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Volume 46 & Number 3 & June 2014 135

Screening, Diagnosis, and Treatment of

Post-Stroke Depression
Kimberly Dwyer Hollender

Depression is a common finding after an acute stroke and often interferes with the ability of the patient to
participate in the rehabilitation process. A literature review was conducted to investigate the potential
benefit of the early administration of antidepressant medication on the rate of depression after acute stroke.
Current practices for screening and diagnosing post-stroke depression (PSD) were also reviewed.
MEDLINE, CINAHL, Cochrane Library databases, and PsychInfo were searched for relevant articles
published in English up to August 2012. One of the challenges identified was that although several studies
suggest benefit to the addition of antidepressant medication, little consistency exists in the timing of the
intervention, particularly in regards to rehabilitation. Although patients reporting fewer depressive
symptoms have been shown to have higher levels of participation in post-stroke therapy, conclusions
regarding the benefit of early intervention cannot be made at this time. However, several studies do suggest
that, in addition to the benefit of treating PSD, different classes of antidepressant medication may actually
facilitate the neural mechanisms of recovery in patients with stroke. Overall, although the current available
research cannot recommend the routine administration of antidepressant medication for PSD, the current
research can support the administration of this pharmaceutical intervention on an individual basis. Future
research needs surrounding PSD are vast, and several questions need to be addressed before focusing on
the timing and benefit of early intervention including developing a universally validated screening tool,
developing a definitive definition, and establishing acceptable treatment recommendations. Once these topics
are further explored, the potential for antidepressants to improve neural mechanisms of recovery can also
be further investigated.

Keywords: antidepressants, depression, post-stoke depression, stroke

troke is currently one of the leading causes of disability, in stroke survivors, the risk of depression may
disability in the United States, leaving approx- be almost doubled compared with the general popu-
imately 15%Y30% of survivors permanently dis- lation (Ayerbe, Ayis, Rudd, Heuschmann, & Wolfe,
abled. Among post-stroke survivors, approximately 20% 2011). In fact, Ayerbe et al. indicate that, although the
will require institutional care at 3 months after stroke, persistent frequency may be approximately 30%, as
further contributing to the social isolation of the pa- many as half of post-stroke survivors may experience
tient and increasing the healthcare burden (Creutzfeldt, depression at some point within a 5-year period. Al-
Holloway, & Walker, 2012). Complicating the rehabil- though this review found little evidence addressing the
itation from stroke, studies indicate that post-stroke timing of the intervention in regards to rehabilitation,
depression (PSD) may affect up to one third of stroke several questions were identified that will be essential
survivors (Creutzfeldt et al., 2012). Therefore, early to further exploring this topic. These questions include
intervention in this population would be ideal if anti- what effect PSD may have on stroke recovery, how to
depressants were effective in preventing or diminish- best screen for PSD, and what treatment options exist
ing the effects of depression. Although it is well known to address this common and debilitating obstacle for
that the incidence of depression increases with age and post-stroke survivors.
The term PSD is currently broadly defined and re-
fers to the development of depression after a stroke,
Questions or comments about this article may be directed to
Kimberly Dwyer Hollender, MSN APN ACNP-BC CCRN, at kimk usually an acute ischemia stroke. At this time, diag- She is a Stroke Nurse Practitioner at Robert nosis can be made by the measurement of depressive
Wood Johnson University Hospital, New Brunswick, NJ. symptoms measured with different screening tools
At the time this article was written, the author was a Graduate or be diagnosed specifically via interviews by trained
Nursing Student at the University of Medicine and Dentistry of professionals (Koewenhoven, Kirkevold, Engedal, &
New Jersey, Stratford, NJ. Kim, 2012). Although the specific definition and iden-
The author declares no conflicts of interest. tification of PSD varies among the available research,
Copyright B 2014 American Association of Neuroscience Nurses depression characterized by persistent low mood of
DOI: 10.1097/JNN.0000000000000047 duration greater than 2 weeks is utilized here. This is

Copyright © 2014 American Association of Neuroscience Nurses. Unauthorized reproduction of this article is prohibited.
136 Journal of Neuroscience Nursing

most similar to the Diagnostic and Statistical Manual

of Mental Disorders-Fourth Edition definition for minor
depression that requires the presence of two to four
Diagnosis and treatment of
depressive symptoms during a 2-week period and re- depression, often underdiagnosed
quires one of these symptoms to be either depressed
mood or loss of interest in pleasure (Hackett, Anderson, and undertreated in primary
House, & Halteh, 2008). The pathophysiology of PSD care settings, can be even more
is multifactorial and may be influenced by location
and extent of brain injury, vascular comorbidities, and complicated in individuals
reaction to new functional disability (Husseini et al.,
2012). Ultimately, depressive symptoms may be caused
who have experienced a stroke.
by both the ischemic brain injury in addition to a psy-
chological reaction to the illness. The PSD may also
be difficult to differentiate from grief in post-stroke stroke is one of the top causes of disability globally, and
survivors, as many will experience a grieving process patients are among the highest utilizers of healthcare
in the first weeks after stroke as survivors are coping and generally perform poorly in the work environ-
with the consequences of experiencing a potentially ment (Gelenberg & Hopkins, 2007). Furthermore,
life-threatening event. During this time, stroke survivors depression increases mortality, worsens preexisting
may be recovering and coping from disabling conse- medical conditions including cardiovascular disease
quences of stroke, and their presentation and diagno- and diabetes, and ultimately, may lead to suicide
sis of PSD may vary related to the time of evaluation (Gelenberg & Hopkins, 2007). For this reason, all
after initial insult (Hackett, Anderson, House, & Halteh, patients with depression, whether they have experienced
2008). In Koewenhoven et al., having a stroke is de- stroke, should be asked directly about suicidal idea-
scribed as a ‘‘small death’’ or personal catastrophe that tions. Because no progress toward rehabilitation is made
may initiate both normal grieving processes and/or pro- because of lack of motivation caused by depressive
gression to depressive symptoms. symptoms, lack of improvement and lack of sociali-
In the primary care setting, depression is a common zation may further decrease this motivation, which often
and often misunderstood condition that is frequently un- continues a dangerous self-destructive cycle. This fur-
derdiagnosed and undertreated (Gelenberg & Hopkins, ther highlights why interventions to break this cycle
2007). Therefore, the additional burden of identifying are an important element of post-stroke recovery.
depression in the post-stroke population may further Among stroke survivors diagnosed with PSD, de-
complicate diagnosis and treatment. As mentioned, it gree of physical disability, stroke severity, and cogni-
is important to differentiate depression from sadness tive impairment were consistently associated with higher
and from grief. Sadness has a cause, is a finite state, rates of depression (Hackett & Anderson, 2005). Be-
and is often an emotion that is not experienced by those cause almost 20% of post-stroke survivors require in-
with depression (Gelenberg & Hopkins, 2007). Al- stitutional care at 3 months after stroke, social isolation
though grief may at times seem similar to depression, may also contribute to PSD (Herrmann et al., 2011).
a distinguishing factor is that grief does not blur one’s This is consistent with Herrmann et al.’s observation
sense of self. Most importantly, throughout this re- that the most severe strokes often lead to greater func-
view, sadness has not been directly related to lack of tional handicap, longer hospital stays, and an increased
motivation required to actively participate in the reha- need for institutional care contributing to greater inci-
bilitation process. Furthermore, PSD has been shown dence of depression. In addition, a strong association
to reduce quality of life and has even been linked to with severe stroke and depression may be because of
increased mortality (Ayerbe et al., 2011; Dennis, an association between cognitive impairment and de-
O’Rourke, Lewis, Sharpe, & Warlow, 2000). pression. This relationship is complex as both can be a
Several symptoms associated with PSD have been cause or an effect of each other (Ayerbe et al., 2011).
associated with reduction in quality of life and have This potentially causal relationship will become a fac-
been known to interfere with stroke recovery, includ- tor concerning future research topics and, possibly, fu-
ing alterations in weight and appetite, disturbed sleep ture treatment options.
patterns, loss of energy, sense of worthlessness, sui- As mentioned, the complexity and lack of knowl-
cidal ideation, anhedonia, psychomotor retardation, edge differentiating the normal grieving process from
and/or agitation (Graven et al., 2011). Depression may PSD contributes to the challenge of early identifica-
also reduce both the capacity and desire to participate tion. In addition, other obstacles exist including lack
in rehabilitation as well as reduce the desire to social- of consistency of screening tools, common distur-
ize and ‘‘rejoin’’ society. Depression independent of bances of language and cognition after stroke, change

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Volume 46 & Number 3 & June 2014 137

in emotional and behavioral cues related to infarct lo- the Hamilton Rating Scale for Depression, and the
cation, lack of knowledge of care providers, and social Clinical Global Impression assessment by professionals
stigma associated with depression (Hackett, Anderson, (Berg, Psych, Lonnqvist, Palomaki, & Kaste, 2009).
House, & Xia, 2008). According to Herrmann et al. Overall, the authors noted there to be little variability
(2011), ‘‘in the absence of active screening, depression in the feasibility of the different scales. Interestingly,
in acute stroke patients is underrecognized and under- professionals using the CBI tool often over scored pa-
treated’’ (p. 1198). Because pressure exists to reduce tients as depressed (Berg et al., 2009). The study also
length of stays in hospitals, many patients with stroke revealed that the BDI had better sensitivity, whereas
are also being discharged before the diagnosis of PSD. the Hamilton Rating Scale for Depression had a higher
Interestingly, patients with stroke were more likely to specificity. Of the BDI items, ‘‘discouraged about the
be diagnosed with depression and receive a psychiatric future’’ was the best discriminator of depression (Berg
consultation and an antidepressant if they were treated et al., 2009). The other items in the BDI correlated
on a specialized stroke unit. More importantly, Hackett with the timing of the screening. At the 3-month
and Anderson (2005) state that current tools to identify screening, ‘‘feeling like a failure,’’ ‘‘feeling guilty,’’ and
depression after stroke are not accurate as they have ‘‘looking unattractive’’ were the most important discrim-
not been rigorously developed and validated. Many inators (Berg et al., 2009). Whereas at the 18-month
studies also exclude patients with communication prob- screening, ‘‘sadness,’’ ‘‘dissatisfaction,’’ ‘‘feeling dis-
lems, cognitive loss, or previous psychiatric illness be- appointed,’’ and ‘‘loss of interest in people’’ all cor-
cause of difficulty in completing a validated screening related best with a diagnosis of depression (Berg et al.,
tool. Hackett, Anderson, House, and Xia (2008) de- 2009). Finally, the researchers also looked at the
scribe that, as most patients after stroke are at increased Visual Analogue Mood Scale among patients with apha-
age and frequently experience neurological impair- sia and other cognitive impairments and ultimately found
ments, including aphasia, the fact that up to half of all that Visual Analogue Mood Scale was not a reliable
survivors of stoke are excluded limits the external valid- tool in screening for depression (Berg et al., 2009).
ity of results in many studies. Furthermore, in addition As stated, one of the greatest challenges of screen-
to disturbances of language and cognition, behavioral ing for depression in the post-stroke population are the
cues such as slowness, reduced appetite, and loss of common communication problems present after the
facial expression may be misleading in the diagnoses event. In fact, aphasia may affect between 20% and 38%
of abnormal mood. In their review of trials addressing of stroke survivors (Townend, Brady, & McLaughlan,
interventions to prevent depression after stroke, Hackett, 2007). Aphasia is usually associated with left-hemisphere
Anderson, House, and Halteh (2008) identified that damage and may include difficulty understanding lan-
the Hamilton Depression Scale is the most commonly guage, producing language, reading, writing, and
used screening tool. However, in the 14 trials reviewed, performing numerical skills (Townend et al., 2007).
12 different assessment scales were used to diagnose Patients with left-hemisphere damage are more likely
depression. to retain emotional awareness and therefore are likely
Before determining if early invention in this pop- at greatest risk of extreme emotional reactions, includ-
ulation is indicated, there must first be a validated ing depression (Townend et al., 2007). Because com-
screening tool to establish early risk or diagnosis. Al- pleting a screening tool based on traditional language
though several different studies utilized different screen- would be a challenge, many studies have utilized adap-
ing tools, Ginkel et al. (2012) specifically looked at the tive methods. These have included using informants,
nine-item patient health questionnaire (PHQ-9) and the clinical observation, modifying questions, and modi-
two-item patient health questionnaire (PHQ-2). These fying timing of interviews or using visual analogue
two screening tools were compared with the Compos- scales (Townend et al., 2007). Of these adaptive tech-
ite International Diagnostic Interview, which has shown niques, the use of informants including family, nurses,
to have good diagnostic reliability in the diagnosis of and adjunct staff was the most common followed by
depression. Ultimately, the researchers report that the clinical observation. At this time, there is very little in-
PHQ-9 and PHQ-2 had acceptable diagnostic value; formation regarding the validity and reliability of these
however, the greatest flaw with this screening tool is techniques. Many studies failed to identify the actual
that it relies heavily on good verbal communication. procedure used to modify the existing screening tool
The authors recommend that all patients with stroke and failed to describe how informants or clinicians were
receive screening via the PHQ-2 followed by the PHQ-9, trained in the screening process.
if results are positive. The PHQ-2 specifically ad- Factors influencing undertreatment of depression
dresses mood and anhedonia. In a larger study con- in the general U.S. population include racial and eth-
ducted in 2009, investigators looked at three different nic disparities in the use of psychiatric resources,
scales including the Beck Depression Inventory (BDI), financial stress, lack of health insurance coverage,

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138 Journal of Neuroscience Nursing

and the presence of concurrent medical conditions (Murray et al., 2005). Interestingly, the outcome for
(Husseini et al., 2012). In their study of the frequency sertraline was numerically better but not statistically
of antidepressant use for PSD, Husseini et al. deter- different from the placebo (p G .1) at the 26th week
mined that only a minority of patients with depression of the trial (Murray et al., 2005). However, the quality-
taking antidepressants continued to have depressive of-life scores as measured by the Visual Analog Scale
symptoms (G2%). Interestingly, the study also revealed Technique was statistically better than the placebo
that there was no association between lack of antide- group (p G .05) and correlated with the Emotional
pressant use and age, gender, race, living situation, med- Distress Scale (Murray et al., 2005). Performance in
ication insurance status, and follow-up care (Husseini activities of daily living (ADLs) and improvements
et al., 2012). On the other hand, persistent depression in neurological deficit were measured but showed no
at 12 months was associated with younger age, poor statistical improvement in this study.
functional outcome, female gender, non-White race, Because sertraline was found to improve emotion-
and inability to work. Overall, the study found that over alism and feelings of hostility after stroke, fluoxetine,
two thirds of patients with transient ischemic attack another SSRI, was also found to have similar results
and stroke with PSD were not treated. in a study by Choi-Kwon et al. In this study, it was
After reviewing much of the available literature, found that, although fluoxetine did not significantly
the two most commonly studied pharmacological in- improve symptoms of PSD, fluoxetine did improve
terventions to treat PSD were either selective serotonin symptoms of post-stroke emotional incontinence and
reuptake inhibitors (SSRIs) or tricyclic antidepressants anger proneness in the treatment group. Two other
(TCAs). The SSRIs have been found to be the most measures including excessive inappropriate laughing
tolerated antidepressants in the general population, and excessive inappropriate crying were also assessed,
and they selectively block serotonin reuptake at the and the treatment group was found to have an im-
presynaptic nerve terminal; however, each SSRI may provement in inappropriate laughing (p = .089) at the
differ in their pharmacokinetics (Khawam, Laurencic, 3-month mark (Choi-Kwon et al., 2006). Because
& Malone, 2006). Before reporting their research find- improvement of these symptoms may correlate with
ings in 2005, Murray et al. found that only a few short- improved quality of life, this is an important finding.
term randomized control trials existed for the use of Furthermore, as these symptoms were significantly re-
antidepressants in patients with stroke. These small lieved by an SSRI, this suggests that these emotional
trials included short-term trials of nortriptyline, citalo- disturbances are related to serotonergic dysfunction,
pram, and fluoxetine that showed conflicting findings. whereas PSD may not necessarily be caused from the
In their 28-week study, Murray et al. assessed the ef- same dysfunction (Choi-Kwon et al., 2006). Again,
fects of sertraline, an SSRI, on patients 18 years old or although this study presents important findings regard-
older who developed depression within 12 months of ing treatment options of PSD, the intervention began
stroke. Although all patients initially had to present in an average of 14 months after the onset of stroke
to an acute care facility, depression was assessed and, therefore, cannot necessarily be analyzed for an
on an outpatient basis and was confirmed using the early intervention potential (Choi-Kwon et al., 2006).
MontgomeryYAsberg Depression Rating Scale. In Finally, as identified by Ried et al. (2011) in a study
fact, only 15% of the included patients in the trial were of both prestroke and PSD, whereas PSD was asso-
still in the hospital and begun treatment at a mean of ciated with earlier mortality, post-stroke SSRI treat-
17 days after stroke. Because the other 85% of par- ment was associated with longer survival. The most
ticipants had a mean interval of treatment intervention important takeaway from this study, however, was that
at 147 days, conclusions regarding ‘‘early’’ interven- SSRIs must be resumed after stroke if the patient had
tion cannot be made from this study (Murray et al., been managed for depression with this medication.
2005). The study was conducted in four different Because these previous studies were unable to prove
stroke centers throughout Sweden, and participants a strong correlation between SSRIs and treatment of
received either sertraline 50 mg or placebo once a day PSD specifically, another antidepressant option of
for 4 weeks and then were increased to two capsules consideration is noradrenaline reuptake inhibitors.
after the fourth week. To continue the trial, the par- In a study of the noradrenaline reuptake inhibitor,
ticipants then had to have a decrease of at least 20% reboxetine, authors specifically focused on a subset
from the baseline MontgomeryYAsberg Depression of patients with PSD classified as ‘‘retarded’’ de-
Rating Scale score. Whereas the antidepressant out- pressed (Rampello et al., 2005). Essentially a retarded
come did not differ between the sertraline and placebo depression is a state of clinical depression in which
group at the end of 26 weeks, quality-of-life scores the individual is lethargic rather than anxious and char-
were significantly higher in the sertraline group and acterized by restlessness. The authors report that a
a decrease in emotionalism and hostility was noted reduction in the BDI and Hamilton Depression Scale

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Volume 46 & Number 3 & June 2014 139

was observed in both the treatment and placebo interventions reviewed, there was evidence of bene-
groups; however, the reduction in the group treated ficial effect of antidepressants on reduction in mood
with reboxetine was the only statistically significant scores and no evidence that antidepressants improved
change (Rampello et al., 2005). Furthermore, a statis- cognitive function. Furthermore, these authors con-
tically significant variation was noted in the reboxetine cluded that, in the reviewed studies, there was no evi-
group with respect to improvement in the synoptic dence that pharmacotherapy improved ADLs or reduced
table and the ‘‘retarded’’ symptomatological cluster disability (Hackett, Anderson, House, & Xia, 2008).
(Rampello et al., 2005). Importantly, although these An important point noted in their review was that, in
findings may have future treatment implications, au- most pharmacotherapy trials, a therapeutic dose of the
thors note that, currently, there is no reliable biological antidepressant medication was not always given for
marker to differentiate between anxious and retarded an adequate period. Therefore, a common flaw was
depression, and this distinction is largely dependent on that maximal or sustained responses to antidepressant
the practitioner. In relation to timing of the interven- medication for PSD could not be assessed (Hackett,
tion, participants were again assessed on an outpatient Anderson, House, & Xia, 2008). In addition to a re-
basis and were required to have had a stroke within view of pharmacotherapy interventions, this same study
12 months. Therefore, generalization to an acute in- also reviewed available trials regarding psychotherapy
patient population and assessment of early interven- to treat PSD. Consistent with the findings from Watkins
tion to rehabilitation could not be determined. et al. (2007), no significant findings exist in the current
Because all pharmacological interventions carry dif- research to support the use of psychotherapy to treat
ferent risks of potential serious adverse reactions, it is PSD. The authors recommend that future psychother-
important to explore nonpharmacological interventions. apy trials should focus on adherence to a therapeutic
For treatment of depression independent of stroke, a model and therapist’s characteristics. Finally, Hackett,
combination of psychotherapy and antidepressants has Anderson, House, and Xia (2008) express concern
been found to be superior to either treatment option that, in their review of trials for the prevention of PSD,
independently (Gelenberg & Hopkins, 2007). In 2007, randomization of patients ranged from several days to
a group of authors explored whether motivational in- 7 months, and after 6 months, interventions could
terviewing could help build a patient’s motivation to hardly be considered preventive. These authors also
adjust and adapt to having had a stroke and its residual point out that patients in the acute phase and patients
deficits. Motivational interviewing is a specific talk- who survive long term will likely present with different
based therapy originally designed to help with addic- psychological challenges.
tions; however, it has recently been adapted to target Although several studies have looked at antide-
health problems related to poor motivation (Watkins pressants solely for the treatment of PSD, some re-
et al., 2007). The authors identified that patients with searchers suspect that antidepressants may also improve
depression may lack motivation to participate in reha- outcomes of stroke itself (Burns & Greenberg, 2010).
bilitation and therefore could potentially benefit from Potentially, three different mechanisms including pro-
this intervention. Interestingly, although they were tection against acute ischemic neuronal injury, increased
unable to prove a correlation between the effect of ischemia-induced neurogenesis, and enhanced brain
motivational interviewing on either function or expec- repair may influence stroke outcomes (Burns &
tations of recovery, they did prove that motivational Greenberg, 2010). Although the mechanisms remain
interviewing has a beneficial effect on patient’s mood undetermined, both TCAs and SSRIs have reduced
(p = .03) and a protective effect against depression ischemic injuries when given before forced cerebral
(p = .03; Watkins et al., 2007). This improvement ischemia in animal studies (Burns & Greenberg, 2010).
was made after four sessions of motivational inter- Other animal studies have indicated that treatment of
viewing, and authors suggest that other healthcare depression with both nonpharmacological and phar-
providers under supervision may integrate this type macological agents has contributed to neurogenesis in
of therapy into ‘‘normal’’ conversation (Watkins et al., the hippocampus of rodents (Burns & Greenberg, 2010).
2007). This study was conducted in an acute post- Finally, rodent studies with fluoxetine showed improve-
stroke population, and patients typically started the ments in vision after being exposed to monocular vi-
intervention between 2 and 4 weeks after stroke. Al- sual deprivation, potentially indicating a function of
though this study did not find this intervention to im- neurorepair (Burns & Greenberg, 2010). Supporting
prove function, this intervention does warrant further this hypothesis that antidepressants may influence
investigation as it could potentially be used as a pre- stroke recovery independent of depression, Mikami
vention method for the development of depression. et al. (2011) found that fluoxetine or nortriptyline
In a 2008 systemic review, Hackett, Anderson, significantly improved Modified Rankin Scale (MRS)
House, and Xia noted that, in the 12 antidepressant scores. The MRS measures functional disability after

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140 Journal of Neuroscience Nursing

stroke. These findings have important implications for potential deficits after stroke, many limitations exist
future research in the use of antidepressant medica- throughout the available research. As identified by
tion in the stroke population beyond the treatment of Hackett, Anderson, House, and Xia (2008) and Hackett,
depression. Anderson, House, and Halteh (2008) many studies
Side effects of antidepressants are vast and differ of the use of pharmacotherapy include short duration
greatly between the different classes available. In a of many interventions, variations in types of partic-
study conducted in 2007, researchers surveyed both ipants, differences in the methods used to diagnosis
patients and practitioners regarding the most impor- PSD, lack of measureable end points, poor design, and
tant factors regarding selection of an antidepressant poor interpretation of results. Many trials that were
(Gardner, MacKinnon, Langille, & Andreou, 2007). identified were also small and lacked the ability to be
As expected, the most important differentiating factor generalized to a wider population. Dropout rates and
was common medication side effects (Gardner et al., lack of true randomization of trials also weaken the
2007). The remaining top ranked factors included pre- available research. Whereas potential side effects of
cautions, physician experience, and problems with pharmacotherapy have been reviewed here, few studies
discontinuing the medication (Gardner et al., 2007). reported adverse events making it difficult to fully
Most interestingly, physicians ranked cost as the sec- assess the benefits and risks of pharmacotherapy op-
ond most important factor, whereas patients ranked tions. Hackett, Anderson, House, and Xia (2008) also
this factor at number 12. As mentioned, SSRIs have identified that, in psychotherapy trials, one of the
had the greatest levels of tolerability in the general pop- greatest challenges was adequate training of profes-
ulation and most often are associated with nausea and sionals in the delivery of the intervention and consistency
mild headache (Gelenberg & Hopkins, 2007). De- of this delivery. Furthermore, another challenge in com-
creased libido and difficulty achieving orgasm have paring various studies is that there is large variety in the
also been noted to be persistent problems. However, timing of the screening and intervention as described.
depression may also affect sexual desire and perfor- Finally, although a wide range of different screening
mance, and differentiation may be difficult (Khawam tools are utilized in the available research, differences
et al., 2006). Most importantly, however, SSRIs may in the definition and diagnosis of PSD are vast.
increase the risk of bleeding in the elderly population Because stroke and depression independently con-
and may cause hyponatremia (Gelenberg & Hopkins, tribute greatly to disability worldwide, it is fair to state
2007). This is because of SSRIs inhibiting platelet that depression after stroke compounds this burden to
function and disorders may range from bruising to the patient, community, and population. Although it is
gastrointestinal bleeding (Khawam et al., 2006). There- known that PSD is largely underdiagnosed and under-
fore, caution should be used with regard to hemorrhagic treated, few facilities have implemented screening pro-
strokes. Other potential side effects include anorexia grams, and the gold standard of treatment remains
early in treatment, gastrointestinal disturbances (nau- largely undetermined. The first step in improving iden-
sea, vomiting, and diarrhea), sedation or insomnia, and tification and diagnosis would be the agreement of a
serotonin syndrome (Khawam et al., 2006). The TCAs specific and universal definition of PSD, followed by
also have many potentially dangerous side effects in- the identification of the best screening tool. Because
cluding anticholinergic side effects, sedation, cardiac communication difficulties after stroke are common
effects, and weight gain. Furthermore, TCAs have many and contribute to the risk of PSD, focus must also be
significant potential drug interactions including phe- made to create a valid and specific tool for screening
nytoin, valproic acid, and carbamazepine (Khawam in this population. Because speech and swallow thera-
et al., 2006). Because most strokes occur in the elderly pists often interact with post-stroke patients to evalu-
population, special considerations should be made be- ate both swallowing and communication difficulties,
fore initiating antidepressant therapy. Because of phys- these professionals should be involved in the devel-
iological changes, medication doses may need to be opment of screening in aphasic patients. Until an ac-
adjusted, and extreme caution should be used with curate screening tool is identified, it would be difficult
polypharmacy (Khawam et al., 2006). If TCAs are to to promote the need for bedside evaluation among
be administered, low doses should be started first be- nursing and care providers. Once a best practice screen-
cause of increased potential for orthostatic hypoten- ing method is identified, focus may fully take place on
sion and fall incidence. Finally, all antidepressants treatment options. Because this literature review ini-
may increase the risk of suicidal thoughts, particularly tially sought to investigate the benefit of early inter-
in the adolescent population. vention on PSD in relation to rehabilitation, no studies
Several limitations have been identified in the diag- were found that specifically addressed this topic, and
nosis and treatment of PSD as mentioned above. In few studies focused on early intervention in the acute
addition to the obvious limitations associated with the care patient population. Instead, focus turned to the

Copyright © 2014 American Association of Neuroscience Nurses. Unauthorized reproduction of this article is prohibited.
Volume 46 & Number 3 & June 2014 141

best potential treatment options for PSD available in Graven, C., Brock, K., Hill, K., Ames, D., Cotton, S., & Joubert, L.
the current research. Although SSRIs seem to have the (2011). From rehabilitation to recovery: Protocol for a ran-
domized controlled trial evaluating a goal-based intervention
greatest potential in the treatment of PSD, further re- to reduce depression and facilitate participation post-stroke.
search needs to focus on the risk to benefit ratio of this BMC Neurology, 11(73). Retrieved from http://www.biomed
intervention. Although several studies have suggested
that antidepressants may improve mood, mixed evidence Hackett, M., & Anderson, C. (2005). Predictors of depression
exists to affirm that treatment with antidepressants im- after stroke: A systematic review of observational studies.
Stroke, 36, 2296Y2301. doi: 10.1161/01.STR.0000183622
proves participation in rehabilitation and improvement .75135.4
in ADLs. Further exploration of other antidepressants Hackett, M. L., Anderson, C. S., House, A., & Halteh, C. (2008).
remains largely open. Timing of therapy, duration of Interventions for preventing depression after stroke. Cochrane
therapy, and contraindications to therapy will all be Database of Systemic Reviews, 3, CD003689. doi:10.1002/
needed areas of further research. In the general popu- 13651858.CD003689.pub3
Hackett, M. L., Anderson, C. S., House, A., & Xia, J. (2008).
lation with depression, a combination of both psycho-
Interventions for treating depression after stroke. Cochrane
therapy and pharmacotherapy has been recommended Database for Systemic Reviews, 4, CD003437. doi:10.1002/
over one intervention independently. Although no stud- 14651858.CD003437.pub3
ies were identified at this time that assessed the com- Herrmann, N., Seitz, D., Fischer, H., Saposnik, G., Calzavara, A.,
bination of these therapies, it is likely that a combination Anderson, G., & Rochon, P. (2011). Detection and treatment
of post stroke depression: Results from the registry of the
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