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sainar22, 16:05 ‘Online Final Exam for INGO2, gina Principal / Mis cursos / ING 1CEGSmelS LE ING S(elear) /- Work Unit (elematic Communication. / Online Final Exam for INGO2 Pega t Sn responder ain Fill the gap to complete the question are you crying? Respuesta: Pregune Fill the gap to complete the question is your name? Respuesta Peano So esponder ain What's the meaning of ‘ww’ at network vocabulary? Respuesta: Pega ‘catfish isa system used to verify that a human being, not 2 machine is using a computer. Seleccione uns! OVerdadero Faso hitpsfaulastp2223.casti' attempt=583038emid=103784 18 sainar22, 16:05 ‘Online Final Exam for INGO2, Pegua S Sa esponder ain How do you call the act of eliminating a file text or another abject fom the computer hard drive ar other media? Respuesta 6 unin cone 1.00 ‘Make the past simple or the present perfect tense (fllow the brackets indication: My father (have) ten brothers and sisters. PegnaT ‘Make the past simple or the present perfect tense (fllow the brackets indication): 1 (500) a great film yesterday. Pega B Sa responder ain ‘Make the past simple or the present perfect tense (fallow the brackets indication): Ls) (yousesee) your mother today? hitpsfaulastp2223.casti' attempt=583038emid=103784 28 sainar22, 16:05 ‘Online Final Exam for INGO2, Pega Sa responder ain ‘Make the past simple or the present perfect tense (follow the brackets ination): David (arrive) in Madrid two weeks ago. Peano 10 ‘Sa responder sin Pann coe 1.0 Choose the correct sentence Seleccione una: © a bought» green car. © b. I bought a car green = INGO2, Communication Activities Full version, Task for INGO2, = hitpsfaulastp2223.casti' attempt=583038emid=103784 38

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