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GONDS Synopa’s of talk given in Tribal Orie- ntatioh & Training Centre, Udeipur. + } By Dr. BK. Roy Buraan, ‘MW, 8G. D.Phil. , Officer on Special Duty, Handicrafts &@ Social Studies, \ With Best Conplinents from “Drs By Ky Rey Buruan OFFICE OF Tue REGISTRAR GENERAL.) INDIA Glare roerererOrerrroneHOSG * @ GONDS * SYNOPSIS OF TALK GIVEN IN TRIBAL @ @ ORIENTATION AND TRAINING CENTRE, * UDAIPUR @ @ AOE HHAD OHO GONDS 1 Numerical strength and geographical distrioution (4) During 1961 Census 40 lakh gonds were returned from different States of insta, according to following bréakup - Madhye Pradesh 30.9 Lakh, Origsa’ 4.5 lakh, Maharashtra 2.7 lakh, Andhra Pradesh 1.4 lakh end uttar pradesi 0,4 lekh. They are also found in very suell number in gujaret, West Bengal end Mysore.’ (b) Considered to be Scheduled Tribes in all the above states excepting U.P., where they are considered to bs Scheduled Castes. 2. Ganda in history (#)(i) Firat reference about the Gonds is found in history in about 14th century.’ at different periods cstablished kingdoms in various parts of Madhya Pradesh, Notable are Gondwana, Garha Mandla, Kherla, Deogerh snd chatda,: Generally believed to have come from south through Bastar and Chanda. (ii) wore subdued later on. by warstha povers. {b) Beoguse of historical chreunstances enjoyed status of auperior _ lene of rulers and feudal lords. Who are the Gonds ? (a) Derivation of the word Gond 1s uncertain. 1t is the name given to them by aindua and Mohdmmedans but they call themselves Koitur or Kot.: (b) Synonyng or sub-tribe:names of three categories are included vunder Gonds in the Liat of scheduled ‘tribes - (2) Territorial segmeqts e.g. ai11 Maria, wison-horn uaflt.mudla eto, (4p Piezarchionl segments - eg. Rel Gouda, Dhuriye gonde etc. (ily gabellite ‘somaunities lignod with the Gonda. e.g. mina shuta, all tne’ three segments bays been treated differentiy in aigferent : Paving 1891-1921 Censis yarias, MuUrias ete, had been conpidered Se, Seavets coiisunitics, aking 1032 thor ware csueidoved to be part of Gond community. (¢) There are tao points of view whather the satellite communiti like Agari, phitina ete. ainsidered a8 Conte or bt, Whereas Gonde proper Aré eer¥oultutiats, satellite comauaities a¥6 Serving castes a. Agerios are irpm sagltera; Gowarim ere vowberts, Bhatolas aro Rowadie devotees of codioes Shawadi: ojhan are yudielens sod danears, qhe arguments, of the two poiute:of viex are summarised beloy, arguivente of those who colsider dateliite communities as Gonds are:- @4) then gonds wore wilers of the country, tho various servicin conmunities derelepsd ayubictio relationship in econowie, ceremonial at, other fields and a pattem of sodt@) Antexration omerged out. nothing © should 6¢ dove to disturb the rettern es it would be difficult to tilt up the vooultent vacdeun. (4k) Sepetete recognition éf the sub-tribes un: aspiratigna maqng thon, which weld be difficult to der statute would rouse dead to frustration nd uaheppiness. Misty. thie wilt 7 Arguments of thoas who consider that the petellite communities should be considered es separate communities are - (4) The communities 1ike oJhe, hinma etc. do mezely live in the past; they live in the present and try to adjust to the social clinate of the prosent. ‘the soctal changes taling place through the process of deuo- cratisation and secularisation, would obviously encourage the people to seek liberation from the tribal social set up, dominated by the Gonds.” gs long as they are considered statutorily es sub-tribes of the Gonds, the outetder ‘Mill slays trot then as Goads; thuw there will be pressure on then to {dents fy theaselves with the Gonds. This will perpetuate cultural subjuy 2 gation of these winor xroups by protagonists of greater Gond society. (14) as Tong as the various functional groups, sbich have distinct agricultural occupations, and sbich are aducationally and socislly very bacs- ward, renain linked with the onds, thetr srecisl problems will emeape notice.” gob el drawn up for welfare of Gond community as a whole. will hardly be fplieable ip their case; on the otherhand in the context of Gond sult tude, their problem Will sppear very insignificant. It ia not possible fo evaluate the relative mefit of these two points of view without definite information about the nature and state of social Sovenents smong the different aub-tribes. guch information is lécking at present. & Pattern of relation awong the different sub-tr (¢) Deformetion about pattern of relation eaong oll thé eub-tribes aod the trends of change dre ot readily available: Information for some mup-tribes era however Gva{leble from published sources. (3) Bkgon Horn in Bester dtatrict soutt o qndraveti and Hill Wagiss Iive in Abbulmarh gille ang very + in contact.’ the Yorner are referred the latter es pand qhe dialect of Pangani is quite different from dondi and the; - derably wore advaneed then the ill Weries. they ate hivanced. even. than the Mories; thoweh the Marts etJoy tigher eoctel statue river ~ ely they com fad. (e) in Werhhe ares Davkiae axe considcred inferiar tu pasgonds and . ri a some other srems Ralzwada take phurta 5. bu thay do net intermarry. i a urie gitls.but (4) IM Joshpuy Conds are subat ide into six sections - (4 Ce a eae eae T tatccerey ne ManAd Prtaks) and {vy ohokar dusitaccattl e Msheras sonde walled eat oniy trom pad gond . food cooked by packet Gonde in brass veorel i. ones of sie eee ate wuld wever ex foed cocked by yomen uf interior Hes or clase olawe, . 5. -Inpact of Hinds soctal anded 4a) Rujgonds clata to be necugnised ciate themselves fron tribal brethren WMPMES mt tend to disao~ (by Windaised Gone tenceites aa; Brebaia; fm patusdoy wid 10 some onses ¥eax siered thoeed selasrre fast a (@) Though tn ost areas marriege is perforaed by baiga,in Jushpur and song other gregs arahain priests preside over marriaxe ceremonies. (2) In Khairagarh ere Rajgonts have elyon up tribal deity and worship great gous of Hindu seripture, (e) Im Adilabad and Aurangabad Districts conds have been found to observe untowobability with regard to Harijans end refuse to send their children to the sae school. ¢f) The dore.veckward ection auong the Gonds however still retain ¢ “tribal charecteriation and are subjscted to various disabilities by their wore advanced and porerful fellow tribals. 6. Salient features of Gond ethnography (a) Language According to report published.ty Gqvt.-of usharashtra in 1961, the Gouds have homogenous tongue and cultyre, but on closer qcrutiny it does not appear ta be so. According to gherring Maria Gondst. According to Censits Report of C.P,1931, a few donds in Chanda District speak Naiki dialect ‘which 1 howaver now alucat exiact. In qelerashtra, the Haj gonds wore fremientiy speak Marathi thougn thelr origins! mother tongue was Goxdi.- According to the Census of 19¢1 about arm of the donde spoak Gondi snd the rest apaak dther Language. ak @ language which is. distinct from Agcerding to the Geneus of 1981, 5.58% mules and 0.60% females among the Gonds are literate. (>) Occupation According to (1) Geneus Rapart of Hyderabad 1951 Gonds are largely Permanent settlers in the ylaiae. - : (44) im Maberashtra the Gonds are chiefly cultivatore bet they pplewsnt indoms by dolly labour, wood cutting, carting timber, callec- ting tend. Dentes ete, ° Use of bow and arroys is elaost titeottan owihe to restriction on | bunting. - (Lily anitting omvbtieating ke etddl dn mrwetioe.taw zone. parte of | wsdhye Pradpah. ‘ (4¥) According to Census Report of 1861 sbowt 75K of the working ¢ 7 force is ongaged in cajtivation, 204.1% Aaticiltural labour, 2 ¢ in mining quarrying, forestry hunyiig ete: and the reat ae in otter occupations. fe) Rood and food Nabits | (1) Ty Maharashtra donds oat fowl, woud, pork, orecodiio and certain | Kinds of sagkes and donters. ®elr goamon food is However grust of ries ot small millet; aleo thoy ea matte flower. . ‘U3) Habit of eating beef 1s however gradually diseppeariog. i9¢9d Gonaus of CP. reported that they eat beef only when offered to clan god. ay, (LAL Nabht pS semhdoe suerte Seem to have beeR ‘totally given up. oe (d) Housetype (1) According to Consus of 1931, Gond houses stand in large énafo- surea very much apart another, (44) they are. built of bamboo wattle and mud and a1 palm: 1eavs thatched with (141) The inside of the huts are clean. (iv) separate senstraation huts are cotistructed for women, {e) Clane and Gotras ah. (4) Raj gonds are subdivided ito # nusbsr of ot number of gods worshipped.” ane according to the qhere are tro main divisions who worship atx gods’: respectively md they do not intersarry. According tc fesse y gods deven gods woratipped at atarelli aro-~ chikatras, shatw ohare 1931, the “tnx warad, whunt efredu, Ghustelpoo md thagelpdo.” these is Rdweri, otce a year on @ particular day and also ot other tines of tive a speed. ‘worshipped ties or (44) The aub-divisions among the nal gonds are: warrexnoike, warevs oF Madavi, Warkban, Salm, Bien, tehse tee et Es. 41ik) Newes ofssub-divieions of Raj croqueniiy pintlar. gonds and Dhuriye conds are (iv) According to céneus Report of 1991, go vartlae parsoanl Babli, ed-dholaria Guada do nog setattte® ia rotated “to Weim, gurajbanebte donot Miesde eet beet or chien, watie cavers The eat the sake.” + WELLS Revanbenohis (vy Marriage within th eae lens the mene sotra. ante treqrontly allowed: but act within (vi) There ts no trae dtsi organisation aiong ff) Regulation of Sex and sarriage the Conds, a wong many eub- tribes ti ppinetere. separate dormitories estat to weotstorg yaa (44) Census Resort ot 1081 Ke pearere of Bachelors dormitory md tess aot heen Ast of offtes at aifgnttory Birks dormitory ms ahaliye eminder Lohard kaher: Madare ae Suliare stlledar is not ondy boy's hi Sdn ati, vision over, dhalive Gr Heed of girl's dorntteae (44d) or2h of tone’ waa on f the dormitortes 8 also right of auper- @ Seletted by the Panchayats oe (Av) ‘thera. ‘@.Ho: initiation seremony for admisgion date dormitories, - (@), A Chalik or. inmaty 0} motiary of innate of. gir: marringé, Roy?'s aoraitory sanorally pair off with a Ws dormitory and such pairing off Wxe results in (vd), ‘Vardoug roporte show thet thére are several types of marriage auong the Gonds.: Marriage by force sppears very coumon in the -p. negotiation is mera frequent.: oe (vit) Widen. remarriage,is permissible and deceased itsband’ s younger brother:has 9 right over the widow. : Divorse.te flowed but 18 ogstly.: eroge cousin marrigce provails anong the. Gods. - (viily werriage precession generally starts froa.bride’s house and wedilag takes place at.bridegroom’s house.- (x) Barlisr repprts show that a tendency for marriage age to gome down song the eections-shich are more. under dnfiueice of Rindu neighbours. * (g) Funeral rites (4), Aosording to Census report oF 1931, .Rajeond zamindars of Blopalyatne are.buried sn, 8 standing pose and « stone.Lingm ie put up on the grave. (44) th Jashpur avea dead persons wrd. titted with hexd towards north. Buti Ws bundle of drigd grans 4s burned oh the. graye and some water ip soured 6 oni a corenony Le performed on the. Srd. dar calied Rataci aid wiobber * “ceremony performed on the 19th day emiled Haganpal. - CHA) Adcerding to hurting the DoORTD detoREIKy to recher weotion were orenated; while the poorer ones:wars buried. Bot feneles wero alwars shorted. Acoowdshe to Census ef: taa1, te.uneurried males. were also buried. {ivy at sequa that at presedt orimnblois te the me re rreqhett- ptiatico though the chiddreh: youte perdone, aad thone People whe die of-cholers oF plage: drs. borted. . (4) 0b the ton of thy graven Stonya wre piawel tee Layee to bievent wild antagle dlpglge tp the.tody.* (vk) Fir patedAn gE impotbanes, Wpdsoe. or TLkvEF Ie, sempstNe: sot wp .by the posdeliD aud BLT persons ard Sebeatew ts B atone near it. The suommilated steyem:xernt: 46 Wht-oPmeMbeter: th) Religion ee (4) according te: Genaus of 1064, AAT AHO WowA, Abe ATL otL one, To4aT are othere and fest ave sind. ; ding to Moredag. deities usinly vorsbipped ty the donde ves ae rnd Bure} bec, sete Doo, BAFa Dec, GhWaran bao ety, (Ai peity mostly frequently worshipped ‘ipiéets to be Ber: according to @ report published by Weberashtra ‘Govt. Gongs of now-a-days consider Mehadeo as the patron diity in stead olf "yarides, “bat State (47) there are aleo household deitied and clan deities. (x) the coremonies are generelly presided over by Hatgas.- (vty molt, piveli end other important sindu festivals are also observed by the gonds. ay Political orgenisation ak (Gy Accordiag to 1991 Consus, tribs!coupeti of conde, sett tiaputes, specially thos relating to conjugal infidelity and other hea matters ttle oxtransees matters’ wukadd. ‘ To settle adden or willage ho: ty the covornuent 16 invited to he pfesent, shatevér aay be nie ears teed tribe. (it) Im 1964, Been of TEI. Chindvare bes reported th charged sot up influence of the Kukaddan depends on the wealth wad sane’ coreg fenily as voll a5 capacity of the Mukaddon to intervene sith tree government officials. at () Reform novexant axong the Gonds (ay There 18 a woverent mong the donde to aosert af mi [da the oven Gf Outsiders. Dancing in puDlic by thelr aonon mity of the tribe (by A qumber of puriticatory: novenents in tetas of ime now @isepurged:: neighbouring Hindus have grow Wp ationg. the conds, taong vig ye eee OF BE qaportant one i the novembre titiated ty Ratuobi Dee fs ‘the most igpi eho was #2 OMEiuary howseM! fo."18 1981 there fag a fem{y eee BES the attempts of the tribsle to wept the situation by. proiting th Sargjn and | natural po in their traditional wey fetied. at. this t1, ating the super- pad a vielon of a Wahatas Gmdhi and the started pooaching | MMCoBint Nov sho asked the people «to elvo ap wine, aeat ang selling teen UY Of Ee the path of tmth’. sie stirted touring the wet gibo Ling Mea and te follow | ao eancarr aor heebean hee Sani no | Bo, 099 fohlos om PROS. Hef n on 2 she sense many of her loivtcsauts were Oppertuat ates declined sateen bee | ( offered td the people for puplia QL sepprop rs at, Saeegroupe, ike Ligier dealers, witop watery nt M89 Recause veeted.ane* mother Tosson for feilure of te morawent wag bas [freee tEROSE her. cramteaion, cme ty serie te situag gehts tte woe Sit ae vement Bri Kalla of oh arare Rosean ota srtheeses" “Writing abot | ‘ ‘wath A ‘abe ee + NrLting abs Raj uopint a6 the leader Kes 09 count sotog muitiee® hae eentioned. that ja vate. The faves proversted. her tre now ug cr Her efforts have not beet tire peopie accent hen oF | ts He The Of naj wont tLe FO then wmether | boon of inmense invertases ORAS Nap. ween an tung t! 98 2 tad tt ef ting the co arreeina wrath oroees. vrtent factor tn acs orm | movenent a . Sal coaglede * themed, cidlaee, atte Se Teter eat A Scone tee * BOR yo at tio: a8 2 Te hovever sppears Uist, 1t would bo theorreot, ta look uson the perengnt #5 un isoleted phenosena. Tt! should be looked upon as a Part & parcel of thé wendral :xéetal process anoag Lie tribal coumunities in Nerlous Parte of India." There is uidoubtediy av uree anon then to cone upto the traditional cultural and soctal level of Mery advanced Rotgabours, and at ths same tine they sre not unatfectes by tae modern groeeenes of scculariaation snd dewocratisation. the soci al movetients snong thée are itherafore marked by an attitude of anbivalence and taxe fora of pendulum swing.” Perhaps tt ¥111 not be ‘rouge to interpret the fate of the reform novemont initiated ty A « “this aabivalont attitude. Dutt

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