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1390312023, 01:29, New chat New chat 5 | gerar um texto de 30 linhas sobre ratos &@ Consider the case where there are S people who each select a number between 1 and S. 1125$. The total number of possible outcomes is $55 = In order to count the number of outcomes where no two people select the same number, we can consider the following process: The first person selects one of the five numbers. The second person selects a number that is different from the first person's number. There are four options for this. The third person selects a number that is different from the first two people's numbers. There are three options for this. The fourth person selects a number that is different from the first three people's numbers. There are two options for this The fifth person selects the remaining number. The total number of outcomes where no two people select the same number is therefore $5 \times 4 \times 3 \times 2 \times 1 = 120$. The probability of this occurring is $\fract120}3,!125) \approx 0.03845, or approximately 3.84%. «3/3 oF 76 feedback will help us improve. hitpsiichat openai.comichat 1"

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