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Chapter #2

1. Who was Mrs Humney ?

-She is an elderly woman who works as a housekeeper at
Canterville Castle. She was initially hired by the
Canterville family but, at the request of Mr. Otis, she
continues her duties when the American family acquires
her property. Mrs. Umney is an old-fashioned and
respectful woman of traditions. She knows all the
secrets of the castle and shows great reverence for the
legend of the ghost.
2. Who does Mr Otis Notice in the house?
-Mrs. Otis found a stain in which they added a liquid to
remove stains but the next day it reappeared.
3. Who was the blood stain from?
- was the blood of Lady Eleanor de Canterville.
4. What happened with her?
- She was killed on the spot by her own husband Simon
de Canterville, in one thousand five hundred and
5. What happened with Mrs Humney?
-She fainted because it was raining and suddenly
lightning struck causing a great fright to mrs umney.
6. What did Mr and Mrs Otis tell the los housekeeper?
-They told her they weren’t afraid of any of the ghosts.

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