 9 Willpower: 6 Mind: 6
Influence: 6Aura: 6 Spirit: 5

Initiative: 21 Wealth: 8
Hero Points: 55

Energy Rod [Body: 11, Telekinesis: 12, Telepathy:
Gamma Gong [Body: 11, Power Drain (against
Mind and all Mental Powers simultaneously, area
effect within hearing range): 30, Mental Freeze
(area effect within hearing range, simplified commands only, limited to sum
of RAP’s of Power Drain, effect can be sustained through special
equipment): 30]

Scientist: 9 Gadgetry: 11 Thief: 6
Accuracy (Equipment): 9

Connections: Dhor Government and Military (Low), Underworld (Low)
Genius Scholar (Tactics and Deception)
“Pet” (Wonder Woman, currently in bondage to
Kanjar Ro)

Mistrust (former dictators are generally
Strange Appearance (even by standards of own
race, cringing blackguard)
Serious Irrational Attraction to Power
Hunted: Queen Hyathis of Alstair, King
Kromm of Mosteel and Emperor Sayyar of Llar. Payback is
certainly a bitch…

Baron Tyrano, Super Villain in Iron Lung

Dexterity: 0 Strength: 0 Body: 1

Intelligence: 8 Willpower: 7 Mind: 7
Influence: 6Aura: 6 Spirit: 6

Initiative: 14 Wealth: 12
Hero Points: 45

Iron Lung [Body: 5, Remote Sensing (access audio/visual data through
robots): 20, Telepath (communicate with robots): 20, Total Recall (record
data from robots) : 25, allows Baron Tyrano to breathe normally]

Professor Ivo’s Robots:

Dexterity: 7Strength: 7 Body: 7
Intelligence: 3 Willpower: 3 Mind: 3

Initiative: 10

Adaption (offensive and defensive, based on Flash’s Rogues Gallery
template, adaptations do not subtract from AP’s, must abandon one template
and “clear” before adapting another template): 12

a. The Flash: Captain Cold: Ice Production: 12, Icing: 6, Kinetic

Absorption: 12
b. Green Lantern: Rainbow Raider: Color: 12, Laser Beam
(Yellow): 9, Flight: 6
c. Martian Manhunter: Heat Wave: Flame Project: 12, Flame
Being: 6, Pyrotechnics: 9
d. Black Canary: Pied Piper: Energy Absorption (sonics): 8, Sonic
Beam: 8, Shade (sonic): 8, Hypnosis: 8
e. The Atom: The Top: Spinning: 10, Attraction/Repulsion (repulse
only, no range, always on while spinning): 8, Mind Blast: 6
f. Aquaman: The Trickster: Air Walking: 5, Bomb: 7, Snare: 7,
Chemical Attack: 7

Feedback: Each successful attack on robot inflicts a Mind Blast: 6 on
Baron Tyrano, raise by 1 AP for each successful attack in same round

Scientist: 8 Gadgetry: 8
Charisma (Persuasion, Monologues): 6

Connections: Professor Ivo (Low), Kanjar Ro (Low), Dr. T.O. Morrow
Scholar (Television, Robotics)

Catastrophic Physical Restriction: confined to Iron Lung, cannot move
under own power, cannot breathe without Iron Lung
Serious Irrational Jealousy/Hatred of Green Lantern
Lapse of Judgment: Has made a deal with Kanjar Ro
Strange Appearance: Monocle, Bald, confined to Iron Lung
Vartox the Hyper Man,
Despero’s Head Terran

Dexterity: 10 Strength: 20 Body: 16

Intelligence: 8 Willpower: 11 Mind: 11
Influence: 7Aura: 7 Spirit: 8

Initiative: 25 Wealth: 0
Hero Points: 100

Telekinesis: 20 (can be used to melee attack from range)
Telepathy: 10 Mental Probe: 10
Life Sense: 10
Flight: 15 Sealed Systems: 13
Telescopic Vision: 7 Enhanced Hearing: 7
Ultra Vision: 12 Microscopic Vision: 12
Recall: 8 Comprehend Languages: 13

Artist (Actor): 8 Detective: 8
Accuracy (Mental Powers): 10

Connections: Despero (High), Kalanor Government and
Military (Medium), Cadre (High)
Rich Friend (Despero)
Scholar (Gladiatorial Combat and Household

Authority Figure (head terran)
Strange Appearance (you are just going to have to see this for yourself)
Catastrophic Irrational Attraction to Obeying Despero
Serious Irrational Attraction to Virulent Masculinity
Uncertainty (no real identity or purpose beyond Obeying Despero)
Attack Vulnerability: -2 CS vs. Attacks targeting his Virulent Masculinity
Social Restriction: Earth Man Dingo Slave Fighter, Head Terran

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