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Scene: Jealousy in the Workplace

[Setting: A modern office, with three coworkers sitting around a

conference table during a meeting. The characters are named Emily,
David, and Michael.]

Emily: [excitedly] So, as I was saying, I’ve just been promoted to lead
the new project!

David: [congratulating her] That’s great news, Emily! Congratulations!

Michael: [sarcastically] Yeah, sure. Another promotion for the golden


Emily: [ignoring Michael’s remark] Thank you, David. I’m really

looking forward to this opportunity.

David: [to Michael] What’s your issue, man?

Michael: [angrily] My issue is that every time there’s a promotion,

Emily gets it. It’s always the same thing.

David: [calmly] Michael, you’re a talented worker. You’ll get your


Michael: [sighs] It’s just frustrating, you know? I’ve been working here
for years and it seems like I’m stuck in the same position.

Emily: [interjects] Michael, it’s not personal. Promotions are based on

merit and experience.
Michael: [still frustrated] I know, I know. It’s just hard not to feel

David: [sympathetically] It’s understandable, Michael. But, you have to

remember that jealousy only holds you back. It’s important to focus on
your own goals and not let others’ success get in the way.

Michael: [nodding] You’re right. I need to overcome this jealousy and

work harder towards my own goals.

Emily: [smiling] That’s the spirit, Michael. We’re all here to support
each other and help each other succeed.

[The meeting continues with a positive and productive tone, as Michael

makes a conscious effort to overcome his jealousy and focus on his own

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