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Volume 11 Issue 2

101 N. Zeysing P O Box 228 Alma, MO 64001 660.674.2222

For the vision is yet for an appointed time, but at the end it shall speak, and not lie: though it tarry, wait for it; because it will surely come, it will not tarry. Hab. 2:3

Dominican Republic In 2007 John Gross, founder of House of Friends, made his first trip to Dominican Republic (DR). It had been a 17 year wait after feeling Gods call to that Nation. While on the House of Friends mission trip taken July 23 to July 31, 2011, he met two other men with significant happenings17 years ago learned out of simple conversations. One is a pastor in the USA who was called to ministry 17 years ago. He was in DR working on a special mission project. Another was called to take the Gospel to the roughest part of DR by caring for the poor 17 years ago. He introduced the team to a Haitian pastor who had been ministering to around 50 orphaned Haitian children, between 2 and 12 years of age, displaced there after the Haiti earthquake in 2010. It appears House of Friends, through John Gross, has now been divinely connected to them for Kingdom work, in various ways, on behalf of orphans and widows in the Dominican Republic. How awesome is our God!
Dominican Republic Mission Team, Left to right: Ronnie Machado, John Gross, Dianna Gross, Joyce Johnson, Pam Plattner (HOF Board Member and Dominican Republic Outreach Director.)

Top right: Team praying over city of LaVega, location of future HOF Dominican Republic Outreaches. Bottom left: HOF main ministry contact, Bolivar (Moreno) and Damaris Reineso and their children . Other pictures of food distribution to widows.

The purpose of this team was to pioneer a Womens and Childrens Abuse Center that will eventually make way for a Childrens Home. The Lord was setting up His divine appointments. While eating at a local grocery store cafeteria, Morenothe teams local ministry contact and guide throughout the tripspotted the Presidente of the city of LaVega, where the Lord has guided House of Friends (HOF) to establish the Kingdom work. Moreno approached him and made introductions to the team. A meeting with the Presidente (Mayors chief assistant) was scheduled. When the time came for the meeting, a parking place could not be found and when they finally got one, it caused them to run 8 minutes late. Gods favor was with them. The Presidente arose when they arrived and acknowledged their lateness. Not giving any excuses, the team apologized and the Presidente was quick to overlook it. Upon sharing HOFs desire to establish a center to help meet the needs of widows and orphans/street children, the Presidente responded with What can we do to help? Do you need a building Upon the teams departure, the government officials were to decide what they might do to help. We are awaiting further discussions between our contact, Bolivar (Moreno) Reineso and the mayors office of LaVega to learn what they will offer.

The group below are members of New Jerusalem Church who have caught the vision of ministering to orphans and widows. The HOF team presented Spanish Study Bibles, tracts and the Gospel comic books, provided through donations, to the leaders of the church. The church leaders have committed to pray for our Dominican Republic ministry to widows and orphans, evangelism and night and day prayer. After the team returned to Missouri, the pastor
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A beautiful setting on a mountain overlooking LaVega has become the place desired for the Dominican Republic orphanage. A home and some small buildings already grace the land. Property is expensive there, but..OUR GOD is a God of possibilities. He likes for us to ask for big things because we will then know it was not our doing, but His. All agree this is the ideal place. So please join us in prayer for Gods miracle! The property is owned by four men.

VISION (cont. from front) Moreno with members of their

families went back to the mountain top location which we hope will become the future site of the orphanage, to pray over LaVega and the locations for the outreaches.

Ronnie Machado of Kansas City,

whos parents lived in the DR at one time, shared his story of being part Cuban and part Puerto Rican. He grew up hearing the stories of their time in the DR. He shared with the New Jerusalem Church Gods goodness and plan for their nation. The congregation was encouraged to reach out to the orphans and widows of the landfulfilling James 1:27, and care for the orphans and widows in their affliction and need They had not received this understanding before and immediately reached out to three widows in their own church by blessing them with food and help.

As the team was walking down a street in LaVega, they spotted this little shack on the side of a dwelling. Upon inquiring of Moreno if it was a place someone actually lived, he responded that one of the New Jerusalem Church leaders, his wife and three children have lived in this one room extension to his parents home for many years. Compassion traveled throughout the team. Upon leaving Dominican Republic, the funds that had not been spent while there were given to Morenohalf to help pay for his expenses in continuing to meet with government officials, and the other half to buy materials to expand the one-room home. We were sent a picture showing concrete blocks purchased to add two rooms.

Travis Kolder, HOF Team Board Member, pictured headed up a with Pasmission team of Chris tor Paul Josh threehimself, Busulwa, Chris Sawyer of Uganda Iowa, and ministry is Joshua Hulme Trav contact. of Kansas City. Travis reported that the team first went to Katogwe where the Lord released several messages inviting the believers in that church to draw closer to Him and know Him as their Father. The team prayed for a small boy the first night and the Lord healed him. He was seen playing with the other children the next morning. The people of Katogwe seldom receive outside interaction and were greatly encouraged by the teams visit. They continued to meet into the evening after the team left. Several different messages were shared with the churches in Entebbe. The team challenged the churches not to be complacent with the current revival that is happening in Uganda. It is not uncommon to see a crusade happening on a random street corner in Entebbe with many people showing up to listen. Travis said, The Lord used our preaching to call for more brokenness among the people for their own country so that God would continue to

draw those who dont know Him. In each place where the team ministered, there were those who received a measure of healing or deliverance. While in Entebbe the team spent time at Abba House orphanage. They took gifts for the children, played with them, toured the facility, and discussed projects that will make A favorite game for all kidsthe chase.! their living situation better in the long term. Travis commented, Youve never seen a group of kids so happy to receive a soccer ball or a jump rope! These kids love Jesus and we were encouraged by their heart for others. They even prayed for the orphans in America while we were together . Im always humbled by the example of faith and love these orphans show me! During the teams second week, they traveled to Adilang in northern Uganda. This was the city where the former Sudanese refugee camp was located. Pastor Peter, the man who invited the team to Adilang, met with them and explained the situation the region faces. The camp is now inhabited by Ugandans who were severely affected by Joseph Kony and the Lord's Resistance Army. Joseph Kony has killed more than two million Africans and his murderous exploits began in this region. Because of this, the physical reality of their situation is bleak and their spiritual climate is oppressive. Many people still suffer under the memories of Kony's presence. The region also suffers from lack of rain and many of the people are turning back to demon worship to try and bring rain and prosperity to the region. The second day the team shared with the leaders of the churches that gathered, what they felt was the Lord's heart for the region. Josh, who had been feeling called to start working with Sudanese refugees in this area, charged the people with God's heart for the region, saying that when the Lord sends him back, he will help the people to do what God is already empowering them to do right now. Chris shared about a traumatic experience in his life and God's power to heal the hearts of those who have endured painful (cont. next page)


events. He shared about God's ability to turn a painful situation into something that can strengthen others in their pain. Then he charged the Meeting with church leaders of Adiilang. churches of Adilang to find healing for their pain and bring healing to those who haven't found healing for their trauma. It was a powerful time that ended with the believers who gathered bringing their hurts and pains to Jesus. The power of Jesus touched many who were present. The team left shortly afterward, but heard later that the meeting continued on until about 8:00 PM that evening because they were so blessed by Jesus.

A celebration of 17 birthdays took place at Abba House following the arrival of Barbara Decker, agricultural missionary. The children who had birthdays between January and June were those honored at the party. Each one received a gift and all enjoyed a special lunch and

The children are enjoying more variety in their diets since planting of the gardens last year. Here they are doing their part of the harvesting and getting the beans ready to cook. Agricultural missionary, Barbara Decker, says that Uganda is a dry bean culture, so even the Kentucky pole beans, as well as the other green beans are shelled like peas and just the seeds are cooked. To try to convince them that the whole bean is good for eating, Barbara ate a lot of whole raw beans in front of them. They soon caught on and the beans go farther now. Lots of eggplants and pole beans as well as cassava remain in the garden. The onions and tomatoes did not do so well. The garden has been a great blessing as the prices of food have gone up considerably. A 100 lb. bag of corn meal flour, which used to cost $25.00, now costs $40.00.

birthday cake. July and August birthdays will be celebrated before Barbara returns home.

Most of the Abba House children thanked sponsors, through House of Friends, for the love shown to them from so far away. Here are some things the children have shared.

Hope thanks you for the nickers (underwear), because we didnt have. Jacky said when she came to Abba House, she was too small and now she is bigand going to school. Peace said she found God at Abba House and got saved and also learned English. She is in first grade and though she thought she would be 24th in her class, is actually eighth. Grace thanked the pastor for planning for so many children and that through the efforts of HOF and the garden that, although he is sometimes lazy, he knows that he will have power for his future. Emmanuel said that because of his sponsor, he is free of the burdens he had in his home and he can study and he feels like he is now in a loving family.

A suitcase of special made dresses made its way to Uganda in June. Every girl enjoyed receiving one of these dresses made by the loving hands of seamstress, Connie Franks, of Ohio. Here, Scovia and Best are sporting their new garments.

Extending a hand of friendship and care for special needs.

__ Enclosed is $_______ for greatest needs. __ Enclosed is $_______ for ____________ __ I would like to sponsor a child. __$45 full __$20 child care __$25 education __ Please send me sponsorship information. __ I will pray for House of Friends, please send me information for prayer. Enclosed is $_______ for Abba House project(s) __Kitchen/Dining Hall Project #1 __Gutter Rainwater Collection System Project #2Entebbe __Gutter Rainwater Collection System Project #3Kamuli __Construction of Abba House 3 Project #4Entebbe __Well Solar Project #5Entebbe __Missionary Quarters Project #7Entebbe

Please complete and return this response device if you would like to join with us in any of the above mentioned ways. All donations are tax deductible. Please write checks payable to: House of Friends and send to P O Box 228, Alma, MO 64001. Thank you for caring!

We have learned that due to a change in district borders, Kamuliwhere our Eddy Reber Memorial Childrens Home is locatedis now known as Katogwe. Please make note of the change so when we report on the orphanage in Katogwe, you will know which one we are referencing.

Children in Eddy Reber HomeKatogwewearing new shirts brought to them by the Uganda Mission Team.

The price of concrete and building materials have risen in Uganda, so the price of all of our projects will be higher. Based on funding received and the extreme need for a new kitchen, the Kitchen/Dining Hall Project was given priority. Originally it was to cost $1,500 for the entire project. With the prices going up, that amount only covers the concrete floor. The picture above was taken on August 12. Thank you to the donors who made this portion of the project possible.

Jesus invites us, Ask and it shall be given you ; seek and you shall find; knock and it shall be opened to you. Matt. 7:7 Please join us in praying that the needs and opportunities before House of Friends will be answered as Jesus desires. We invite you to request further information for prayer. PRAYER REQUESTS Pray for the provision of land and a building to begin the work of caring for women and children in the Dominican Republic. Pray for God to bless the prayers and ministry of the New Jerusalem Church in DR. Pray for Gods direction and timing for the ministry He wants to establish in Adilang, Uganda. Pray for healing of the people from trauma. Pray for provision of finances and favor to complete the special projects in Uganda. Pray that all the children and staff workers at the Abba Houses grow in grace and knowledge of Jesus and be led by the Spirit. Pray for more intercessors to undergird the House of Friends ministry. We are looking for prayer partners. If God is calling you to join us in this way, please indicate that desire on the response device area on the reverse side of this page at the bottom, tear the device off and return to: House of Friends, P O Box 228, Alma, MO 64001.

House of Friends P O Box 228 Alma, MO 64001

NewS from the HOUSE

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