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Nama : Putri Noerwidya Priliana

Kelass: B Palembang

A. 1. I’m getting tired. I need to take a (break)

2. The questions are (fairly) difficult. I am not sure I can pass the exam
3. The sound of thunder made the children (frightened)
4. Santi is the smartest (between) the students in that class
5. The problem is quite complicated. Let’s talk about it ( farther).

B. 1. Medicated oil
2. Key toy
3. And
4. School work
5. Shampoo

C. 1. Alexander Graham Bell is a smart and very kind person

2. The police have arrested the man quickly
3. Dictionary is a book to look up the meaning or vocabulary
4. A shoplifter is someone who does something bad
5. Do you remember that day as I remember it was a happy day
6. 1945 is the year AD / century
7. Unfortunately, I wasn’t at home the evening
8. Whenever Markangry, his nose gets red
9. Ever since I was a child, I
10. I really want to know

D. dear dream of wanting to be a useful person for those around me

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