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From Trigger to Trust

How To Understand Emotional Intensity Or

Shutdown To Build A Safer Bond With Your Partner

By Matthias Barker & Patricia Lamas

This worksheet provides you with space for personal reflection, journaling, and
preparation to receive the material discussed in the event. We will be exploring
common triggers that lead to reactive patterns in relationships and provide
practical solutions for addressing them.

Let’s take some time to think through your past experiences, communication
patterns and triggers. These journal questions help you develop a more
comprehensive view of your relationship patterns, preparing you to get the most
out of the event.

1. Reflect on your own past emotional wounds and experiences before you met
your partner. How have these impacted your relationship? Write down any
thoughts or feelings.











2. Reflect on how your parents may have influenced your communication
patterns in relationships. Have you noticed yourself responding to situations
in ways similar to how they would? Write down any insights or reflections.










3. Reflect on how your past experiences may impact your sense of safety in
relationships. What makes you feel unsafe or withdrawn? Write down any
thoughts or reflections.











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