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Martinez Cortez, Mayra Lissette

English Language Level A2

Marriot Heidi, MSC
January 10th, 2023
Frequency Adverbs Practice (10-Jan-2023)
Complete the Frequency Adverbs activity. Make sure the PDF shows your answers, especially IF using a PDF editor program.

Raul is the best student.

When I go to the doctor, I rarely need a prescription.

Florida might be a good place to live.

At my old pharmacy, there was always a long line.

Nedra might drive to work.

When I went there, they sometimes

made a mistake with my prescription,
so I changed pharmacies.
Gabrielle uses sugar the most frequently.

My brother gets the most exercise.

They rarely have a problem filling my prescription.

There is usually a no long wait at my pharmacy.

Ivan probably hears the most English in a day.

Adam will be the boss most likely give a warning to first.

I sometimes call in my order If I need a refill.

Someone from the pharmacy often calls me to ask if I like the services.

Maddie probably reads the most.

I never have any questions about my refills.

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