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Scientists Names w Van Neil + American scientist, first person who pointed out the source of ‘oxygen evolved in photosynthesis through his studies in the green and purple sulphur bacteria. Blackman > he explained through his studying experiments on the limiting factors for photosynthesis rate (as light, temperature, and carbon dioxide) that photosynthesis is divided into 2 steps: light dependent and light independent w Melvin Calvin > he revealed the nature of dark reaction of photosynthesis by using newly discovered radioactive isotope of carbon (C14) (Calvin cycle) @ Rapeden and Bohr > they supplied a green bean leaf with carbon dioxide containing radioactive carbon (Ca4) in photosynthesis to trace the path of radioactive carbohydrate in plant @ Mittler > he used an aphid insect (that feeds on ready-made food of plant) to collect the content of sieve tube and identify these content. @ Malpighi > Italian scientist, who discovered tiny microscopic vessels called "capillaries" w Robert Hooke > invented simple microscope in 1665 and used it to examine piece of cork tissue so he discovered that tissues are made up of cells. w Antoine Van Leeuwenhoek > he made simple microscope by using lenses to magnify objects, w Matthias Schneider > he suggested that all plants are composed of cells. w Theodor Schwann > he deduced that the bodies of all living organisms are composed of cells. w Rudolf Virchow + he stated that the cell is the functional and building unit of all living organisms ( cell theory) w Cloud Bernard > he studied liver functions and considered the stored sugar inside the liver is its internal secretion and bile is its external secretion. w Konard Lorenz > described the Imprinting learned behavior @ B.F.Skinner > taught rats in cages to depress a leaver to release food. @ Niko Tinbergen > explained fixed action pattern @ Starling > 1. He found that pancreas secretes pancreatic juices directly into duodenum after the arrival of food from stomach even after cutting the nerve supply between pancreas and other organs 2. He concluded that it must be non-nervous stimulation 3. He discovered that mucus membrane in duodenum secretes juices 4. He named these chemical messages "hormones" a ith > bacterial transformation @ Avery > isolated transforming material that resulted in transformation and analyzed this bacterial transforming material which consists of DNA. @ Hershey and Chase > concluded that protein was not genetic material, and that DNA was genetic material @ Franklin > she used X-ray to get photographs of highly purified DNA w Watson and Crick > put acceptable model for DNA structure (after Franklin's photos) w Van Der Waals > non polar molecular attraction force between non polar molecules. ow Edward Jenner > vaccination invention w Hardy and Weidenberig > equations for stable population w@ Darwin > theory of natural selection @ Carl Linnaeus binomial nomenclature w Hans Krebs > Krebs cycle @ Gregor Mendel > law of segregation, law of dominance, law of independent assortment @ Koshland > induced fit theory of enzymes w Erwin Chargaff > Chargaff's rule of nitrogenous bases in DNA @ Lamarck > theory of evolution based on the principle that physical changes in organisms during their lifetime "use and dis-use theory" @ Stephen Jay Gould and Niles Eldridge > the theory of punctuated equilibrium @ Oparin and Haldane > hypothesis suggests that life arose gradually from inorganic molecules @ Muller and Urey >they done chemical experiment that simulated the conditions through which the first cell created. w Weismann conducted experiments on mice for twenty generations by cutting their tails and breeding them. He argued against use and disuse theory @ Ivan Pavlov > Discovered the Conditioning learned behavior @ Karl Von Frisch> described the waggle dance in honeybees @ Hutton and Lyell> concluded that earth is extremely old and that the processes that changed earth in the past are the same processes that operate in the present.

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