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Disgr if iad Swydd

T eitl y Swydd Meddyg Blwyddyn Sylf aenol 3 (FY3)

Adran: Cyf arwyddiaeth Feddygol

Oriau Gwa ith: 40 awr sylfaenol ac ymrwymiad y "Tu Alla n i Oriau"

Graddfa gyf log: Rhwng £ 35,408 - £46,844 yn ddibynnol ar brof iad

Lleo liad: Ysbyty Gwynedd, Bangor

Yn g yfr if ol i: Meddyg Ymgynghorol Arweiniol

Yn atebo l i: Cyf arwyddwr Clinigol

Bwrdd Iechyd Prifysgol Betsi Cadwaladr (BIPBC)

Bwrdd Iechyd Prifysgol Betsi Cadwaladr yw’r sefydliad iechyd mwyaf yng Nghymru, ac
mae’n darparu amrediad llawn o wasanaethau ysbyty llym, cychwynnol, cymunedol ac
iechyd meddwl i boblogaeth o tua 676,000 ar draws chwe sir Gogledd Cymru (Ynys Môn,
Gwynedd, Conwy, Sir Ddinbych, Sir y Fflint a Wrecsam) yn ogystal â rhai rhannau o
ganolbarth Cymru, Swydd Caer a Swydd Amwythig.

Mae BIPBC yn cyflogi oddeutu 16,500 o staff â chyllideb o oddeutu £1.3 biliwn. Mae'n
gyfrifol am weithrediad tri ysbyty cyffredinol dosbarth (Ysbyty Gwynedd ym Mangor, Ysbyty
Glan Clwyd ger y Rhyl ac Ysbyty Maelor, Wrecsam). Yn ogystal â 22 ysbyty llym a
chymuned arall, rhwydwaith o dros 90 canolfan iechyd, clinigau a thimau iechyd cymuned ac
unedau iechyd meddwl, mae'r bwrdd iechyd hwn hefyd yn cydlynu gwaith 109 o
Feddygfeydd a gwasanaethau'r GIG sy'n cael eu darparu gan ddeintyddion, optegwyr a
fferyllwyr Gogledd Cymru.

Ysbyty Gwynedd (YG)

Mae Ysbyty Gwynedd yn Ysbyty Cyffredinol Dosbarth modern â 468 o welyau yn ninas
prifysgol Bangor. Mae'n darparu ystod gynhwysfawr o wasanaethau i boblogaeth Gwynedd,
Ynys Môn a rhannau o Gonwy yn rhanbarth Gogledd Orllewin Cymru. Mae'n darparu'r holl
ddisgyblaethau mewn Meddygaeth Gyffredinol a Llawfeddygaeth yn ogystal â'r holl is-
arbenigeddau gan gynnwys adran Achosion Brys, Uned Gofal Dwys, Uned Dibyniaeth Fawr
Llawfeddygol ac Uned Gofal Coronaidd.

Cyfarwyddiaeth Feddygol yn YG

Mae'r Gyfarwyddiaeth Feddygol yn YG yn darparu ystod eang o arbenigeddau meddygol

llym gan gynnwys gwasanaethau Anadlol, Cardioleg, Gastroenoleg, Arennol, Gofal yr
Henoed, Endocrin a Diabetes, Uned Derbyn Meddygol Llym a Haematoleg/Oncoleg.

Disgrifiad cryno o'r prif Arbenigeddau Meddygol Llym;


Y gwasanaeth Neffroleg yn Ysbyty Gwynedd yw un o'r gwasanaethau arennol mwyaf

deinamig yn y DU, yn ymffrostio yn y Profiad gorau a Adroddwyd gan Gleifion Arennau
(PREM) gorau yn y ddwy flynedd ddiwethaf, ac un o'r rhaglenni HD a PD Cartref mwyaf
llwyddiannus yn y DU.

Mae'r adran yn cynnwys 3 Neffrolegydd Ymgynghorol a gefnogir gan dîm cyfredol o 3 gradd
ganol (Cofrestrydd Arbenigol, Meddyg Arbenigol a Chymrawd Clinigol Ymchwil).

Mae'r tîm Neffroleg yn rhannu 30 gwely gyda'r tîm Endocrin ar ward Hebog yn Ysbyty
Gwynedd ac yn gofalu am holl anghenion arbennig cleifion Arennol gan gynnwys Dialysis
Llym yn ogystal â chleifion meddygol cyffredinol, gyda chyfartaledd o 6 derbyniad y dydd.

Mae uned haemodialysis ar wahân yn cynnwys 15 gorsaf, sy'n darparu HD, HDF a

Cefnogir y gwasanaeth neffroleg gan y staff clinigol canlynol:

 Fferyllydd Arennol

 Seicolegydd Clinigol Ymgynghorol rhan amser

 Pedair Nyrs Arbenigol Therapi Cartref

 Nyrs arbenigol Mynediad Fasgwlaidd

 Tair Nyrs Gofal Arbenigol yr Aren

 Nyrs Arbenigol Anaemia

 1.5 Nyrs Arbenigol Trawsblannu

 1.5 Dietegydd Arennol

 Gweithiwr Cymdeithasol Arennol llawn amser

 Nyrs Datblygu Arferion


Mae'r tîm Gastroenteroleg yn cynnwys 4 meddyg ymgynghorol a chânt eu cefnogi gan 3

meddyg Arbenigedd, 2 hyfforddai arbenigedd SpR (uwch), 3 Hyfforddai craidd a 2
(hyfforddai cyn gofrestredig) FP1 y Rhaglen Sylfaen. Ymhellach, caiff y tîm meddygol ei
gefnogi gan dîm o saith nyrs arbenigol (sy'n gweithio ar IBD, hepatoleg, maeth a chanser
GB uchaf).
Mae'r Ward Gastroenteroleg yn ward 25 gwely ar hyn o bryd, wedi'i leoli ar ward Tryfan gyda
chyfradd derbyn gyfartalog o 6 claf y dydd. Mae uned endosgopi ar wahân sydd wedi ei
hadnewyddu'n ddiweddar, ble cynhelir endosgopau diagnostig, y llwybr GB uchaf ac isaf,
ynghyd ag ERCP. Ymgymerir ag ystod lawn o endosgopi therapiwtig hefyd, gan gynnwys
ERCP therapiwtig, mewnosod tiwb PEG, mewnosod stent GB uchaf ac isaf, polypectomau
cymhleth, EMR, ymlediadau endosgopig GB uchaf ac isaf, APC, bandio, therapi pigiad glud,
clipio, sglerotherapi, sgrinio canser y colon a'r rhefr a 'Hemospray'.

Cefnogir y gwasanaeth Gastroenteroleg gan y staff clinigol canlynol:

 Fferyllydd Gastro

 Nyrs Arbenigol IBD

 Nyrs Arbenigol Hepatoleg/BBV

 Nyrsys Arbenigol ar gyfer Canser GB Uwch

 Nyrsys Arbenigol Maeth


Mae'r tîm Anadlol yn cynnwys tri meddyg ymgynghorol a chânt eu cefnogi gan 2 Feddyg
Arbenigol/hyfforddeion SPR, hyfforddeion blwyddyn Sylfaenol/Craidd 1/2/3 a Chydymaith
Meddygol. Mae saith nyrs arbenigol hyfforddedig iawn sy'n cefnogi gweithgaredd cleifion
mewnol a chleifion allanol arferol a chanser. Yno, mae adran cwsg a ffisioleg ragorol a thîm
amlddisgyblaethol adsefydlu pwlmonaidd rhagorol, effeithlon a hyblyg.

Rheolir cleifion mewnol anadlol yn Ward Moelwyn sy'n cynnwys 26 gwely ac mae yno ardal
creu aerosol dynodedig ar gyfer cleifion CPAP a NIV.

Cefnogir y gwasanaeth Anadlol gan y staff clinigol canlynol:

 Fferyllydd Anadlol

 Nyrsys Arbenigol Canser yr Ysgyfaint ac Eraill

 Ffisiolegydd Anadlol

 MDT Adsefydlu Pwlmonaidd


Mae'r tîm Cardioleg yn Ysbyty Gwynedd yn cynnwys 3 Cardiolegydd Ymgynghorol a gaiff eu

cefnogi gan 2 Feddyg Ymgynghorol, 3 hyfforddai craidd/meddyg lefel SHO a 2 feddyg
blwyddyn sylfaenol 1. Yn ogystal, cefnogir yr adran gan nifer o nyrsys BHF Arbenigol.

Mae gan ward Glyder, y ward Gardioleg ymrwymedig, ôl troed 18 gwely cleifion mewnol.
Yn ogystal, mae'r Uned Gofal Coronaidd gyda gallu i fonitro 4 system telemetreg yn derbyn
yr holl achosion brys a cardiaidd a thriniaethau megis Ecocardiogramau Traws-oesoffogaidd
a chardiofersiynau DC dewisol o dan arweiniad nyrs.
Cefndir cyffredinol y swydd

Gall yr ymgeisydd llwyddiannus ddewis gweithio mewn arbenigeddau unigol neu luosog yn
ystod eu contract 12 mis. Efallai bod opsiwn hefyd i weithio am 6 mis neu bosibilrwydd o
swydd lai na llawn amser (LTFT).

Mae'r swydd hon yn ddelfrydol ar gyfer unrhyw un sy'n dymuno atgyfnerthu eu profiad
meddygol ar ôl yr hyfforddiant F1 a F2 cyn penderfynu ar eich llwybr gyrfa naill ai wrth
baratoi ar gyfer hyfforddiant meddyg teulu neu yrfa mewn unrhyw arbenigedd llym.

Mae cymryd swydd F3 hefyd yn rhoi'r cyfle i ehangu eich CV a'ch e-bortffolio a chymryd rhan
mewn hyfforddiant abrenigol.
Bydd gennych;

 Hanner diwrnod pob wythnos wedi'i ddiogelu ar gyfer datblygiad personol

 Cyfleoedd addysgu ar gyfer myfyrwyr israddedig o Brifysgolion Caerdydd ac
Abertawe, yn ogystal â myfyrwyr nyrsio a parafeddygol a hyfforddeion ACP.
 Ymgymryd â Phrosiectau Gwella Ansawdd gan gynnwys Archwiliad.
 Ymgymryd â phrosiectau ymchwil.
 Mynediad at gyllideb absenoldeb astudio.
 Mynediad at raglen addysgu wythnosol a gweithgareddau addysgol eraill o fewn yr
 Cefnogaeth gydag arfarniad ail ail-ddilysiad GMC.
 Goruchwyliwr Addysgol i sicrhau eich bod yn cyflawni eich nodau ar gyfer y swydd

Mae'r Ystafell Gyffredin yn trefnu digwyddiadau cymdeithasol rheolaidd gan gynnwys Dawns
yr Haf a'r Gaeaf.

Dyletswyddau'r Swydd

 Apwyntiad dilynol dydd i ddydd ar gyfer cleifion o dan eich gofal

 Yn bresennol ar rowndiau ward a chynadleddau achos amlddisgyblaethol gyda'r
Meddyg Ymgynghorol a'r Cofrestrydd Arbenigol
 Arddweud crynodebau rhyddhau ar gyfer Meddygfeydd a chwblhau ffurflenni
rhyddhau eraill ar gyfer casglu data ysbyty
 Cynorthwyo gyda chlinigau cleifion allanol o dan oruchwyliaeth, yn rheolaidd, ac
mewn amgylchiadau eithriadol efallai y bydd angen i chi fynychu clinigau sy'n
cael eu cynnal mewn ysbytai cymuned
 Cyfathrebu â Meddygon Teulu o ran rhyddhau neu farwolaeth eu cleifion
 Cysylltu â pherthnasau cleifion
 Cymryd rhan yn hyfforddiant mewnol ffisigwyr a myfyrwyr meddygol, cymdeithion
meddygon, sy'n atodol i'r tîm.
 Efallai bydd yn cymryd rhan mewn clinigau Meddygon Ymgynghorol ym mhob
Ysbyty, a gall fod angen iddo/iddi fynychu clinigau sy'n cael eu cynnal mewn
ysbytai cymunedol.
 Cymryd rhan yn y Rhaglen Addysgu Adrannol.
Patrwm Gwaith

Mae’r rota yn cynnwys cyflenwi arfaethedig yn lle cydweithwyr ar wyliau a seibiant astudio ac
mae disgwyl i’r ymarferydd ddirprwyo yn ystod rhediad arferol ei ddyletswyddau/ei
Efallai y bydd bandio a phatrwm gwaith yn destun newid yng ngoleuni'r Gyfarwyddeb Oriau
Gweithio Ewropeaidd. Rhoddir gwybod am unrhyw newidiadau a'u gweithredu yn unol ag
Amodau a Thelerau Cenedlaethol Cyflogaeth.

Amodau a Thelerau Cyffredinol

 Mae'r penodiad hwn yn amodol ar Amodau a Thelerau Gwasanaeth fel y nodir o bryd
i'w gilydd gan Gyngor Staff Meddygol a Deintyddol Cyngor Whitley.

 Mae'r penodiad yn amodol ar gofrestriad cyfredol dilys a thrwydded gyda'r Cyngor

Meddygol/Deintyddol Cyffredinol.

 Mae'n rhaid i chi sicrhau bod gwiriadau imiwneiddio neu imiwneiddiad-biolegol yn

cael eu cynnal wrth gyflogi neu ar gyfnodau priodol eraill fel y cynghorir gan yr adran
iechyd galwedigaethol e.e. Hepatitis, farisela, rwbela, y diciâu ac ati.

 Fel arfer, rydych yn cael eich cynnwys o dan yswiriant iawndal yn erbyn hawliadau o
esgeulustod meddygol yr ysbyty GIG neu Wasanaethau Iechyd Cymuned. Fodd
bynnag, mewn rhai amgylchiadau e.e. erlyniad troseddol neu wasanaethau ble
byddwch yn cael ffi ar wahân, mae'n bosibl na fyddwch yn cael eich cynnwys o dan yr
yswiriant. Mae'r Adrannau Iechyd am y rhesymau hyn yn awgrymu'n gryf eich bod yn
cynnal aelodaeth gyda Sefydliad Amddiffyniad meddygol.

 Efallai y bydd angen i chi fynychu clinigau mewn ysbytai anghysbell. Felly mae'r gallu
i deithio'n ddymunol.

Absenoldeb Astudio ( Cyllideb o £600 )

Fel arfer mae absenoldeb astudio'n cael ei ganiatáu yn unol ag Amodau a Thelerau Staff
Meddygol a Deintyddol Ysbyty (Cymru a Lloegr) yn amodol ar orfodaeth y gwasanaeth. Dylid
gwneud cais am absenoldeb i'r Cydlynydd Absenoldeb o leiaf chwe wythnos cyn dechrau'r
absenoldeb. Mae'n rhaid trefnu staff i gyflenwi ar gyfer unrhyw absenoldeb astudio cyn
cyflwyno'r cais.

Gwyliau blynyddol

Lwfans yw 28 diwrnod. Mae'n rhaid rhoi chwe wythnos o rybudd ar gyfer ceisiadau am
wyliau, ac maent yn destun cymeradwyaeth gan y Meddyg Ymgynghorol, cydlynydd tîm
(ysgrifennydd arweiniol fel arfer) a'r Cydlynydd Clinigol.

Cyflenwi ar gyfer Cydweithwyr

Mae cyflenwi yn rhan o'r patrwm gwaith ac mae'r ymarferydd wedi'i gontractio i ddarparu
cyflenwi mewnol ar gyfer cydweithwyr pan maent ar wyliau a/neu absenoldeb astudio, h.y.
darperi locwm yn unig mewn achos o absenoldeb salwch.

Mae'r meddyg iau yn derbyn y bydd ef/hi hefyd yn cyflawni dyletswyddau ychwanegol mewn
achosion brys neu amgylchiadau anrhagweledig eithriadol ar gais y Meddyg Ymgynghorol
priodol a ble bo'n ymarferol gyda chydweithwyr.

Deddf Adsefydlu Troseddwyr

Oherwydd natur y gwaith, mae'r swydd wedi'i heithrio o ddarpariaethau Adran 4 (2) y Ddeddf
Adsefydlu Troseddwyr 1974 (Eithriadau) Gorchymyn 1975. Nid oes gan ymgeiswyr y swydd
hawl i beidio â datgelu gwybodaeth am euogfarn sydd ar gyfer dibenion eraill wedi "darfod" o
dan ddarpariaeth y Ddeddf ac mewn cyflogaeth, gall methu â datgelu euogfarn o'r fath
arwain at gamau disgyblu neu ddiswyddo gan yr Awdurdod. Bydd unrhyw wybodaeth a
roddir yn gyfrinachol a bydd yn cael ei ystyried ynghylch mewn perthynas â chais am swydd
ble mae'r Gorchymyn yn berthnasol yn unig.


Mae'n ofynnol i holl weithwyr BIPBC gynnal cyfrinachedd aelodau o'r cyhoedd (cleifion,
merched iach a defnyddwyr y gwasanaeth ac ati) ac aelodau staff yn unol â pholisïau’r

Rheoli Risg

Elfen safonol o swyddogaeth a chyfrifoldeb holl staff BIPBC yw cyflawni swyddogaeth

ragweithiol i reoli risg eu holl gamau. Mae hyn yn cynnwys asesu risg pob sefyllfa, cymryd
camau perthnasol ac adrodd ar bob digwyddiad, pethau y bu ond y dim iddynt ddigwydd a

Rheoli Cofnodion

Fel gweithwyr BIPBC yn gyfreithiol gyfrifol am yr holl gofnodion maent yn eu casglu, eu creu
neu'n eu defnyddio fel rhan o'u gwaith (gan gynnwys iechyd cleifion, ariannol, personol a
gweinyddol) p'un ai eu bod ar bapur neu ar gyfrifiadur. Ystyrir pob cofnod o’r fath yn
gofnodion cyhoeddus, ac mae gennych ddyletswydd gyfreithiol tuag at ddefnyddwyr y
gwasanaeth (hyd yn oed ar ôl i weithiwr adael y sefydliad). Dylech ymgynghori gyda'ch
rheolwyr os oes gennych unrhyw amheuaeth am reolaeth gywir unrhyw gofnodion rydych yn
gweithio gyda nhw.

Cadw cofnodion clinigol

Dylid cadw holl gofnodion cleifion yn unol â arfer gorau a chanllawiau proffesiynol cadw
cofnod. Ni ddylech fynd â chofnodion o'r ysbyty heb awdurdodiad cywir ac mae'n rhaid i chi
sicrhau bod unrhyw gofnodion yr ydych yn gweithio arnynt/yn eu trin ar gael yn rhwydd i
unrhyw aelod arall o staff pan fo angen.
Gofynion Iechyd a Diogelwch

Mae gan holl weithwyr BIPBC ddyletswydd gofal statudol dros eu diogelwch personol eu
hunain ac eraill yr effeithir arnynt gan eu gweithredoedd neu esgeulustod. Rhaid i weithwyr
gydweithredu â rheolwyr fel bod y sefydliad yn gallu bodloni ei ddyletswyddau cyfreithiol ei
hun a rhoi gwybod am unrhyw sefyllfaoedd peryglus neu offer diffygiol.

Mae gan BIPBC Uned Llywodraethu Clinigol a Swyddfa Archwilio benodol gyda staff

Gwiriad Gwasanaeth Datgelu a Rhwystro

Mae'r Swyddfa Cofnodion Troseddol yn asiantaeth weithredol y Swyddfa Gartref sy'n

ymarfer pwerau ac yn cyflawni cyfrifoldebau Ysgrifennydd y Wladwriaeth o dan Rhan V
Deddf yr Heddlu 1997. Er mwyn lleihau unrhyw risg bosibl o gamdriniaeth i blant neu
oedolion bregus, bydd angen gwiriad CRB cyfredol cyn i chi ddechrau'r swydd.

Awdurdodir y Biwro i ddatgelu, yn gyfrinachol, i Fwrdd Iechyd Prifysgol Betsi Cadwaladr

fanylion unrhyw gofnod troseddol, gan gynnwys rhybuddion, ceryddon, rhybuddion terfynol,
euogfarnau cyfredol ac ‘euogfarn wedi'i disbyddu’ a gedwir ar Gyfrifiadur Cenedlaethol yr

Bydd unrhyw wybodaeth sy'n cael ei ddatgelu yn cael ei drin yn gyfrinachol a bydd yr holl
amgylchiadau'n cael eu hystyried cyn y bydd unrhyw benderfyniad yn cael ei wneud. Dylai
ymgeiswyr fod yn ymwybodol y gall gwrthod cydymffurfio â'r drefn hon atal ystyriaeth bellach
ar gyfer y swydd hon.


Mae gan Ysbyty Gwynedd Ganolfan Addysg, Ystafell Gyffredin y Meddygon, Llyfrgell,
Ffreutur, a bar coffi Gwasanaeth Gwirfoddol Brenhinol a siop.

Os hoffech unrhyw wybodaeth am yr ysbyty neu weithio fel meddyg iau yn YG, bydd Ystafell
Gyffredinol y Meddygon yn hapus i roi cyngor dros eu tudalen Facebook answyddogol 'YG
Doctor's Mess'.
Job Descrip tion

Job T itle s Foundation Year 3 Doctor (FY3)

Department: Medical Directorate

Ho urs o f Work: Basic 40 hours + an “Out of Hours” commitment

Salary Scale: Within the range £35,408 - £46,844 dependent on


Base: Ysbyty Gwynedd, Bangor

Respon sib le to: Lead Consultant

Accountab le to: Clinical Director

Betsi Cadwaladr University Health Board (BCUHB)

Betsi Cadwaladr University Health Board is the largest health organisation in Wales,
providing a full range of primary, community, mental health and acute hospital services for a
population of around 676,000 people across the six counties of North Wales (Anglesey,
Gwynedd, Conwy, Denbighshire, Flintshire and Wrexham) as well as some parts of mid
Wales, Cheshire and Shropshire.

BCUHB employs around 16,500 staff and has a budget of around £1.3 billion. It is
responsible for the operation of three district general hospitals (Ysbyty Gwynedd in Bangor,
Ysbyty Glan Clwyd near Rhyl, and Ysbyty Wrexham Maelor). As well as 22 other acute and
community hospitals, a network of over 90 health centres, clinics, community health team
bases and mental health units, this health board also coordinates the work of 109 GP
practices and NHS services provided by North Wales dentists, opticians and pharmacies.

Ysbyty Gwynedd (YG) Hospital

Ysbyty Gwynedd is a modern 468 bed District general hospital situated in the university city
of Bangor. It provides a comprehensive range of services to the population of Gwynedd,
Anglesey and parts of Conwy in the region of North West Wales. it provides all the
disciplines in General Medicine and Surgery in addition to all sub specialities including an
Emergency department, Intensive Care Unit, Surgical High Dependency Unit and Coronary
Care Unit.

Medical Directorate in YG

The Medical Directorate in YG provides wide range of acute medical specialities including
Respiratory, Cardiology, Gastroenterology, Renal, Care of the Elderly, Endocrine and
Diabetes, Acute Medical Admission Unit and Haematology/Oncology.

Brief description of the main Acute Medical Specialities;


The Nephrology service in Ysbyty Gwynedd is one of the most dynamic renal services in the
UK, boasting the best Kidney Patient Reported Experience (PREM) in the last two years,
and one of the most successful Home HD and PD programmes in the UK.

The department consists of 3 Consultant Nephrologists supported by the existing team of 3

mid-grades (a Specialty Registrar, a Specialty Doctor and Research Clinical Fellow).

The Nephrology team share 30 beds with the Endocrine team on Hebog ward in Ysbyty
Gwynedd and cares for all the special needs of Renal patients including Acute Dialysis as
well as general medical patients, with an average of 6 admissions per day.

There is a separate haemodialysis unit consisting of 15-stations, which provides HD, HDF,
and Plasmaphoresis.

The Nephrology service is supported by the following clinical staff:

 Renal Pharmacist

 Part time Consultant Clinical Psychologist

 Four Home therapy Specialist nurses

 Vascular Access specialist nurse

 Three Kidney Care Specialist nurses

 Anaemia Specialist Nurse

 1.5 transplant specialist nurse

 1.5 Renal Dietician

 Full time Renal Social Worker

 Practice Development Nurse


The Gastroenterology team consists of four consultants and is supported by 3 Specialty

doctors, 2 SpR specialty trainee (higher) as well as 3 Core Trainees and 2 Foundation
programme FP1 (pre-registration trainee). Furthermore, the medical team is supported by a
team of seven specialist nurses (covering IBD, hepatology, nutrition and upper GI cancer).

The Gastroenterology ward is currently a 24 bed ward, based on Tryfan ward and has an
average admission rate of 6 patients per day. There is a separate endoscopy unit, which
has recently been refurbished, where diagnostic endoscopies are performed, both upper and
lower GI tract, together with ERCP. In addition, a full range of therapeutic endoscopy is also
undertaken, including therapeutic ERCP, PEG tube insertion, upper and lower GI stent
insertion, complex polypectomies, EMR, upper and lower GI endoscopic dilations, APC,
banding, glue injection therapy, clipping, sclerotherapy, colorectal cancer screening and

The Gastroenterology service is supported by the following clinical staff:

 Gastro Pharmacist

 IBD Specialist Nurse

 Hepatology/BBV Specialist Nurse

 Specialist nurses for Upper GI Cancer

 Nutrition specialist nurses


The Respiratory team consists of three consultants and is supported by 2 Specialty

doctors/SPR trainees, Core/Foundation year 1/2/3 trainees and a Physician’s Associate.
There are seven highly trained specialist nurses that support both routine and cancer
inpatient and outpatient activity. There is an excellent sleep and physiology department and
an excellent, efficient and flexible pulmonary rehabilitation multi-disciplinary team.
Respiratory inpatients are managed in Moelwyn Ward which consists of 26 beds and has a
designated aerosol generating area for CPAP and NIV patients.

The Respiratory service is supported by the following clinical staff:

 Respiratory Pharmacist

 Lung Cancer and other Specialist Nurses

 Respiratory Physiologists

 Pulmonary rehabilitation MDT


The Cardiology team in Ysbyty Gwynedd consists of 3 Consultant Cardiologists colleagues

and is supported by 2 Specialty Doctors, 3 core trainees/SHO level doctors, 1 PA and 2
foundation year 1 doctors. In addition, the department is supported by a number of BHF
Specialist nurses.

Glyder ward, the dedicated Cardiology ward, has a footprint of 18 inpatient beds. In
addition, the Coronary Care Unit with the capability to monitor 4 telemetry systems accepts
all cardiac emergencies and procedures such as Transoesophageal Echocardiograms and
nurse-led elective DC cardioversions.
General background of the post

The successful candidates can chose to work in a single or multiple specialities during their
12 month contract. There may also be the option to work for 6 months or possibility of a less
than full time (LTFT) post.

This post is ideal for anyone wishing to consolidate further their medical experience after the
F1 and F2 training before deciding on your career pathway either in preparation for GP
training or indeed a career in any acute specialty.

Taking up an F3 post also gives you the opportunity to enhance your CV to get ahead with
your e-portfolio and apply to specialist training.

You will have;

 Half a day per week allocated as protected time for personal development
 Teaching opportunities for undergraduate students from Cardiff & Swansea
University, as well as nursing and paramedic students and trainee ACPs
 Undertake Quality Improvement Projects including Audit
 Undertake research projects
 Access to study leave budget
 Access to the weekly education programme and other educational activities within
the hospital
 Support with appraisal and GMC re-validation
 An Educational Supervisor to ensure you achieve your goals for this post

The hospital has a very active Doctors Mess which organises regular social events including
a summer and a Christmas ball.

Duties of the post

 Day to day follow-up of patients under your care

 Attendance at regular ward rounds and multi-disciplinary case conferences with
the Consultant and Specialist Registrar
 Dictation of discharge summaries to General Practitioners, and completion of
other discharge forms for hospital data collection.
 Assistance with outpatient clinics under supervision, on a regular basis, and in
exceptional circumstances may also be required to attend clinics held in the
community hospitals
 Communication to General Practitioners of discharges or deaths of their patients
 Liaison with patients' relatives
 Participating in the training of house physicians and medical students and
Physicians Associates attached to the team
 Participate in their Consultant’s clinics in each individual Hospital they’re based
at, and may also be required to attend clinics held in the community hospitals.
 Participation in the Departmental Teaching Programme.
Working Pattern

This rota includes prospective cover for normal annual and study leave of colleagues for
whom the practitioner is expected to deputise during the normal run of his/her duties.
Banding and the working pattern may be subject to change in light of the European Working
Time Directive. Any changes will be notified and implemented as per the National Terms
and Conditions of Employment.

General Terms and Conditions

 The appointment is subject to the Terms and Conditions of Service as laid down from
time to time by the Medical and Dental Staff Council of the Whitley Council.

 The appointment is subject to valid current registration and licensing with the General
Medical / Dental Council.

 You must ensure that appropriate immunisation or immuno-biological checks are

undertaken on employment or at appropriate intervals as advised by the occupational
health department.

 You are normally covered by the NHS Hospital and Community Health Services
indemnity against claims of medical negligence. However, in certain circumstances,
e.g. criminal prosecution or services for which you receive a separate fee, you may not
be covered by the indemnity. It is for these reasons that Health Departments strongly
recommend that you maintain membership of a medical Defence Organisation.

 There may be a need to attend clinics at outlying hospitals. The ability to travel is
therefore desirable.

Study Leave (£600 budget)

Study leave is normally granted in accordance with the Terms and Conditions of Service of
Hospital Medical and Dental Staff (England and Wales) subject to the exigencies of the
service. Applications should be submitted to the Leave Co-ordinator at least six weeks prior
to commencement of leave. Prospective cover must be arranged for any study leave prior to
submission of application.

Annual Leave

Entitlement is 28 days. Leave requests, for which six weeks’ notice is required, are subject to
approval by the Consultant, team co-ordinator (usually lead secretary) and Clinical

Cover for Colleagues

Prospective cover is part of the working pattern and the practitioner is contracted to provide
internal cover for colleagues when they are on annual and/or study leave, i.e. locums are
provided only in the case of sickness absence.
The junior doctor accepts that he/she will also perform additional duties in occasional
emergencies or unforeseen exceptional circumstances at the request of the appropriate
Consultant and where practical with colleagues.

Rehabilitation of Offenders Act

Because of the nature of the work, this post is exempt from the provisions of Section 4 (2) of
the Rehabilitation of Offenders Act 1974 (Exceptions) Order 1975. Applicants for posts are
not entitled to withhold information about convictions which for other purposes are ‘spent’
under the provisions of the Act and in the event of employment, any failure to disclose such
convictions could result in disciplinary action or dismissal by the Authority. Any information
given will be completely confidential and will be considered only in relation to an application
for a position to which the order applies.


All BCUHB employees are required to maintain the confidentiality of members of the public
(patients, well women and service users etc.) and members of staff in accordance with
organisational policies.

Risk Management

It is a standard element of the role and responsibility of all BCUHB staff that they fulfil a
proactive role towards the management of risk in all of their actions. This entails the risk
assessment of all situations, the taking of appropriate actions and reporting of all incidents,
near misses and hazards.

Records Management

As an employee of BCUHB, you are legally responsible for all records that you gather,
create or use as part of your work (including patient health, financial, personal and
administrative), whether paper based or on computer. All such records are considered public
records, and you have a legal duty of confidence to service users (even after an employee
has left the organisation). You should consult your Manager if you have any doubt as to the
correct management of records with which you work.

Clinical record keeping

All patient records should be kept in line with record keeping best practice and professional
guidelines. You must not remove records from the hospital premises without proper
authorisation and you must ensure that any records you are dealing with are easily available
to any other member of staff when required.

Health & Safety Requirements

All BCUHB employees have a statutory duty of care for their own personal safety and that of
others who may be affected by their acts or omissions. Employees are required to co-
operate with management to enable the organisation to meet its own legal duties and to
report any hazardous situations or defective equipment.

BCUHB has a dedicated Clinical Governance Unit and Audit Office with permanent staff.

Disclosure and Barring Service

The Disclosure and Barring Service (DBS) is an executive agency of the Home Office which
exercises the powers and fulfils the responsibilities of the Secretary of State under Part V of
the Police Act 1997. In order to minimise any possible risk of abuse to children or vulnerable
adults an up-to-date CRB check will required in advance of commencement.

The DBS are authorised to disclose, in confidence, to BCUHB details of any criminal record,
including cautions, reprimands, final warnings, current and ‘spent’ convictions held on the
Police National Computer.

Any information disclosed will be treated in the strictest confidence and all circumstances will
be taken into account before any decision is reached. Applicants should be aware that a
refusal to comply with this procedure may prevent further consideration for this post.


Ysbyty Gwynedd hospital has an excellent Education Centre, Doctors’ Mess, Library,
Canteen, and Royal Voluntary Service coffee bar and a shop.

If you want any information about the hospital or working as a junior doctor in YG, the
Doctor’s Mess would be happy to advice via their unofficial Facebook page ‘YG Doctor’s

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