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What is the main cause of divorce and what is the solution that can be
done from society's point of view ?

Divorce is the process of terminating a marriage with someone. In Islam, divorce can
only be done with a divorce decree issued by the husband to the wife. What is Talaq
? Talaq is an Arabic word which means freeing and undoing the knot. As according
to syarak, in the terminology of the jurists. Talaq signifies the dissolution of marriage,
or the annulment of its legality by the pronouncement of certain words whether it is
said clearly or through hidden or double meaning. However, divorce must not be
considered a closed door. There are genuine cases when divorce is the only option
available and what is the solution that can be done

The main cause of divorce is because when one of the person in that relationship
had been Physically, mentally, or emotionally abuse or torture by the other one.
When one of the spouses becomes abusive and inflicts physical, mental, or
emotional torture, and is not willing to change by taking practical measures through
therapy or counseling, then it is a valid reason for seeking divorce by the process of
fasakh. Fasakh means the dissolution of marriage due to any valid reasons under
Sharia Law. It will be done through Qadi or a judge of the court. For the Islamic
principle states that, “There shall be no inflicting or receiving of harm.” Zhulm
(injustice) is not tolerated in Islam, regardless of who the perpetrator is.

Secondly, failure of the husband to provide. When the man, who is considered the
provider and maintainer of the family, fails to shoulder his responsibilities and the
wife decides that she cannot continue tolerating his shirking of responsibility, this is
grounds for divorce. Both spouses should have the fear of Allah. They should
remember that if they are unfair to their spouse, they will be judged on their
behaviour by Allah. The wife also needs to cultivate discretion in self thus try to
understand the challenges and difficulties faced by the husband and should try to
resolve the problem amongst themselves, then within family members.

Next, marital infidelity. This can be a major cause for dissolution of marriage, for
marriage is built on trust and confidence. Its main purpose is to preserve the chastity
and modesty of those involved. Once this foundation is eroded and undermined and
there is no chance to restore the same, then divorce is the way to go. Under the
Quran, a husband can leave his wife for up to four months in a trial separation. Once
that four-month period has elapsed, the husband and wife are to reunite to continue
their marriage or obtain a divorce.

Bad attitude on the wife’s part, or her failure to listen to and obey her husband with
regard to things that are good and proper is also a cause of divorce. As a wife it is
your obligation to obey your husband and take care of dignity. You as a wife should
protect your own dignity,husband and his property. The husband’s consent is a must
in every activity or action except for the one which contradicts the islamic teaching.
But somehow this kind of attitudes cannot be changed in one fine night, so the
solutions i think to overcome divorce in this situation is by seek counseling,
preferably from a Muslim counselor. If that is not possible than from a non-Muslim
counselor. However, they should be aware of Islamic guidelines so they can take
advice from that which is in line with Islamic values.

Last but not least, they are misunderstood as the husband or wife's actual gender.
That is the scariest thing that would happen to the spouses when they know the
actual gender after months married to each other. In this case the marriage will
automatically be dissolved. Regarding this matter, I believe that both sexes should
exercise caution and make an effort to learn every detail about their intended
spouses before they decide to be married. If after the wedding, problems still arise,
they should not be afraid to involve other community members. For instance,
individuals shouldn't feel embarrassed or ashamed to meet with their associated
attorneys and chat with them.

To conclude, any one of the above-mentioned reasons can be considered as a valid

ground for divorce in Islam. If in a legitimate case warranting a divorce a husband
refuses to divorce his wife, then she is certainly justified by Islamic Law to approach
the proper legal authorities to get a divorce: The judgment of divorce thus rendered
by such authorities can be deemed as valid in Islam. May Allah help us all to conduct
our affairs with sound wisdom, understanding, sincerity, and faith, amen.

2. what is Aqidah in terms of language and terminology

Aqidah is an Islamic term of Arabic origin that literally means "creed". It is also called
Islamic creed and Islamic theology. Aqidah go beyond concise statements of faith
and may not be part of an ordinary Muslim's religious instruction. It has been
distinguished from Iman in "taking the aspects of Iman and extending it to a detail
level" often using "human interpretation or sources". Many schools of Islamic
theology expressing different aqidah exist. However, this term has taken a significant
technical usage in the Islamic theology, and is a branch of Islamic studies describing
the beliefs of Islam.

The Arabic word ‘aqidah stems from the root ‘aqada, which conveys meanings of
certainty, affirmation, confirmation, etc. The word i’tiqaad (belief) is also derived from
this root, and has the meaning of tying up and making strong.

3. explain the meaning of Shariah

Shariah is the rules of life outlined by Islam for every human being to practice.These
regulations were created to preserve the goodness and interests of mankind and
prevent humans from harm.It aims to preserve the five basic things in human life
which are religions, intellect, offspring, property and life. These five basic things are
also called as Maqasid As-Syariah which means by the objectives of shariah.

The main objective of Shariah is to preserve religion. The existence of the pillars of
faith and Islam to maintain he fulness of Islam and the Aqidah of muslims. For
example, if one of the muslims apostate and reluctant muslims they will be

Secondly, it preserves lives. Shariah protects the human from being

injured,damaged and lost thus the ban on suicide and the punishment of qisas.
Qisas means to inflict a similar punishment on the offender as he has caused to the
victim. In the case of homicide, qisas means death sentence whilst in the case of
causing injury with intention, it means causing similar injury (if possible) to the
offender as he has caused to the victim, with certain conditions.

Thirdly, it preserves common sense to humans. The duty to seek knowledge and
preserve the human mind from losing sanity.The trick is to ban alcoholic beverages
and things that take away the mind. The penalty is whipping 40 times or 80 times.

Next, it preserves the dignity of human beings. Muslims obliged to cover the awrah,
preserve the goodness of the hereditary lineage from being damaged. The only way
to solve this is by creating a halal relationship that is marriage. Another prevention is
the punishment of adultery such as whipping and stone.

Lastly, it functions to preserve your offspring or family. For instance, it is wajib to pay
zakat and preserve the human property from being lost or damaged. Islam is not
right to take and eat other people's property falsely. The prevention of taking property
falsely is the punishment of hudud or cutting off hands.

To conclude, the Shariah seeks to protect and promote these essential values and all
necessary preservation measures. Theft, adultery, and the drinking of alcohol are
prohibited as they did not conform to the fundamental objectives. On the other hand,
the Shariah also encourages work and trading activities to enable the individual to
earn a living.

4. describe and give examples of *5* maslahah that will help the well-being
of muslims

Maslahah is the study of the aims and the objectives of Islamic Law. Islamic law
revealed by Allah SWT is to safeguard the welfare (goodness) of humans in this
world and the hereafter. The idea of Islamic jurisprudence is known as maqasid
al-syar'iah or the philosophy of Islamic jurisprudence.Islamic law aims to implement
and achieve human problems, guarantee the welfare of the public and avoid any
harm or danger.Maslahah is often used by Ulema as a method in resting the law to
answer the legal problems that arise. Al-Ghazali mentioned various types of
Maslahah viewed from whether it is acknowledged or not by the Shari’ah, which is
divided into three types, maslahah daruriyyat, hajiyyah and tahsiniyyah.

Maslahah daruriyyat is a good that every human being needs (hopes for, clings to
and depends on). The need for him cannot be rejected or avoided either in the affairs
of this world or the hereafter.If the daruri thing is not there, the business of life will not
go on and can even lead to damage or destruction. This means that maslahah
daruriyyat is one that is necessary and covers five things, namely, religion, life,
intellect, lineage and property. For example, to eradicate the fake prophets to
preserve the religion. Without it, humans will live in a limp state in the world and the

Furthermore, Maslahah hajiyyah is the need that humans desire or hope for comfort,
pleasure in life and rejecting narrowness and difficulties. This kind of situation
happens either in worship, customs, muamalat and so on.For instance, in worship
relaxation is given to the sick and walking far to not fast. In muamalah, the sale of
shares, rent and the like is allowed. If the problem of hajj is not fulfilled, it does not
destroy the rules but complicates life.

In addition, Maslahah tahsiniyyah is a complement to maintain dignity and high value

in society. It completes or accommodates any deficiency in achieving the two
objectives of greater importance. Issues related to health, hygiene, beauty, comfort,
culture, entertainment and the like are to fulfil human nature but lie below the
common basic interests.

5. list the effects of ignorance of Muslim towards prayers (if you dont pray
5 times)

In Islam, prayer, supplication, purification and most ritual actions are considered acts
of worship. The most well-known, and an obligatory, act in Islam is the performance
of the five daily prayers, which in Arabic is known as salah. In the Qur’an, the Arabic
word salah means to demonstrate servitude to God by means of certain actions. The
ritual prayer and most other worship is always performed in Arabic throughout the
Muslim world and is nearly identical with only slight variations. Different terms reflect
the geographical and linguistic diversity of the Muslim world, but the Arabic language
unifies them. But did you know what are the consequences of abandoning five times
prayer that had been obligated to us ?
Firstly, prayer is the Second pillar of Islam the peak of obedience. Importance of
Prayer is mentioned probably over 100 times in the Quran. Failing to perform prayer
during the prescribed times is a major sin that can be created by the muslims.The
first thing which will be judged among a man's deeds on the Day of Resurrection is
the Prayer. Punishment for missing a single prayer intentionally even if made up later
is Hell for a long period. The Messenger of Allah (peace be upon him) said, “A
person neglecting his Salat even though he makes it up later shall remain in
Jahannam for a period of one huqb.Saqar is the name of the most deadly hell. It’s
the biggest warning Allah SWT has given to us, so we must put into mind how
important prayer is.

Secondly, not a Single Reward is given to Us.There are rewards and punishments
for every good and bad deeds we commit. Upon doing prayers, Allah SWT promised
us great blessings throughout life. Thus, Muslims who are not performing prayers will
not receive any single reward for Allah SWT. “Indeed, those who believe and do
righteous deeds and establish prayer and give zakah will have their Lord, and there
will be no fear concerning them, nor will they grieve” (Al-Baqarah:277).

Furthermore, Other Deeds Won’t be Accepted. There are people who think that
leaving prayer is not a big deal while we do many other good deeds such as charity
and zakat. But as prayer is more important than charity, all the sadaqa we do will be
in vain if we don’t do prayers.“And what prevents their expenditures from being
accepted from them but that they have disbelieved in Allah and in His Messenger
and that they come not to prayer except they are lazy and that they do not spend
except while they are unwilling.” (At-Tawbah : 54)

Additionally,Keep the Peace Away from your Life. Prayer is a good way to prevent
stress and seek peace in life. As a student, I do understand that we have a lot of
things to be completed and need to be done but leaving your prayers for your work is
not a good thing to do.Especially when we have stress out week and examination
week is around the corner, many of the students will try to finish all their work on time
and abandon their prayers. So that the effects of not praying on Islam is the peace
will be taken away from us. Instead if you pray on time you will feel the peace in your
heart, mind and souls.“Recite, (O Muhammad), what has been revealed to you of the
Book and establish prayer. Indeed, prayer prohibits immorality and wrongdoing, and
the remembrance of Allah is greater. And Allah knows what you do.” (Al-Ankabut :

Losing Allah’s Protection and mercy is one of the saddest things that will happen to
you when you neglect your prayers. Prayer has many benefits to ourselves. One of
them is it provides us with protection from any evil being and evil deeds. By praying,
Allah SWT stayed close to us and we felt assured all the time. It means that leaving
Salat makes us lose all the protection Allah SWT could give us. Prophet Muhammad
(peace be upon him) once said,“Whoever abandons the five daily salats will be
deprived of the protection and security of Allahu ta’ala.”

To conclude, we should pray on time instead of making lame excuses. Prayer is

obligatory for us so we should try to Offer Salah on its due time. We can get
blessings of Almighty Allah by offering Salah. We only live in this world for a brief
period of time however, we will live in the hereafter for a very long time. For Muslims,
the hereafter is the more essential life to consider than the dunya itself.

6. what is the meaning the waqi'iyyah; describe with details and examples

Al-Waqi'iyyah can be defined as reality and truth. It involves Islamic teachings of

Islam that is suitable for the practice in human life. Any difficulty, problem and issues
that occurred during the process of human life will be resolved according to Islamic
method depending on circumstances and suitability of reality. So the Islam perceived
as flexible in resolving all difficulties that arise depend on circumstances.By justifying
reality, so need included element "Understanding the Reality of During Life
"according to certain scenario for those who going making evaluation, change and
improve condition deflected far from the indication original of Islamic. So all fuqaha
'(fiqh members) and mufti responsible provide answers towards any religious
difficulty which arises. In this matter, so they should take in reality situation related to
current living, before deciding whatever decision.Principles that exist in Waqi'iyyah
are made worship as a methodology for development based on Islam.

Firstly, Islam is a practical and not a utopia (imaginary). Then Islam takes into the
actual reality of human life in this world, where filled with elements of the good and
forbidding evil deeds. At the same time, it also has judgments about the strengths
and weaknesses of humans based on sources of the Qur'an, Hadith, Ijmak, and
Qiyas Ulama’. Hence the teaching of Islam is more practical and true for best
practiced in our daily life. For example of paying zakah does not mean a Muslim has
to give away all his money and property to gain Allah’s favour, only a small
percentage of it for the benefit of society at large. In this way it is the most realistic
and practicable religion.

The second principle is capable of solving any problem related to human life. This
can be done by practicing the teachings of Islam in a holistic manner. Allah knows
everything about man’s nature and needs and He is the only who is capable and
powerful to solve man’s problems, guide him and protect him from his own
weaknesses. Thus, the religion of Allah s.w.t alone can solve the problem and
confirm in the life of the world as the preparatory process of the Hereafter. For
example the content of the second pillar of Islam that prayer is the foundation of
worship must be carried out by all Muslims. The prayer cannot be separated
between Muslims and Allah s.w.t because it directly builds relationships through
spiritual formation. Anyway prayer is mandatory and cannot be omitted except its
sickly syar'i. For example, if we are sick, then prayer can be done according to the
ability of ourselves in ways of standing, sitting and lying down. While those who
journeyed were given by God through the ways of Qasar and Jama'. It means Allah
never imposes his servants by forcing them to do something that is beyond their
capability. That is why Allah s.w.t does not force sick people to pray like a healthy
person, but done according to their own capability. So prayer and charity as
fundamental worship is to serve as the development methodologies based on Islam
and justified significantly by applying the elements of Waqi'iyyah as appropriate in
worship that connect people with Allah s.w.t. If we stand back and take a look at the
whole picture, we will realise that what we have when faced by a tragedy is a choice.
Will we go through the stages of grief, denying Allah’s destiny and the wisdom of His
plan for us? Or will we realise that what we are going through is something we know
that we can handle? Whatever trial comes in our way is something that Allah has
planned and which He has guaranteed we can handle.

The third principle, Islam gave space to the development of science of the mind that
gave birth to civilization. It includes the teachings of Islam which encourage people
to increase the power of mind, creative and innovative in order to create a glorious
civilization. There are verses of the Quran and Hadith that ask people to study. This
situation clearly and correctly through the verses of the Quran were first written down
is demanding human reading. Therefore Islamic gives privilege to those who have
knowledge. So they lifted prestige beside Allah s.w.t. Furthermore, Rasulullah Saw
has equalised people who pursue knowledge by fighting in Allah s.w.t.'s road.

In a nutshell, waqi'iyyah is the meaning of the nature of the Islamic view of life is not
merely idealistic, but also grounded into the reality of life. So it is both idealistic and
realistic at the same time, so that it can build a complete system that is in
accordance with human nature. Such as Islamic Law can be accepted and practised
by all mankind, Islamic always defends truth and against falseness and Islamic
knowledge emphasises the nature of honesty in all dealings. These proves that
Islam have the characteristics of waqi’iyyah.

7. what are the reasons of muslims to pay attention to science, tech and

What is science, technology and ICT ? Science is a word that derived from the Latin
word ‘scientia’ which means know. Science also can simply mean different forms of
knowledge.The definition of science in islam is broader than the science commonly
understood today. Meanwhile, technology is a technical knowledge that uses
scientific knowledge. It provides convenience and prosperity to human beings. ICT is
another term or advanced for information technology that emphasises the role of
unified communications and telecommunications integration such as telephone lines
and wireless signals. But do you know why muslims need to pay close attention to
science, technology and ICT ?

The role of science,technology and ICT in Islam is to help people know allah swt as
the creator of this world.

In conclusion, We live in the era of technology. It grows faster and faster by the day
so that we have to keep up with the change. Not to deny, technology makes our
everyday life so much easier. Everything has become more convenient because of
technology, from finding information on the web to everyday needs such as food
delivery or online shopping.The power of technologies nowadays is nothing to be
underestimated. As a Muslim, we should use technology as a way to improve our
iman and Islam. The effect of technology in Islam is very huge, both in the life of
Muslims and Islam as the religion itself.Technology is a result of a continually
improved knowledge. Islam is a very flexible religion which is able to keep up with
change and modernity. This change is also embraced by Muslims, since they are
now using science,technology and ICT in their daily lives.

8. Islam is always related to terrorists and war; give 4 responsibilities to

clear the issues

In the first place, only Muslim terrorists are linked to their religion. No one ever
mentions the religions of the terrorists of Northern Ireland, of Sri Lanka, of Japan, of
Germany and of many other countries or people. But if they are Muslims, they are
always called Muslim terrorists. When Muslims in Bosnia-Herzegovina were being
slaughtered by the Serbs, there was no mention of Christian Orthodox terrorists.
These Christian Orthodox terrorists killed far more people than were killed on
September 11. Also,many Muslims are involved in acts of terror simply because
presently Muslims and the Islamic countries are being oppressed most. In
Bosnia-Herzegovina, Palestine, Iraq, Somalia, Sudan, Libya, Iran, India and
Chechnya, it is the Muslims who are the injured parties. In fact their terrorism is their
reaction to what is to them acts of terror against them. But we are given the
impression that Muslims are natural terrorists, that Islam advocates irrational acts of
terror. But Islam is against the killing of innocent people, which is, in the final
analysis, what terrorism is about. As a muslim, we need to find ways on how to
overcome the misunderstandings of Islam nowadays. But what are the steps ?

Firstly, we need to establish good and effective international relations with other

9. Diff between shura and hisbah

Hisbah acts as a religious institution that should be under the authority of the state.
The state appoints officials of the state to carry out the responsibility of enjoining
what is right whenever the people start to neglect it and forbidding what is wrong
whenever people start to engage in it. It also refers to surveillance machinery. For
example, the individual who is responsible for performing these supervisory duties is
called as al-muhtasib or the executor or enforcer. Meanwhile, Syura is the principle
that emphasises the importance of managing through teamwork. Sura consists of
meetings and consultations in accordance to islamic approach and by following the
guidelines of the Quran and Sunnah. However, what are the differences between
syura and hisbah ?

10. advantages of the implementation of principles of shura

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