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Application Form for Foreign Students in

Shandong Vocational Animal Science and Veterinary College

 请用英语或者汉语填写(Please Fill out the form in English or Chinese)

护照用名/Passport name 姓/Family Name 名/Given Name

中文姓名/ Chinese Name 国籍/Nationality 护照号码 Passport No.

出生日期/ Date of Birth 出生地点/Place of Birth 性别/Sex 婚姻状况/Marital Status

年 月 日 Male □ 单身/ Single □已婚/ Married
Year Month Day □ 离异/ Divorced
健康状况/ health situation □健康/healty,£不健康/not healthy;病史 disease history: □ 有 yes 疾病 diseases, □无 no

国籍通讯地址 国家/Country 城市/City 电话/Tel:

Home Country Address 地址/Address 邮箱/Email:
(请准确填写邮箱地址,相关通知会通过邮箱发送给你/Be sure to provide available Email address, The notice will be sent to you via Email)

邮寄地址 国家/Country 城市/City 电话/Tel:

Mailing Address 地址/Address 邮箱/Email:
工作或学习单位/ Employer or Institution Affiliated 最高学历/Highest Academic Degree Obtained 职业/ Occupation 特长/skills and interests

经济来源/Source of Funding 奖学金/Scholarship£ 自费/Self-Supporting £ 其他/Other□

名称/Name:_________________________ 电话/Tel: ____________________
Guarantor in China & Tel
名称/Name: _________________________ 电话/Tel:_____________________
Reference &Tel.
语言能力 学习汉语多长时间?/How long have you learned Chinese? ;(EG. Six month etc,)
Language Proficiency 每周学时/Learning Hours per week ; HSK 级;
来华学习计划 □专科生/Junior college student(专业/major £畜牧兽医专业/Animal Science and Veterinary)
Proposed Study at SVASVC □语言进修生/Chinese Language Student □短期交流生/Short-term Exchange Student
申请学院及专业 School and Major You Are Applying For 申请学习时间 Duration of Study
Shandon Vocational Animal Science And Veterinary College From:_09__月/Month__2020_年/Year/To:_______月/Month_________ 年/Year
住宿申请 单人间/ Single room □
Accommodation option 双人间 /Double room □
申请人保证/I hereby affirm that:
1.上述各项中所提供的情况是真实无误的/All the information in this form is true and correct;
2.在中国学习期间遵守中国政府的法律和学校的规章制度,尊重学校的教学安排/ I shall abide by the laws of the Chinese Government
and the regulations of the School, and will concentrate on my studies and research, and will follow the teaching programs made by the university.
3.按规定期限修完学业,按期回国,不无故在华滞留/ I shall return to my home country as soon as I complete my scheduled program in China,
and will not extend my stay without valid reasons.
日期: 年 月 日 申请人签名::_____________________
Date: 2020 Y M D Applicant’s Signature
(无此签名,申请无效/Only with signature should the application be valid)
国际合作与交流处审核意见(签字盖章)Signature of the Director, and the Stamp of the OICE at SDUT:

学院或导师审核意见(签字盖章)Signature of Supervisor or Stamp of School at SDUT :

备注 1. Please complete all contents requested on the form as they are necessary to fill in JW202. 
2. Place of birth is the same as passport page, highest academic degree obtained is  high school/ junior college/bachelor
/master, employer or institution affiliated is the school finally graduated / current study in or work place.

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