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Russia 1960

In the 1960s, the Soviet Union, of which Russia was a part, was a superpower and one of the main
players in the Cold War. Here are some key events and characteristics of Russia in the 1960s:

Political climate: The Soviet Union was led by Nikita Khrushchev, who became the Premier of the Soviet
Union in 1958. Khrushchev was known for his policy of "destalinization," which involved denouncing the
policies and practices of his predecessor, Joseph Stalin. This policy led to a period of relative
liberalization, with increased freedom of speech and the release of political prisoners.

Space race: The Soviet Union was competing with the United States in the "space race," with both
countries trying to achieve milestones in space exploration. In 1961, the Soviet Union launched Yuri
Gagarin into space, making him the first human to orbit the Earth.

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