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Type of Project/company code base

1. Private code - In private code one employee of the company can edit the code.
2. Open source- IN open source code anyone can change the code because it is public.


Github is a code hosting program where we can can store our code.

Repositories - it is folder in github

Types of repositories - 1. Public - Here code can be accessed by anyone(Open source company)

2.Private - Here code can be accessed by company permission All

company keep their code secured by keeping it private.


Opening and closing tags

<html> </html>

Structure in html



Syntax in Html



<title> </title>






There are two types of HTML Tags-

Example- paragraph tag

<P> </p>

2.Self closing tag

Heading Tag : HTML Heading tag is used to define the headings of a page.There are 6 heading
elements- h1, h2,h3, h4,h5,h6; h1 is highest level and h6 is the least.

Image tag

Syntax-<img src=””alt=””/>

img stands for image

src stands for sourceof the image

alt is the alternative text which is shown in case where image is not loaded due to any


Css is used to provide styling to HTML elements.

How to link Css file in html ?



<link rel=”stylesheet” href=”styles.css”>




CSS Selectors

<p id=”name”>My name is … </p>
To access id in css file, we have to use # (hash) before the id name.

In css -
color: red;
2. class
Syntax -
<p id=”age”>My age is … </p>
To access class in css file, we have to use . (dot) before the class name.

In css -
.age {
color: yellow;

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