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Lab1 ‘Wenhong Ma 2023-03-10 Introduction Inti report, te author use his previous work, fest imports the dataset nto R; second, he gain abi overview of wha he data about hid, he stamps to find out the factors rolevant to BMI, suchas age and sox: after that,he concludes that there are relatonships between BI and age, as \woll as betwoon BMI and gender Relationship between BMI and Age and why “The BM! pay a rice standard deviation curve regarding the age ofthe sample beng tes, The highest BMI show inthe age group of 55, and decrease othe younger age group a well s older age group, except there areal some BM (around 2) are ot afloced by the change of age “The BM, or Body Mass index, is @ number calculated by taking @ person's weight in klograms and dividing it by sight in meters squared. The height ofa person during his Ifetime is et, when his or her weight increase, the BMI increase. person at 55 to 65 tonds to have more fat due to slower metabolsm, the det they/vealvays flowed could resultn weight gain. When they get ove 5, they eat less and theif also reduced, resulting in lower BML Ubrary(readel) 2brary(eer10%2) frmanon <= reod_excel("€:/Users/Your Now Laptop/besktop/fraghan. x13") headComenan) re tipo mm eol> m5 en ‘fsle_slem « eplot( File clean, aes(#-AGe, y = 982)) + geon_point() ably «dod 2 ar 1s éol>
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